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    Island Of Chaos: Jurassic Park
    By Primal Prey

    Island of Chaos
    Jurassic Park

    Screenplay by
    Michael Banno

    Directed by
    Paul O’Brien

    CGI By

    Second Draft
    Monday, March 04, 2002

    1 INT: Hammond estate- day

    Here we see the living room. We also hear the ringing of a phone. Suddenly we see a 16-year-old teenage boy walk toward the phone. It is TIM MURPHY. Tim slowly picks up the phone.

    Tim: Hello?

    Voice: (voice over) Is this the Hammond residence?

    Tim: Yes. This is Tim.

    Voice: (voice over) I regret to inform you that your grandfather, John Parker Hammond has passed away.

    Tim: when?

    Voice: (voice over) Just last night.

    Tim has a saddened face and you could almost see tears form from his eyes. He puts down the phone and walks away.

    2 Ext: graveyard-day

    Tim, Clay, and Lawyer STEVE JAMESON are standing at the front of the grave that says John Parker Hammond. Clay has a hand on Tim’s shoulder.

    Clay: he was a good man.

    Tim nods his head.

    Steve: Tim we have some things I need to talk to you about.
    Tim: (to Steve) about what?

    Steve: We have to talk about your grandfather’s will.

    Tim turns toward Steve now. You can see surprise in Tim’s eyes.

    Tim: grandpa’s will?

    Steve: (nodding his head) your grandfather had strict orders that upon his death we go straight to you and your sister. But since she’s off with her mother we could only get to you at the time.

    Tim: does she know?

    Steve: she will. We have someone trying to locate her.

    Tim: where is the will?

    Steve: (sounding a little worried) that’s just it. It’s on Isla Nublar.

    Tim’s eyes go wide.

    Tim: What?

    Steve: your grandfather made the will before the incident. He didn’t know this would happen.

    Tim looks at him sternly.

    Tim: I don’t want to go there. Do you forget I was there when the first disaster occurred?

    Steve: I know what you went through. But that’s not the point. There are no dinosaurs there anymore. They were destroyed.

    Tim sighs a bit.

    Steve: (continued) Your grandfather gave you control of InGen. But he also put the codes to InGen’s accounts into that will. Nobody else knows them. Now that InGen’s going under we need those codes. If we don’t get them from that will, you’ll be responsible. Everyone knows this.

    Tim thinks for a minute.

    Tim: then I have no choice do I?

    Steve: I’m afraid not. It’s not really my choice either but we have to do it. Someone has to.

    3 Ext: Byosin Offices- mid-day

    A man stands out waiting. He’s Seth Donivine. He’s a Byosin worker. Another man walks up to him.

    Seth Donivine: I could swear I told you not to contact me. I need my privacy to work

    Man: I thought you’d like this juicy info.

    The man is his boss, Mark Johnson.

    Seth: go on.

    Mark: they’re going to the island in one day. It seems our old nemesis John Hammond has finally passed away. Tim, he grandchild has control of InGen now. But in order to gain control of his money, he has to regain the will, which is on the island. Or so my sources say.

    Seth: (sounding interested) who are your sources?

    Mark: Me. So I volunteered you to go and protect the young sir while on his journey.

    They begin to walk down a hallway

    Seth: I was hoping something like this would occur. I just didn’t exactly plan on going to that island to get our way.

    Mark: what must be done must be done. There’s no way around it.

    They both stop and Seth glances toward him.

    Seth: (sternly) I hope your right. Where do we meet?

    Mark: an open field. I suggested they lift off from there so the mission can be secret.

    Seth: and we go to Isla Nublar?

    Mark nods his head.

    4 Ext: open field- day

    We see a close up of Tim’s face as he swipes at the air in front of his nose. He’s looking at the chopper. He remembers the last chopper flight he had. It was ironically headed toward the same island he’s headed toward now. We now see the camera pan to show 2 people. 1 is Clay, and the other is the pilot.

    Clay: I just want you to know that this better be safe.

    Pilot: yes it is. I guarantee it.

    We then see the camera pan toward Tim again.

    Tim: (sighs) here we go.

    Int: Byosin building- day

    Mark waits in his chair. Suddenly the phone rings and he picks it up

    Voice: (voice over) sir they’ve lifted off.

    Mark: good.

    Ext: ocean- day

    We see the chopper flying over the ocean. It’s a nice chopper. A few of the people are talking.

    Int: chopper- day

    Tim is sitting toward the middle of the chopper. He doesn’t want to look outside. He doesn’t feel good about this journey. Clay wants to cheer him up.

    Clay: look at it this way. There are no dinosaurs to eat us.

    Tim looks toward him. It’s not helping.

