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    The scene in TLW where Ian and Co. walk through the jungle was filmed in the vast redwood forests of Northern California.
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    Trailer 2 for From a Stanger Future
    By Parasaur.w

    The following PREVIEW has been approved for
    By the Motion Picture Association of America

    [White screen]

    Morose opera plays.

    [Fade to]
    A huge oil tanker glides through the North Atlantic

    [Fade to]
    DREAMWORKS Pictures Presents

    [Fade to]
    A dinosaur’s eye peers through dense foliage at the camera

    [Fade to]
    A CastEcho Production

    [Fade to]
    Close up of a computer screen, which displays a long list of numbers and illegible words. The sound of a keyboard being tapped at is heard

    [Fade to]
    Extreme close up of human eye, which looks very surprised.

    [Fade to]
    Camera moving very fast through what seems to be a blue and green tunnel of light, the colors swirling about.

    [Fade to]
    A forest with enormous trees with strange animals leaping from limb to limb.

    [Fade to]
    Bird’s eye view of a stampeding herd of ornithopods.

    [Fade to]
    Gargantuan sized space ships hover over the ruins of a large city.

    [Fade to]
    A strange purple alien eye, with seemingly no pupil stares at the screen.

    [Fade to]
    A man, Jim Turner, and a woman, Sharon Rhodes, standing on a catwalk above a strange looking machine, currently being welded on.
    Jim, with a large grin: “It’s operational. One more week, and this contraption will be a functional time machine.”
    [Scenes occur in rapid succession]

    [Cut to]
    A Tyrannosaurus towers above a human.

    [Cut to]
    A group of futuristic fighter jets chase a small spaceship, firing at it.

    [Cut to]
    Close up of the Human eye, the pupil moves about frantically.

    [Cut to]
    Humans working on an arched shaped machine while it levitates above the ground.

    [Cut to]
    The alien eye, staring emotionless.

    [Cut to]
    A pack of Deinonychus sprint from the dark treeline of a forest.

    [Cut to]
    The dinosaur eye, glaring.


    April 02

    4/10/2002 6:00:06 PM

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