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    TLW star Julianne Moore's real name is Julie Anne Smith -- she only changed it when every combination of her name was taken when she tried to register with the Screen Actor's Guild.
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    By PunkNerd

    "Excuse me, miss?"

    Dianne Powers glanced around a bit, soft blue eyes taking in the sights around her,she stood in a near empty parking lot, key placed into the lock. She raised a brow when she saw who had called for her, she was embarassed because she had been startled, it was nothing to worry about, just an elderly blind man, stepping slowly forward, a hand blinldy extended in front of him, he stopped when his fingers brushed her shoulder.


    The blind man let out a soft smile, a shaking hand reaching into his coat pocket, pulling out a small white envelope, holding it out to her as he spoke.

    "Could you please drop this by 1123? the bus has stopped running, It is terribly important." The man sighed slightly, his eyes directed in her general direction as he added, "If It's on your way that is..."

    Dianne smiled, nodding, then realizing he couldn't see either of her non verbal clues. "Yes It is on my way..." Dianne trailed off, she felt bad for the poor guy. She pushed a strand of auburn from her narrow face before reaching for the envelope.

    "Thank you so much miss..."The man smiled when he felt the envelope softly pulled from his grip, nodding his thanks as he slolwy turned away.

    Dianne shrugged softly as she lowered herself into her car, the engine starting, lights soon following suit. Her mind began to race as she drove, she only had to go about five minutes out of her way, but it gave her enough time to think. How had he known she was a woman? Did she really catch him checking her legs out? Her hand tugged at the bottom of her short black skirt as she shook her head softly, no he was blind... totally blind...

    1123 was a big piece of shit. Dianne shook her head, glancing down to her hands, each one grasped a corner of the envlope, she wondered what was in it, turning it over while she sighed... no it was none of her buisness.

    Moments later she was on the front porch to the large brick building, hand knocking softly, foot steps nearing the door, pulling it open slightly, asking what she wanted.

    "I have this for you.." She held the envelope out.

    "Oh yeah, of course.. come on in, please.." A young man with a shaved head stepped back, door opening a bit more, he wore baggy jeans and a Black Sabbath tee, his hand were a light red color, it looked as if he had spilled paint on himself and tried to scrub it off. Diane smiled softly and stepped slowly in, sighing when the door was shut behind her, the man took the nevelope and opened it, reading it as he glanced up to her, he nodded to her, wait no, to someone over her shoulder, Dianne turned in time to see the axe bearing down on her face.


    Robert Tanton stood in the large brick building, eyes scannign the floor around him. he was in one of the bedrooms, mutilated corpses surround him. A group had been killing people and harvesting their organs and skin, selling what they could on the black market. Tanton stepped over to an old fashioned roll top desk, the drawer was open, numerous slips of paper filled it to it's brim. Tanton grabbed the nearest pice, the one right on top, it was the same one poor Dianne Powers had delivered. he didn't know that of course, and he didn't quite understand it. It read: This is the last one im sending you for a while... going on vacation!

    7/1/2002 12:47:43 AM

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