    Clay: (continued) I know you didn’t want to go but if we don’t get the will, its big stuff you’d be getting into.

    Tim: yeah I know.

    The chopper flies over and we see the island. Isla Nublar shows its beauty once more to Tim. The chopper will finally land at the heliport.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- jungle- evening

    Tim, Clay, Steve, and Seth walk into the jungle. They are walking down the path that used to be a road.

    Seth: how much farther?

    Tim: you’re asking me?

    Seth: you’ve been here.
    Tim: that was 10 years ago!

    Seth: well sorry.

    After miles of walking they finally reach the visitor’s center.

    Int: visitor’s center- day

    Tim walks around what used to be the main hall. Everything is almost as he remembers it.

    Tim: incredible it’s still here.

    Steve: that’s wonderful. Now can we find the will?

    Tim: oh right. If grandpa left it here it’d be in his office. That should be down one of these hallways.

    Seth: (walking away) I’m going to have a look around. Call me if you need me.

    Int: visitor’s center- hallway- day

    Tim, Steve, and Clay walk through the hallway. Tim doesn’t really remember this place much but he has a sense of where it may be. Finally they reach a door. Tim recognizes it as his grandfather’s.

    Int: visitor’s center- Hammond’s office- day

    Tim walks toward his grandfather’s desk.
    He looks at the desk. It’s old but looks like the drawers still budge. Tim opens it and finds the will.

    Tim: (excitedly) here it is.

    Steve: wonderful. Now that we have it, we can go.

    Tim: (with relief) wonderful. The last thing I need is a dinosaur attack.

    Meanwhile Seth has gone back to the chopper. The pilot’s still there, and waiting for them…or him.

    Ext: forest near heliport- day

    The pilot walks up to him with a paper.

    Pilot: this will show you where the eggs are.

    Seth: are you sure this will work?

    Pilot: the boss says it should so I’m not worried. Call me back when you’re ready.

    Seth: yeah sure. Just be ready. I don’t want to waste any time here after I’m done.

    Pilot: neither do I.

    The pilot leaves and we hear the chopper leaving. Seth turns and walks back into the forest.

    Int: Hammond’s place- day

    Tim looks around the office. He finds a spoon on Hammond’s desk.

    Steve: can we go?

    Tim: oh, yeah.

    Tim, Steve, and Clay walk out of the office. Seth runs up to them.

    Tim: why were you running?

    Seth: (out of breath and breathing hard) oh I was just exercising. It’s a goal I have this year to exercise.

    Tim: we have the will. We can go now.

    Seth: aw and I was just enjoying the view.

    They begin to walk into the woods.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- Woods- Day

    The 4 are walking through the woods. Tim takes out a candy bar and begins to eat it. They finally reach the area of the heliport to see that the chopper is gone.

    Tim: where’s the chopper?

    Seth: it must have flown away for some reason.

    Clay looks around for a bit.

    Clay: something’s not right.

    Seth glances toward him.

    Seth: what makes you say that?

    Clay: I don’t know. But we better get moving.

    They begin to head back when Tim stops them. Tim is looking toward a bunch of eggs. Clay, Steve, and Seth walk up to him.

    Seth points a gun at Clay.

    Seth: Throw your gun away clay.

    Clay throws his gun to the ground. That’s when Tim notices the broken eggs.

    Tim: oh no.

    Seth: what?

    Tim: I think…we’re not alone.

    Seth: sure…ah!

    Just then a raptor bursts from the trees, knocking Seth down. He begins to claw Seth. Clay grabs his gun and looks toward Tim.

    Clay: go!

    They begin to run away. More raptors follow them. Clay then shoots backwards toward them.

    Tim: keep going! Raptors are very fast!

    Finally they reach a turn to see that more raptors are in the way. The raptors chasing them finally keep up but there’s a sound. T-Rex appears from the trees and grabs one raptor. It eats the raptor as the others screech at the Rex. Tim, Steve, and Clay back up into a clearing and hide. They crawl out into a clearing. They both get up. Clay takes some deep breaths. Tim punches Steve. Steve falls to the ground.

    Tim: (angrily) you knew about the dinosaurs didn’t you?

    Steve: (getting up) no! I swear I didn’t.

    Clay: then who told you there weren’t any dinosaurs here?

    Steve: mark told me.

    Tim: whose mark?

    Steve: the guy who sent Seth.

    Tim thinks for a second.

    Tim: then you guys wanted the will?

    Steve: exactly. We had to persuade you to go to the island in order to get passed the government with a viable reason. Mark said there wouldn’t be any dinosaurs. Nobody was supposed to get hurt.

    Tim: Whom do you work for?

    Steve: we work for a corporation named Byosin. Byosin has always been a rival to InGen. We wanted the dino research.

