Jurassic Park Trilogy Blu-Ray Ultimate Gift Set
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    JP's Lex says she's a vegetarian, but later in the film she is seen eating Jello -- she must not have known that the gelatin in Jello is routinely made from animal parts. (From: 'Jasper')
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    The last Iliad prolouge
    By NeonBlade

    Those who remembered the blast, "The big one" were all old then and didn't want to talk about it. Tony knew about the events that had made him into what he was then- A Homeless, dirty kid. Most likely " Infected".Many Patriot troops had come by their so-called homes but had left him and his family. They were scared of the " Infected" and wanted nothing to do with them. The troops didn't even look at the "Infected" as humans anymore. The medics didn't even take chancs with trying to help them.
    Tony could only dream of the day when he would leave the detonation zone. The area of the "Big Blast". But It all seemed so far away. Tony didn't look like a boy anymore. He was pale and hs eyes had lightend. His hair was gone do to the radiation and he was constantly sick. Tony knew why the troops had left him but they didn't look all perfect themselves. They were dressed in radiation-safe suits and wore masks to breath. Tony really knew the reason why they wore the masks and that was to hide their discust from the infected.


    Most of the infected were simple scavengars looking for food and water. Like rats they traveled around picking and eating that of things that hadn't been turned into dirt. Tony didn't eat much and weighed that of a six year old even though he was going on eleven. He was considered one of the lucky, because most of the other children of survivors were cantaminated and died at young ages, seven to nine. Tony knew history and knew what the old country used to look like- beautiful and green with crystal clear water. But now- now it was grey covered with smog and rubble. Tony had heard tales of other ountries around the world that were still beautiful and un-damaged by comunist nuclear missiles. Tony felt he only had one reason for living as long as he had. And that was to escape and find out what had gone wrong...

    7/6/2002 10:05:05 PM
    (Updated: 7/6/2002 10:08:11 PM)

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