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    Isla Muerte-Chapter 1: Destination
    By PolarShore

    Smoke was still in the air as Juan Dolores and his team lept from their plane. Juan's second in command, Davanii Fuentes, gave him the thumbs-up, meaning all of the team had sucessfully left the plane, and now they were going down, sailing through the dawn horizon, as they neared landing. About a minute after that, the team landed in a field, somewhere in the middle of the island. Dolores, Fuentes, and the rest of the soldiers were on Isla Nublar, an island about 165 miles south-west of Costa Rica. The men worked for the Costa Rican government, and had been sent in to make sure the island was clear of whatever monsters remained after the bombing. As far as he could see, there was nothing, no animals, nothing. Though he felt it was all they would need to do, his orders were to sweep the island. "Move Out!" he yelled, and the soldiers formed a horizontal line next to him. After walking for what seemed like forever, though he knew it was proably only a few miles, one of the soldiers shouted. "Senor," he yelled, "over there" and pointed to a patch of dense foliage. "I thought I heard something" he said. Dolores stopped to listen. The soldier was right, there was some noise coming from the area, but it wasn't an animal sound. It was a distinct humming, like a bug zappper in summer. He called to the soldier and ordered him over. "What's your name son?" he asked the soldier. He was tall and lanky, and had a shaved head. He can't be more than nineteen, thought Dolores. "Miguel Santiago, sir" the boy answered. "Well, Miguel," Dolores said, "would you mind checking it out for us?""No, sir" was the response.

    Dolores watched as the boy walked nervously toward the thick jungle. He reached the tall ferns and pushed them away, and saw something. "Sir, there's a door here, sir" Santiago yelled back to Juan. "Well, open it" Fuentes yelled back. "But sir, it's locked, with a keypad. That was the humming, sir." "I see" said Dolores. "Lopez, get over here" he yelled to a short, dark-featured soldier. "Yes, sir" replied Lopez. "Unlock the damn door" Dolores ordered. "Yes, sir" answered Lopez.

    Lopez ran over to where Santiago was standing, and pulled out what looked like a drill. He broke open the keypad and wired it to the drill-looking object. He turned it on and the door beeped, signaling that it was unlocked. "Check it" yelled Dolores. Santiago tried the handle and it opened easily. He then stepped into pitch darkness.

    * * * *

    "Miguel, do you see anything?" asked someone outside. "No, sir" he replied. How could he see anything, it was pitch black. He wished he had some light. That's it! Light! He began making his way along the sides of the door, feeling along the wall with his hand, looking for a light switch. He was about to give up when he hit something. It wasn't a light switch, it was something else.

    * * * *

    "He's taking to long," said Dolores, "something's happened, I'm going in." Before anyone could say anything, Dolores was inside. The door shut behind him.

    He felt the breeze from the door closing and stepped forward. It was hot, and it stank. It stank like dried vomit. Dolores felt a wave of nausea coming on. He turned on the flashlight on top of his shotgun. "Santiago" he yelled. "Santiago, where the hell are you" he asked. All of a sudden, he heard gunshots. "Santiago" he yelled. "Sir, over here, sir, help me, sir" was the reply. He shone his flashlight around until he saw the familiar camoflauge clothing. Santiago was on the ground, though his face was hidden. Next to him was some mass of, well, actually he didn't know what it was. "Santiago what happened?" asked Dolores. "Sir, well, I was attacked." "By what?" "That thing" replied Santiago, and he pointed toward the heap of blood and scales. Juan walked up to the creature and looked at it's head. It was like a crocodile's, but not exactly. He checked out the body. It had a sickle claw on each foot. "Velociraptor" he said under his breath. "What sir?" asked Santiago, turning around. Dolores held back a yell as he saw the full destruction of the raptor. Santiago's face was slashed severely and his nose had been taken clean off. Also, as he looked, he saw that Miguel's legs were torn up, one, he thought, was missing, until he saw it next to the raptor. "Nothing Miguel." "But sir, my leg, it, it's gone sir, how shall I move?" He's going to die, Dolores thought to himself. There's only one thing left to do, he thought. He raised his shotgun and aimed it at Santiago's brain cavity. "May my father's forgive me" he said, and pulled the trigger.

    "Where's Santiago?" asked Fuentes as Dolores emerged from the doorway. "He didn't make it" said Dolores. "Let's move men." "Wait," said Fuentes, "while you were in there, we found something." "Well, let me see it" answered Dolores. Fuentes then held up a can of American shaving cream, Barbasol it said on the front. "What does this have to do with anything?" asked Dolores. "Well, it's still cold" replied Fuentes. "Say again." "It's still cold, Juan." It's still cold, that means someone was here recently, maybe someone was still on the island. "Bring it along" said Dolores.

    Lopez, the technician, found a fuse box and brought light to the room, which turned out to be a tunnel. "It may lead to the visitors center" said Fuentes. They also found 4 gas powered Jeeps. The team got into them and began driving forward. Soon, they found a garage. There was a sign also, it read:

    "So we made it" said Fuentes, who seemed to be breathing more easily now that they were in a more secure area. "Sir, we should head towards the Control Room, there may be radar and video screens, we could sweep the island from there." said Lopez. "There also may be a radio, or weapons, sir" another soldier told them. "Don't we have a radio?" asked Dolores. "No, sir," the soldier replied, "Santiago had the radio and he's dead." "Well, we shouldn't take any chances" stated Dolores, "Davanii, you take two good men and go back and get me that radio." "Alright" replied Fuentes. So, Fuentes, and two soldiers named Reed and Martinez, hopped into a Jeep and took off into the tunnel.