    Clay: yeah well there’s no use bitching now. We have to get off this island alive.

    Tim: I doubt it will be easy with the raptors around.

    Steve: (looking at his watch) if you still trust me, we may want to move into a safer area. It’s getting dark soon.

    Clay: good idea.

    Suddenly they see a bunch of Gallamimus running by. They run into a forest area.

    Clay: I wonder where they’re going.

    They walk into the forest. Clay is in front of them. They notice that they can hear water nearby.

    Steve: we must be nearing a lake.

    Clay: or maybe a stream.

    Tim: probably a creek.

    They walk out into the area to show a creek.

    Clay: Tim wins the bet.

    They walk through the stream. It’s an interesting area. The water is clear.

    Tim: bet you I can skip a stone.

    Clay: yeah sure.

    Tim throws a stone. Then clay throws his stone. They keep throwing stones.

    Tim: ha mine went farther!

    Clay: no mine went farther.

    Tim: no, mine did!

    Suddenly Steve hears something.

    Steve: um guys?

    Tim: not now. (To clay) mine went farther.

    Steve: I think you better move aside.

    Tim: why?

    Steve: um sorry.

    Steve pushes Tim and Clay to the side.

    Tim: what are you doing?

    That’s when they all notice the stegosaurus walking by them. There is only one stegosaurus but it’s definitely good to let the dinosaur move aside.

    They begin to walk down the creek. They begin to walk into the woods. They know that it’s getting dark soon.

    Tim remembers the first time he saw a Gallamimus alive…

    They walk through the woods.

    Clay: so tell me about your experiences here.

    Tim: well it was cool at first. We had electronic cars that would take us through the park.

    They walk through the woods.

    Tim: (continued) we had electric fences to keep the dinosaurs in.

    They walk past a nest. Tim stops and glances toward it. These don’t look like raptor eggs.

    Tim: how many dinosaurs are there?

    Almost as if in answer, a grunt is heard. They look to see an ankilosaurus. It’s very angry.

    Steve: I think this is his nest.

    They slowly back away but ankilosaurus swings its tail, almost hitting Steve in the chest. He jumps back and looks over to the others. Tim runs up to him.

    Tim: it’s the dad!

    The ankilosaurus swings again but clay dodges just in time.

    Clay: Tim lets go!

    They run away as the ankilosaurus gets ready to strike again.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- almost night.

    Tim, Clay and Steve walk through the woods in a path. Clay looks around the path.

    Clay: is this a game trail?

    Tim looks around.

    Tim: I think your right.

    Clay: we better get moving before any of the carnivores come around.

    They begin to walk a little faster. Suddenly there’s a thump.

    Clay: increase your rate of walk.

    They begin to walk a little faster when Steve falls.

    They begin to help him when suddenly there’s another thump. They look toward the backdrop to see t-Rex walking up the path.
    Steve gets up and they begin to run. T-Rex roars and chases after them.

    Clay: I can’t believe this! This isn’t our day!

    They run as fast as they can, but unknowingly to Tim and Clay, Steve gets stuck. He looks back as the Rex approaches, trying to get himself free.

    Tim and Clay run as fast as they can. When they stop, Tim realizes that Steve is no longer with them.

    Tim: where’s Steve?

    Suddenly they hear a scream. Clay closes his eyes and they both bow their heads. Suddenly a second t-Rex enters near them.

    Tim: whoa!

    They run away just as it nips at them. They enter the jungle where they can possibly get more space between them. But the t-Rex keeps coming. They run their hearts out. Then they meet a small hill. Clay looks backwards to see the t-Rex catching up to them. He looks to Tim.

    Clay: lets go for it.

    They go and climb up the hill and look back down as the t-Rex gets to it.

    Tim: stay still. T-Rex cannot see you when you stay still.

    They see a tree and hide behind it as the T-Rex walks looks around, then away and they both sigh in relief and catch their breaths. Clay looks toward Tim, who has a scared face.

    Clay: we better find a place to sleep.

    They finally climb the tree and sit on a branch to fall asleep.

    Tim then has a dream.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- morning.

    Tim and Clay wake up on the tree. Tim looks around the area. It seems none of the dinosaurs have gone through here. That was a good thing. They climb down the tree and begin to walk through the forest. Tim is talking to Clay.

    Tim: I sometimes wonder if it was just a dream. I go to sleep at night with these dreams in my head. I wake up and realize I’m at home.

    Clay: it’s a natural reaction. Just think of it this way. You have something a little more interesting to dream about than others. When I used to dream as a kid it was about ghosts and sharks.

    They walk into a clearing. There’s at first nothing there, so Tim and Clay sit down to admire the view.

    Tim: what do you think will happen with these islands?

