Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    The JP ride at Universal Studios is loosly based on the infamous "river" sequence in the novel. (From: 'rexyraptor')
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    The Last Illiad Chp.7.1
    By NeonBlade

    Tony woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible cold sweat. The thought of his mother and sister danced around in the back of his head as they slowly faded away.
    Tony had fallen asleep in a back room in Munroe's quarters. He had a big bed all to him self like Munroe and Claire. Apparently the bed use to belong to some other kid. Pictures of another boy were placed all over the room. The boy was thin and had dark hair like Tony standing by who looked like Munroe and Claire. Tony felt some how connected to the room, like he had been there before or heard about it somewhere. The extremely dark only lit by a small candle. Tony sat up and began pacing the floor. It was no doubt that his mother would take him for dead. Any one who didn't return in a day without knowing was considered extinct. Tony still felt weak, confused and terrified of his surroundings. Munroe had taken care of the boy who Tony had killed, he had thrown it down a large garbage shoot to god knows where and that was that.
    After about an hour of pacing, Tony decided to get dress and leave. He had taken the key card after the brawl with the boy and Munroe had not taken it back.
    Munroe said if I could beat that boy I could leave- he never said that I could know. Tony thought to himself as he picked up the key and headed for the oval room. He creped slowly, edging towards the bulk door when a voice came from a shadow on the sofa.
    " Tony, are you trying to leave again?" Munroe asked firmly keeping himself hidden.
    " Well-yes, I am!" It came out louder than he thought. He moved towards the door again.
    " Stay- Tony please-!" Munroe sounded concerned. " Why should I? All you've done is turn me into a beast and -and um-make me a bad person."
    Tony looked down to his feet and watched the keycard slowly fall from his grasp. " Tony, we are making you the man you should be! "They" just want to turn you into the person you can also be- A warrior. As we do. "They" Are bad people Tony and you know it!" Munroe leaned forward to show his face, shadows buried his eyes. Tony didn't know who "they" even were. Maybe "they" were good. Tony felt weak and angry that a peer who he had just met could manipulate him so easily. But in the end- whom can you trust.
    To be continued

    9/25/2002 4:24:14 PM

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