Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    JP3's main dino was originally going to be the Baryonyx, not the Spino. (From: BillybrennanIII)
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    The Begining of The End For InGen
    By Rahata

    ()() Pre. JP, REDONE ()()

    Bioengineering. A fresh field of technology just beginning to influence the world. You eat bioengineered food everyday. Tomatoes, engineered to be juicier, oranges made to taste sweeter. This is all part of bioengineering. Bioengineering also works with cloning, although many countries have anti-cloning laws, other laws hassle bioengineering companies so much that they began to break laws and have their company ruined. InGen knew this, and that is why they bought the islands.
    Las cinco meurtes. Spanish for “the five deaths“. Costa Ricans never settled on this island chain due to ancient myths. InGen took advantage of this and bought two of the islands from the government. On the islands they studied and experimented as they wished, without hassle from the government.
    The CEO of the company pushed scientists to their limits. Eventually they found ways to do many things. They even came close to a cure for cancer, but nothing that could make major money for the company, and that was all that mattered.

    “I propose that viable DNA could be extracted from mosquitoes fossilized in amber. And with that DNA living, breathing dinosaurs could be cloned.” With these words Henry Wu helped InGen make one of its worst mistakes.

    Years passed. InGen built labs on the first island, Isla Sorna. And a would-be park on the second island, Isla Nublar. Working, and experimenting. InGen finally got the DNA, and they put it to use.

    Years Passed.

    John Hammond, a man in his seventies that somehow was always young at heart stared up at his creation. The hoof like foot the size of a small building. The long neck peering over him. The greenish brown pebble-like skin blocking out some sun.
    “A brachiosaur?” he yelled to a young man next to him
    “Apatasaur.” the young man replied. John nodded and stepped back into the jeep which drove out of the herbivore paddock and down the road to John’s quarters.

    Daniel Backs stood and watched construction of the outdoor cages commence. Daniel was a man in his thirtys, dirty blonde hair over a face with too many freckles.
    “Make it ten-thousand volts” he said to a worker adjusting the fences.”
    The man nodded and continued working. Daniel was the manager of the first island, Isla Sorna. The workers of his island were setting up a cages where they could keep young animals to study. He stepped away from the rex-cage-to-be and walked into a small, incomplete building. Only several more weeks he thought as he looked down at several large white eggs in a protected tank, climate controlled in the rough environment of the island.

    Ed Regis, a black man in his early fourtys sat at a computer desk. He was on Isla Nublar, the park. He stared at his screen in awe. A tape was rolling of a velociraptor ripping through the fence. The electrified fence! He calmed slightly as he saw John Muldoon and other workers surround it and fire, with tranquilizer darts. He spiraled his chair to veiw the large computer room.
    “Another Escape, John.” Regis said to John Hammond who was standing at the entrance, balanced by his cain. Hammond nodded and watched the raptor hauled back into the cage,
    “Tell them to put it to twenty thousand this time” Hammond added as he saw the computer screen. A video message popped up on Regis Screen. Regis recognized the man as Daniel backs, the head of Isla Sorna.

    “Were complete!” Daniel said loudly. Regis nodded.
    “The Raptors?” Regis on the asked.
    “Nothing special.” Daniel replied
    “I wish our island was doing so well. We had an escape today. John wants all raptor fences to twenty thousand volts.” Regis said
    “Done.” Daniel said as he clicked off the screen. Daniel turned to a tan worker with black hair. “Increase raptor fences to twenty thousand volts.” The man nodded and set off.
    Diego walked up to the raptor fences. They snarled and clicked at him, but they knew better than to attack the fence. He stuck a bronze colored key into the keyhole and turned. A black box nearby popped open revealing some switches. He turned one to the right, causing an electronic hum. Diego watched the raptors for a moment. Three, he counted. One was dark brown, the largest but amazingly plain. The next one, which snarled as he looked at it, was smaller, about six feet in length. It was a pale yellow color with brown stripes. The third one, his favorite, It was pail green and had dark green tiger stripes . A crest made of iridescent feathers went from the back of his head down its neck. He stepped away and walked down the row of outdoor cages, used for observation. He looked up and on the side of each cage was bright red text, a name. He read out loud as he walked. “Tyrannosaur. Triceratops. Gallamimus. Dilophosau...” he walked quickly as he read the name. On occasion dilophosaurs spit a black goo at workers which seemed to be superb at ruining clothes.

    John Hammond hung up the phone angrily. He turned to Ed Regis who was beside him.
    “Damn Gennaro wants to inspect the park. MORE DELAYS!” Hammond half yelled.
    “Its has to get done John.” Regis replied. Hammond stared at him as if to say something , but didn't. The door slammed opened a man in his early thirties with a cowboy hat walked in. “Damned Raptors.” He said to no one in particular. “They should all be destroyed.” He said loudly so that Hammond couldn't ignore it.
    “Yes Muldoon, we have all heard your views on raptors before” Hammond turned away red anger flushing through his face.
    “Have a driver take me to the aviary” Hammond said to muldoon.