    Clay: whatever you want to happen with the islands, Tim. They’re your islands now.

    Tim thinks about the statement for a minute before noticing a herd of Gallamimus walking through the grass toward a lake. They begin drinking and they now also see a herd of brachiosaur feeding on a bunch of trees. Apatosaurs are feeding on the ground not to far away.

    Tim looks toward the dinosaurs, as they are all beautiful creatures. Then he spots a herd of triceratops drinking out of the lake as well.

    Clay: through the times of the last day, it’s those events that let you forget that this really is just a culture based on survival.

    Tim: yeah.

    Clay: Tim, I think this is a sign that animals evolve. People evolve as well. If the time came, would you go back?

    Tim: no. I’d go forward.

    They begin to walk through the field and enter the forest once more.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- forest- day

    Tim and Clay walk through the forest. Tim stops to rest. Clay kneels next to him.

    Clay: I can’t believe we’ve been traveling all this time. running from dinosaurs, walking, running from dinosaurs, doing more walking. This trip has been very active.

    Tim: yeah you can say that again.

    Clay: I’m sure this day can’t get any worse.

    Suddenly they hear a roar from somewhere in the forest.

    Tim: lets get moving
    Clay: I agree.

    They continue on.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- forest- day

    Tim and Clay walk through the forest when they notice a hat. They look down and pick it up. It’s Robert Muldoon’s old hat. Tim recognizes it. Clay notices a satellite phone on the ground. The hat hid it.

    Tim: what is it?

    Clay: must have been his satellite phone. I wonder if it still works.

    Clay dials up the chopper.

    Chopper: (voice over) hello?

    Clay: this is clay. We’ve had major casualties. Need immediate evacuation at the beach.

    Chopper: (voice over) roger that…meet you at the beach of Isla Nublar.

    Clay: great see you there. Over and out.

    They begin to walk through the woods again. Tim notices something moving in the bushes. They keep walking through the forest. Suddenly raptors burst out of the forest and surround them. The raptors close in on them.
    Clay: man I knew it was too easy.

    The raptors keep closing in. Tim then grabs a candy bar and throws it to the side. The raptors turn and chase the candy bar. They then start biting and snapping at each other to see which gets the candy bar. Tim and Clay run away.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- beach- day

    Tim and clay finally get into the beach. They catch their breath and walk along the sand. Tim looks along the water. It’s quite beautiful.

    Tim: when do you think the chopper will get here?

    Clay: well I called them a bit ago, so who knows.

    They walk down the beach and Tim looks toward a clearing in the woods. There’s a triceratops walking out toward the water. Clay and Tim both stop to look at it.

    The triceratops eats some grass but stops and looks back at the forest. Tim and clay both back up. They expect something spooked the trike. Suddenly a t-Rex walks out and roars at the trike. The trike then charges the Rex but Rex dodges and bites the trike in the back. Trike nudges free and pokes the Rex in the leg. The Rex roars and tries to bite at the trike’s back again.
    Tim and Clay use this time to escape further down the beach.

    The trike jabs the t-Rex again and the t-Rex bites the triceratops right behind the head plate. Triceratops tries to escape, almost injuring t-Rex. T-Rex lets go. The triceratops slams its horns into the chest of the tyrannosaur. The t-Rex stumbles back and starts to walk off but falls down dead because of the mortal wounds given to him from the triceratops.

    Tim stops as he sees this from the corner of his eye. Now he has to stay and watch. The second t-Rex walks out and bites at the now tired triceratops trying to get back to it’s grazing. The triceratops, tired cannot resist this new attack. The triceratops topples over due to the weight of the t-Rex. T-Rex puts a foot on the triceratops and roars. It begins to eat the triceratops as the second t-Rex enters and gladly joins in the feast.

    Ext: Isla Nublar- beach- day

    Tim and clay walk through the beach.

    Tim: after seeing everything on this island I remember why I never want to come here again.

    Clay: but at least you’ve faced your fear.

    Tim: yeah and I think I’ve gotten new ones.

    They walk toward the beach until they hear a chopper. Clay looks toward the sea and sees the chopper headed toward them. The chopper lands off screen and the pilot walks up to them.

    Pilot: sorry I left earlier. I thought I saw something headed my way and it startled me so I lifted off to make sure the chopper wasn’t damaged.

    Clay: that’s ok; just get us the hell out of here!

    Pilot: you got it.

    The chopper lifts off and heads off the island.

    In: chopper- day

    Clay sits near Tim. Clay turns to Tim.

    Clay: so what are you going to do now?

    Tim: I’m going to move on with my life. I’m going to evolve.

    The chopper goes into the sunset as the screen fades to black, showing the words THE END.

    7/29/2002 12:53:14 AM

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