The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    The helicopter that takes Grant & Co. to the island in JP crashed back in March 2001. No one was injured in the crash, but the helicopter was destroyed.
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    Blade:Primal - Ch.1
    By Powerhouse

    The High Erbus Council hearing room was silent. Dozens of pairs of represenatives from across the globe were seated anxiously, awaiting the word of the two men dressed in the traditional council cloak seated at the head of the room at the side of the high judge.There, the men scoped the crowd, looking to make sure they had their interest. They whispered into each others ear, keeping the crowd waiting. Finally, one of them spoke. He poked his head from underneath his hood and began speaking.
    "Brothers of Erbus. I am Pietro Glask, and as most of you know, representive of the Jada sect, with our basis in Germany but the majority of our activity takes place in North America. My fellow represenative, Milo Peters, and I deeply love each and every member of our Nocturnal family as we do the air we breathe. Yet as I say this, our beatuiful race is under attack. Under attack from hotheaded mercenaries who kill our people in cold blood." Pietro paused, licking his lips, letting that mass of thought settle into the crowd.
    He started, "Some of them are human. Our food. The digusting, foul, and unintelligent cattle they are. They cowardly turn the tables on us after we make treaties with them. Others are our own. They stray from there upbringings and fall into the trap of the day-society, thinking that they somehow must rid the planet of their own kind. By knowing our weakness and our routines, they stab us in the back with tremendous force. Yet, one last type of enemy, the rarest, mixes the two techniques and uses his attributes against us. He cheats, lies, and uses his stolen knowledge in his quest to seek revenge. But, my people, I have a proposition I'd like to discuss with you."
    Again Pietro paused, allowing the crowd to whisper about what they all knew. He turned to Milo, squinting to find his face under the hood. "It's now or never partner," Pietro gasped and stood up.
    In very proper a solid movement, Pietro lifted his hood above his head onto his back. His face was now revealed. No scars could be seen along his face. He was a pure-blood; born the child of two vampires. His straight black hair was matted down from the weight of the hood on his head. It ran down his bony, wrinkled forehead, just shy of the eyes. To a human, he would appear to be in his early forties, but his real age of 89 is hidden by his healing ability.
    "May I please have your attention again?" Pietro said, quieting the crowd. After they were once again silent, he continued. "Thank you. Now, through the past years, we have sustained major losses due to our enemy and his or her knowledge of our weaknesses.What I propose is that we change all that. We now have the ablitity to change the genetinc makeup of a DNA strand. By using samples of Reapers which we were able to recover and tissue particles of the Daywalker found during the last major conflict, the scientist of Jada sect Bioengineering Community have been able to construct what we could call the "ultimate soldier" for our cause. The enemies previous tactics would be useless. All of our flaws would be gone. And after the enemy is neutralized, this DNA strand can be implicated into the vampire mainstream and slowly, our race will be supreme. Now, as long as myself and Milo are able to obtain a DNA synthesizer to mass produce this strand, this plan can begin." Pietro stopped and viewed the crowd. They all seemed very satisfied with the idea.
    "Alright, to move things along, I'd like to ask that any whom oppose to this project to please speak so now." After hearing no response after ten seconds, Pietro picked up again." Good, now on to ..." he was cut off.
    "Hold on for a moment," The judge, who seeminly did not exist throughout the meeting interjected. " Just how do you propose to go about getting a DNA synthesizer?"
    "He was getting to that, your honor," Milo chimed in, standing up and removing his hood. His face appeared much younger then Pietro's, with shorter brown hair. "We plan on performing, with the approval of the courts and the church, a proper ressurection." The crowd became alive with debate at that statement.
    "Order!" the judge yelled as he slammed his gaval to the desk." Now, Mr. Peters, do you realize that a sucessful ressurection has not taken place in the last 700 years? And that can only be done with a sanctified member of La Magras army, which we have not seen in 700 years as well."
    "Actually, your honor, we have seen..." Milo started.
    "Dont you even bring that embarrassment up!" the judge cut off, now in a total state of authority. " The incident that took place in that temple four years ago was nothing more than a mass suicide led by a delirious inferior-blooded fool, Deacon Frost. All of our investigations into that temple have revealed that nothing supernatural happened there, much less an act of La Magra. Regardless of what you or any of the councilmembers believe, a blood god was not brought into this world that night. I am ashamed that our race has let use take such gossip as truth." the judge paused, and the crowd was shocked silent." I am now waiving my right to overule one decision made by the council. This proposition of yours, Mr. Peters and Glask, is made of fairy tales and wishful thinking. I forbid you to act upon any ideas which you proposed this evening. I also suspend your position in the council indefinetly. Meeting ajorned." With that, the judge stepped down and walked into the back chambers of the courthouse.
    Milo and Pietro sat in the head table as the rest of the councilmembers filed out. The look of dissapointment suddenly lifted from Pietros face.
    "Well, are you ready to do this?" he whispered.
    "It was just made illegal, if you weren't paying attention!" Milo yelled firmly.
    "That doesn't matter. We have what the judge doesnt have; council support. With them on our side, doing this should be easier than it would have been to do it legally." Pietro said as he stood up.
    Both Milo and Pietro stood up, pulled the hood over their heads, and walked out of the courthouse.

    Thanks for reading chapter one. I hope you enjoyed. Chapter two will be more exciting. Expect it soon. Comments would be apprieciated.

    7/2/2002 2:41:30 PM

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