    Daniel Backs watched the screen carefully. It was divided into windows which showed each fenced area. He watched the velociraptors, they were clicking and chirping to eachother, as if talking. He became bored with them and turned his attention to packycephalasuars which were head-butting.
    “Break that up!” Daniel said half joking to a nearby worker. Daniel continued watching.

    Hammond stood in the bird cage like aviary. He walked across the cage and stared up, at the creatures which were brought into this new time. He walked quickly away from the pteradon area, since they were agressive. He walked into the tapejara area. He watched the black and white birds fly majesticley, hammond noted the large red crest over their heads. He stood in awe or himself and his creations for a moment before walking back to the jeep.
    Yet another day without problems Daniel thought to himself. Regis had reported that Alan grant would inspect Isla Nublar along with Gennaro. That exited Daniel, after all this work finnaly visitors!

    Ed Regis stared out the computer screen. He lit a cigarette as he lowly said “God damnit.” He watched a green whirl head towards Isla Sorna. “Tell them to evacuate” he said to Henry Wu who was nearby. “That storm is going to wipe out years of work!”.

    “What!?..... No, ......But we can’t! .....Abandon all the work!” Daniel Backs hung up the phone; he was sweating wildly, having just heard the news. Why did their have to be a hurricane, now! “Class 7 Hurricane approaching the island, we have several hours to evacuate.” he said over the loudspeaker, his voice echoing to the workers. In truth he had no idea what class the hurricane was, but he thought seven was fitting. Several workers walked in to argue but he stuck up his pointer finger to signal them to stop, they turned and walked away. One remained, it was Diego. “Lets make one more load, for the park” Diego said, almost pleeding.
    “Well, only cash dinos.” Daniel said. Diego nodded and stepped out.

    Diego, along with two Other workers hauled a large barred cage to the dock. Grunts and screeches could be heard from inside. Diego wiped sweat from his forehead. “Now for the carnivores” he said to the others.

    “Damn! Everything has to Happen just before we’re inspected!” Hammond turned to face the screen. He watched the green spiral grown ever closer to HIS Island.

    Diego rolled the heavy cage up near the raptor fence, this one was all metal, no bars. He slid it up aggainst the raptor gate, sending sparks flying. He pulled himself atop the cage and lifted the gate, letting the raptors enter the transport cage. The first raptor ran into the cage. Diego let out a sigh. Suddenly a powerfull force hit the cage from the inside, rolling it back. The other two workers tryed holding it but fell back. The raptors ran out and quickly went for the two workers. Diego quickly dived into the cage and shut the door, screaming.
    Daniel heard screams and felt compelled to lock the door, but didnt. He heard a snort nearby and figured Diego was transporting raptors. He walked to the speaker. “All workers to boat, NOW!” he shut it off and walked for the door. He heard another snort and saw something dark block the glass area of the door, whatever blocked it was dark brown with pebley skin. It moved, and an eye appeared and stared at Daniel.

    Kerry stood aboard the moving boat. It was near shore now but far enough. She was a young woman near twenty years of age. She watched the coast grow farther away.

    Daniel locked the door. He hears footsteps up the ramp. Two different birdlike sounds were made and then the sound of feet running was heard. He listened, head aggainst the ciruler glass of the door. The creature imitated him and did the same, it hissed viciousley. He could help but feel superior when he walked to the back door of the room. He stood for a moment, everyone said the raptors were smart, but were they smart enough to block bolth exits? He peered the door open slowly, there was nothing. He stepped out slowly and surveyed the area. He heard a clicking from up on the roof. Suddenly an unknown force brought him to the ground. He hit his head hard and could barely see, he felt a searing pain at his chest. He lifted his head with all remaining strength to see a green raptor. He heard another clicking as the other raptor walked over. His final thought was of the third raptor, where was it? And then it all went numb for a while, as Daniel watched the raptors eat him. After a while it just went black.

    Diego saw that the raptors were gone , he ran as fast as he could toward shore, hoping he could make it to the boat. He ran down the trail as if his life depended on it, which it did. He heard footsteps begin to follow him, he dared not look back. The shore was near now, he would reach the boat soon.

    Kerry watched a man run out to shore. He continued running right into the water and began to swim to the boat. She soon saw why. A yellowish striped raptor pursued him. It jumped from the sandy shore onto his slightly emerged body and started ripping at him viciousley. Kerry gasped in horror. Several workers began to watch beside her. A moment later the man was gone, all that was left was a bloody pile of meat. She saw two other raptors emerge from the forest and stand beside the first. They looked up at the boat and hissed. The raptors began to swim out to the boat.

    “John, the boats not responding" Ed Regis said.
    "Put up the camera screen." Hammond replied. Regis hit several buttons and an image popped up, live from the boat. At first it was black, only offering sound. Some screams and bird like screeches, and then silence. The camera finnaly transmitted. On the computer was an image of the boat, or what was the boat. Wood was broken off and floating nearby, most cages had been knocked into the water. Blood was everywhere, as the camera moved Hammond and regis noticed the bodies, all of the human bodies. The camera continued swiveling. It stopped on a raptor, eating the flesh of a female worker. It looked up at the camera and hissed. Another raptor walked up, blocking the camera, before smashing it to the floor.

    11/5/2002 6:27:36 PM

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