Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Alessandro Nivola's big acting break was as "Polocks Troy" in John Woo's "Face/Off". (From: spinorextor)
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    The Last Iliad Chp. 12
    By NeonBlade

    Drake woke up what seemed to be days later, in the middle of a cold brick room, dark and window less. Drake believed himself to still be under ground, prisoner of the Red Army.


    An Unjarring note echoed through the small room, the large steel door creaked open, in the shadows an outline of a very large man stood, Drake just peered at the man's size.

    " You are prisoner of the Russian Army of the Comunist nation." The broad man rumbled, his Russian accent thick. " You have pulled an act of war against us." Drake peered up ward his mouth dry, his mind juggling.

    " I was sent to end this war, to end your little parde of ignorance!" Drake barked, spitting blood onto the floor.

    " Ah! So you must be of America backround, I tell this by your accent, and an American's will you have, but this is no longer your country, It is ours now." The man spoke proudly
    Drake looked at the open door, the Large man unaware of his eyes. Drake took every ounce of courage and strenght and made his last descicion.

    to Be continued


    9/16/2003 4:12:21 PM

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