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    In one of his first starring roles, Jeff Goldblum played Ichabod Crane in a 1980 TV version of 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. (From: 'Seth Rex')
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    The Next Step in Human Evolution
    By PunkNerd

    "Your pregnant"

    "I'm not pregnant... check again."

    Mary Silver spoke with a laugh, her head shaking, shoulder length blonde hair waving softly, her clear blue eyes looked to Dana, her partner, her love, her best friend.

    "I assure you, your pregnant."

    The doctor nodded with assurance as he leaned back, the small of his back on the high bed, looking to the two women, they sat across the small room, sittting in plain black chairs. Dana finally spoke, her hand tugging from Mary's her head tilting as she looked at Mary.

    "You have some explaining to do"


    It was all Mary could think of to say at the moment, God the doctor had to be wrong! She couldn't be pregnant! She was gay for god's sake! She had never even been with a man!

    .............9 months later.............

    "Get this fucking kid out of me! NOW!!

    Mary yelled, her head thrashing about, mouth wide open, her hand clutched Dana's tightly, A cameraman was at the foot of the bed, filming over the doctors shoulder, this child was the most important scientific find of the century, and her birth had to be documented. A few months after Mary discovered she was pregnant, her and Dana were subject to various tests and research. The answer to Mary's pregnant was a rather shocking one. It seemed that Dana had developed a rather strange talent... her tounge produced semen. The world had gone crazy, scholars and scientist everywhere wrote papers, studied and prodded Dana, and their baby girl was the most awaited birth on the planet. And she was coming, and as Mary reminded everyone in her room so elequently...

    "This kid is fucking coming out now!"

    ..............7 years later.............
    "Rose! Rose! stand nxt to the crib!"

    Rose sighed and rolled her eyes, she was only seven and already had a huge attitude, she developed one from the years of media attention, her whole life was in the eyes of the world, and now she had to stand next to this freaking baby, in thie freaking hospital, and she was sick of it. She didn't know this kid, nor did she want to, she just had to be here, to welcome the second kid born from lesbians, like it was some big deal... little did she know that it was, the deal was so big that it changed the world forever.

    .............210 years later............

    'With the pull of this plug, we usher in a new era! an era of a new species.. we, women claim our throwns atop the world, as the dominant species."

    Jennifer Donovan let her fingers wrap around a small grey cord, a cord that let the last man on earth live, hisses and buzzing accompyning his forced breathing, but now his time was up, nature had run it's corse and selected woman to live, and man to die out, with a slight tug of her wrist, man was extinct.

    8/19/2002 12:49:52 AM

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