By Michael Crichton
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    Despite all the other effects Michael Lantieri had to perform for JP, he considers the "rippling water glass" effect the hardest to figure out. Apparently he asked every sound person he knew before stumbling on the solution. (From: Staindallover2K2)
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    By PunkNerd

    Bobby Ferdon sighed and lifted his head from the faux wood desk. His eyes scanned the clock, only a few more minutes to go. His foot began to twitch uncontrollably, black vans tapping a quick and uneven beat as he let his plan run through his mind. Well, it’s not like he had a huge and complicated plot, it consisted of only one step really… to raise hell. God! Why did school minutes seem to take so much longer than other minutes. Bobby sighed and ran a hand through uncombed blonde hair, fingers twitching at some rough, spiny hair growing on his square chin. The bell finally rang and he darted up, feet pounding along the hallway as he spilled out into the sun, eyes squinting in the harsh natural light, he preferred darkness, but oh well, he just let his dislike for the day build up inside him, he had begun to bottle all his anger these days, unleashing it upon undeserving citizens as evening grew, turning into night, he didn’t stop with the mayhem until it was time for school again, there, the cycle just started over.

    He threw open his front door, slamming it shut as he darted past his mom, nodding his head as he slipped into his room, shutting his door and locking it. And then he was out, quietly, not wanting to get caught at this stage of the game, he stepped back outside, everything seemed a bit more gritty, hundreds walked the streets, some with the same ideas he had. He adjusted his leather coat, a hand slipping into the pocket of green cargo pants, in his other hand a small handgun.. Wait no… he had no need to rush, he would start with a bat… the bat was now clenched in his fist.

    Bobby sighed softly as he made his way slowly down the city streets, he moved past a cyber café, head tilting as he studied his own reflection in the large glass rectangles that stood in for walls. Yeah this seemed like a good place to start something. He glanced around for a door, not spending much time or effort, he didn’t really see one, that odd nugget of info was tucked away into his head as the bat was gone and a handgun was raised, barrel inches from the glass. Two shots were fired, glass splintering and falling away as bobby stepped calmly inside, little shards falling all around him. Bobby laughed softly as he heard the screams, he glanced around, seeing no one was on the bottom level, he made his ay upstairs, the second floor just ran along three of the walls, computers placed on their edges. He served the scene, seeing four people… two women, a Mexican man who appeared to be in a local gang and an old man. The gun was raised once again, finger twitching, bullet sent into the old mans chest, the old man screamed and stumbled back, another bullet finding his face, he tumbled backwards, flinging himself over the blue railing, he was dead by the time he hit the wood floor. A pool of blood formed beneath him.

    The Mexican was leaning over the railing, staring down at the old man, he knew this guy was crazy, he reached into his jacket and produced his own gun, he turned quickly and raised the gun, sending off a shot. Bobby stared in horror, he had found a pill of some sort on the ground and had foolishly taken it, his world seemed to go slow… he watched as the silver bullet spun through the air, perfect symmetry. He stumbled back as slowly as the bullet came towards him, it caught the edge of his jacket and moved slowly behind him, bobby moving his head as the bullet moved out of the café, more glass thrown down into the street below. Bobby raised his gun as the drug wore off, he fired quickly, three times, the Mexican slumping to an eternal slumber.
    Bobby sighed as he heard the sirens, he jumped from the second floor, red and blue lights flashing, speeding towards him, he looked around, stumbling out of the way of cars, he saw a red sports car, he jumped in front of it, raising his hand a bit. The man behind the wheel frowned softly, fingers beckoning the horn.. He quickly stopped honking as Bobby ran around the side of the car and flung open his door, bobby’s eyes were wide with adrenalin, his hands reaching through the now open door and tugging the poor guy out of his car. Bobby flung the guy to the ground as a police car skidded to s stop in front of the Red sports car, bobby lowered himself into the car and threw it into reverse, tires squealing as the surprised cop scrambled back into his squad car. By the time the pig had threw the cruiser into gear, Bobby had spun around and was heading around the nearest corner. Bobby smiled as he checked the road behind him, the cop was finally squealing around the corner, red and blue lighting the air of the evening sky. It was now bobby realized the cars radio had some shitty talk station on. Hell that guy deserved to have his car stolen. How could he cruise around in a beautiful car like this while he listened to some rock station wash up bitching about the same shit, day after day.

