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By Michael Crichton
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    Tale of Six Kings - Chap. 2
    By Nick Van Owen

    Shad sat in the high hall of Kraykon. A week had passed since Wyndag's death and the triumph of his and Ardis' forces.

    Now the rest of his own and Ardis' forces had joined them along with almost 10,000 of Wyndag's former troops who had little love for their ex- lord. The rest of the soldiers were sent home after being made to vow never to take up arms against the Alliance (as the rebellion had come to be known) again.

    Shad's brow furrowed, Lord Erik was coming up the West road to join with them at Kraykon, and he knew Erik had a short temper and little patience and would probably want to ride out in force immediatly without any regard for odds.

    Shad was a more cautious man and he knew Artos was more cautious still Shad needed to know Artos' loyalties before anything even if Artos did nothing it would be a hard battle but if he helped would be disastrous.

    Cerdric had a much larger army than any two of them and all three combined barely matched it. But if Artos joined them it should be possible. Besides none of the three lords already there was a naval power and they needed Artos' fleet ,which almost rivaled Cerdric, if the assault was to go as planned.

    Trumpets sounded in the courtyard and Shad frowned.

    "Dammit! He wasn't supposed to be here until tomorrow!"Shad yelled to no one in particular.

    "M'lord,"Arstan,his advisor,stammered"Lord Erik left his entourage and rode ahead himself. That's why he's here so early."

    "Just like the man. To hell with caution and fear isn't in his vocabulary. A good warrior but too headstrong for his own good."Shad said.

    Just then the doors of the hall were thrown open.

    "Shad! Good to see you! Bastard, leavin me out of all the fun! Just couldn't wait to start fightin eh?"Erik exclaimed walking in the door.

    " Heh. Hardly fun, merely sorting out a traitor, far too boring for you i'm sure."Shad replied

    "I'm sure you're right, you always damn well are!"Erik let loose a loud laugh."But come let's not stand in the door, I've traveled a long ways and I want some of that wine Wyndag was laways bragging about!"

    Erik and Shad left the hall and passed into a smaller hallway which used to be Wyndag's dining room. Ardis was waiting inside for them.

    "Ardis!"Erik clasped the young lord's hand firmly,"How are you lad? The last time I saw you, you were still dandling on a woman's knee."Erik looks at Ardis"Heh. You've grown a lot since then. I imagine you've probably dandled a few woman on YOUR knee! HA!"

    Shad takes a seat at the head of the table.

    "Come! Sit and our food will arrive shortly you can tell us of your trip during the meal."Shad said gesturing toward a pair of chairs.

    Erik and Ardis sat in the chairs and the three lord talked long into the night about Erik's trip, the amount of troops he brought, the troops he has amassed and can amass, and other topics. Finally late into the night Shad stood and said,

    "Now my fellow lords we must discuss a topic of dire importance."

    "And what would that be Shad?" asked Ardis

    "Well I've thought about it a lot recently and i see a problem in our war."

    "Well?Out with it man!" Erik impatiently said.

    "Artos."Shad said

    "What about him?"Erik asked.

    "His loyalty shall be the deciding factor in this war and we aren't sure of it."Shad said

    "What about him? I don't think he'll join Cerdric especially after what happened to Wyndag. Besides we don't need him with these troops joining us we have more than Cerdric. What does an extra 20,000 or so do besides overwhelm him?"Ardis asked

    "Think Ardis, we only barely have more than Cerdric and his armies are the best in Drakonia.And if I know him he'll stay in his catle and make US come to HIM and who loses more soldiers? The attacker or the defender? The attacker! Because he doesn't have the protection of walls, and towers.It's harder to shoot an arrow up than down so they have better defense against arrows and we'd have less. So an extra 20,000 would be helpful. But that isn't why we need him."

    "Then why?"Ardis asked. Shad grinned, "My boy you've a lot to learn but you'll be a good lord yet. Erik would you like to answer this one?"

    "Certainly."Erik said,"Boats Ardis, Boats. Cerdric has a huge fleet so even if we lay siege we don't have enough ships to keep his boats from getting more food or dropping off troops to take us from behind."

    Ardis broke in, "I get it! Artos has a fleet that almost rivals the king's if we get those boats then we can lay siege and keep his fleet from going anywhere."

    Shad laid a map on the table and began pointing with his dagger,"Very good Ardis you're learning well. But my plan isn't siege.

    We take his castle by storm, I want you, Erik, to lead a troop of foot soldiers with siege engines coming down from the West.

    Ardis you will lead the rest of the foot and all of the archers down from the East taking him in the right flank your people will have battering rams. Lay cover fire with your archers but i think they should be occupied with Erik's assault on the West more than your force.

    Now it is imperative that you have those gates down. Because the attack begins at dawn and when the sun reaches midday I shall come down leading all the horse and fly straight into the city. So you MUST have those gates down or the element of a surprise rush will be lost.Understand?"

    "And I shall lead the attack from the sea!" A voice sounded in the doorway.

    Shad looked up,"Artos!"

    Artos strode into the room sea blue cloak swirling round him,

    "An excellent plan if I ever saw one, While you lead your attacks I shall come in by sea with fire and steel and crush his fleet with one fell swoop. I shall then try to get into the castle via the seaward wall, failing at that I shall land and help Ardis knock down the doors."Artos smiled"M'lords the sails and spears of House Seaward are yours."

    1/25/02 8:57:32 PM

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