    * * * *

    The darkness of the tunnel was pierced by the lights of the Jeep, though it was not moving. They were stuck at a fork in the tunnel. There were two signs, the one on the left said DILOPHOSAUR PADDOCK and the one on the right said HADROSAUR PADDOCK. "Which way, sir?" asked Loretta Martinez. "Uh, how about, um, I don't remember"said Fuentes. For the first time, Fuentes noticed Loretta. She was a woman of about 28, with a great shape, dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. Feeling a bit more brave than before, he replied, "Actually, I think it was the Dilophosaur Paddock, yes, it must've been, because Dilophosaurs are meat-eaters," he said, recalling knowledge from years earlier, "And Santiago was eaten, so, yes, Dilophosaurus is the way to go" he finished. With that, Reed stepped on the gas, and they headed toward the Dilophosaur Paddock.

    * * * *

    Dolores and his men began to sweep the building, and found the control center. Lopez got right to work. Meanwhile, one of the soldiers found a map of the building. "It seems we've missed two areas, sir, the main lobby, and the kitchen" he told Dolores. "Well then let's move," Dolores said. "Joaquin, you stay here with Lopez" he told the soldier with the map. "Also, give me that map." "Yes, sir" said the soldier called Joaquin, and he handed it over. "Let's go men" he said, and walked out of the room.

    Dolores and the nine other soldiers began towards the kitchen. "If this map is correct," said Dolores, "then the kitchen should be...........here," and he stopped at a pair of double doors. "Kiplua, Jackson, c'mere and check this out" he ordered two soldiers. Ricardo Kiplua and Jaquez Jackson said "Yes, sir" in unison and walked through the door.

    After a minute and a half of waiting and hoping, Dolores heard Jackson say, "Sir, we've found something." Dolores wlaked through the doors and looked for Kiplua and Jackson. "Where the hell are you guys?" It was pitch black except for the light coming from the freezer. "At the freezer sir" Kiplua said. Dolores jogged over and saw two familiar faces. "What'd you find?" asked Juan. "Well, see for yourself, sir, look into the freezer." told Jaquez Jackson. So, Dolores strolled up to the window and saw a velociraptor. It looked dead, but he wasn't sure. "Kiplua, bring it out" ordered Dolores. "Yes, sir" replied Kiplua, and he walked into the freezer.

    * * * *

    The Jeep bounced down the tunnel and the soldiers were getting sick of the ride. After a few minutes, they finally burst through into daylight. Fuentes looked at their new surroundings. "Wait a minute, this isn't right, we shouldn't be here, Niagai, get us outta here" yelled Fuentes to Reed, which was answered by an eerie hooting sound. They turned around to see two strange looking dinosaurs, ten feet tall with strange crests on the top of their head. "Dilophosaur" said Reed. They had no way to get through, for the Dilophosaurs were standing between them and the tunnel. The one on the left hooted, which was returned by the other Dilophosaur hooting back. "What the hell do we do now?" asked Reed. "Well, there are two options," told Martinez, "we can either sit here and die, or we can get the fuck outta here." "I'll take option number two" said Reed, who was immediatly hit by some black sticky liquid. "What the..." started Fuentes, who was cut off by Reed's screams. "Oh god, oh god, my eyes, oh god, it burns, I can't see, sir, I can't see" he yelled. Martinez turned and looked at the Dilos, who all of a sudden had some sort of frill on their neck. "Don't just stand there, lets go!" yelled Fuentes to Martinez. Loretta jumped into the drivers seat and started towards the Dilos. At first the reaction from them was nothing, but soon they began hissing and hooting, and finally one jumped at the Jeep. Martinez, seeing this, sped up quickly, and the Dilophosaur jumped over the car. The other Dilo saw the car coming and ran towards it. It was fast, but when the car neared it, it got out of the way, and the Jeep flew through the tunnel and towards the visitors center.

    * * * *

    In the control room, Lopez was playing with the different computer functions while Joaquin played solataire with himself. Lopez had found tons of stuff, including security access, power instructions, and he had just finished playing with the video functions, when he found something else, the video journal of what happened on the island. It was horrific. He saw a guard being eaten by a tyrannosaur, a man in the maintenence shed being torn to pieces by an unknown source. He then changed to the surveilence system, and checked the monitors. One showed Dolores and his team. Another showed the control room, and on the next one, someting was in the way. He couldn't see, but then it moved away. He saw it, in the lobby. He recognized it immediately. It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Wait! In the lobby? That's where Dolores were going to go! He had to establish communication with Dolores!

    * * * *

    Dolores watched Kiplua walk into the freezer. Jackson had walked to the other end of the kitchen to check it out. He looked back in the crack in the door, and what he saw shocked him. The eyes of the raptor began to twitch. Kiplua was checking out a meat shelf, and didn't notice. "Kip--" he began but was cut off by a scream. It was Jackson. At that moment, the raptor in the freezer lept up and closed the door on Kiplua. It had him trapped in the freezer, and it lept onto him. From inside, Kiplua was screaming. The force of the blow knocked him down, and the raptor was opon him. First it tore at his stomach with it's hand claws. Then it slashed his legs with it's sickle claw on it's foot. Kiplua picked up his gun and began to bash the creature on the head with the butt. "Sir, Help Me!" Kiplua managed to yell, for it is hard to speak when being eaten alive. Instead of helping, Dolores locked the door to the freezer. "But sir, what about Kiplua?" asked a soldier. "He's gone." replied Dolores. "But--" "He's gone, soldier." "Yes, sir." As the soldier replied, you could hear Kiplua's screaming, but it was becoming a little more quiet, and then, it stopped abruptly. "Let's go check out Jackson" ordered Dolores, and they left for another part of the kitchen.

    6/15/2002 10:17:22 PM

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