    “hey. This is La-” Click. The radio was simply turned off… Bobby had more important matters at hand. He checked behind him again, eyes were intent on the cop following him, he didn’t see the turn coming up, he ran up on the sidewalk, plowing through men and women alike, his car dipped suddenly down, heading towards a steep drop off, a drop off that ended in a splash. Bobby couldn’t swim. He yanked the wheel hard to the right, car sliding sideways before getting traction, grass and mud being thrown into the air, cop sliding next to him, bumping his car a bit, the bright red door denting inwards, had anyone been sitting in the passenger seat they would have gotten a nasty bruise on their side, perhaps broken ribs. Bobby’s car continued forward, but sliding sideways at the cops bump, back tired moving dangerously close to the edge of the water hole. The car finally stopped moving sideway and slammed forward, jumping over the sidewalk, people rushing out of the way, One woman screaming, paralyzed in fear, his bumper struck her knees, her head slammed down onto his hood, leaving a new dent, not to mention splattered blood. He turned sharply and she slid up, over his windshield, falling off the side of his roof, Bobby smiled. Until he saw the new cop power slide around a corner in front of him. Bobby took in a deep breath as he neared the cop. He apparently had a death wish, his cruiser just speeding forward, his right corner striking Bobby head on, Bobby’s stolen car tilted up in the back, back tires spinning uselessly in the air, The second cop tried to stop, but to no avail, his hood crumpled on the rear axel, Bobby let out a small yelp as his car tipped onto it’s hood, he prayed it came back down onto its wheels, but the car had to act like a little bitch and flip onto it’s hood. Bobby cursed under his breath as he began to struggle out of the side window, he heard a small crack and a loud sizzle, throwing a glance over his shoulder as he stood, he saw the flame. The upturned cherry sports car had orange red flames lapping up the atmosphere, jumping with reckless abandon. Bobby quickly turned his attention from the car to the street before him, littered with pedestrians and cars, The cruiser which had hit him head on was on it’s side The cop just now climbing out the passenger window, withdrawing his issued handgun. Bobby pulled out his own gun and fired, knowing the cop backwards, tumbling off his smashed car soapbox. The second cop had jumped out of the car as soon as he had hit, he ran towards bobby, gun raised, Bobby closed his eyes as the cop neared him, in his head, Bobby could almost see the pig’s finger muscles tense around the trigger.

    BOOM! The stolen car exploded, sending metal and rubber into the air, thick smoke blowing over the cop, just before the flames followed suit. Bobby was blown back, skidding along the ground, into a crowd of people. Bobby stood, shaking his head, The street was suddenly in a frenzy, everyone was screaming, bodies strewn about the pavement, more sirens bearing down onto Bobby.

    “Turn that shit off!”
    Bobby sighed and lifted his gaze from the T.V. screen and over to his doorway, where his mother stood.
    “but mom, It’s just getting really good!”
    “I told you I don’t want you playing that kind of stuff… it can warp kid’s minds.”
    “No it can’t I’ve been playing stuff like this for years.”
    “yeah well that was before I got a subscription to Time.”
    “mom don’t be so lame, It can’t influence me in anyway.”
    “Off Bobby. And come on were going out to dinner.”
    Bobby yelled a bit as his mom rolled her eyes and stepped out into the hallway. The controller was thrown to the floor and bobby stood, planting his fist into the wall, his other hand lowering, fingers searching for the switch. Blah. Kids couldn’t be influenced by games, it was bull shit! Bobby scanned his room, eyes falling on an aluminum baseball bat. He smiled for the first time that day.

    “Bobby! come on!”
    Bobby’s mother sighed and turned around to greet him, she heard his feet pounding along the hallway rug. Bobby shot around the corner like a bat out of hell, Baseball bat lifted into the air. Bobby’s mother screamed. It was all she could do.

    Author’s Note.
    I for one think the theory that video games, or any type of media can influence a kid to kill is retarded. It is bull shit pure and simple. Kids would have to be already disturbed. As is the case in my story. I do not believe the media should be blamed for poor parenting, abuse, or anything else that would cause a kid to kill.And comments are appreciated

    8/6/2002 3:12:09 AM
    (Updated: 8/6/2002 2:32:40 PM)

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