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    Robert 'Bobby Z' Zajonc was the helicopter pilot in both JP and TLW -- Zajonc is a verteran pilot who has worked on dozens of Hollywood films. (From: 'HammondBoy')
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    EVO:War chp.1
    By NeonBlade


    The massive steal transport rumbled. Blue flames shot out of the engine ports. The inhabitants shook within the cargo area. The ship of burden lowered onto the ruined streets. Shards of debris flew from the lowered engines. A strong hissing noise shattered the quite area of darkness. The only light came from a search light which slowly dimmed as the ship came to a slow landing.
    The cargo doors hissed and creaked as they slid to the left on a large railing. A small red neon lit the troop cabin. Yellow and black caution stripes decorated the edge of the cargo floor.
    “ A’right troops! Ready up. I want Mallard and o’lanard out to position four asap.” A commanding troop hollered.
    “ Yes sir” The two commanded soldiers replied in unison, grabbing a large angular rifle and fixing their chest plates.

    “ Check roger!” Mallard spoke into the voice

    com, jumping off the edge of the transport and
    onto the rubble covered street.
    “ We read you loud and clear, mallard. Over.” a voice responded over the head piece. Mallard kept the rifle slung over his shoulder as he cocked his hand and shook his hand to an other area, signaling to the other soldier. The other soldier replied with a simple nod and issued forward.
    “ Okay sir. We’re out and about and ready to roll, what kind of stone are we looking for today?” Mallard joked sarcastically, O’ Lanard smirked stalking side ways behind mallard.
    “ No stones today kid. I know what you mean but let’s just pray this is what we can do and not have to fight in another war.” The commanding soldier replied kindly over the radio com.
    “ I know sir, but these missions... Aren’t they for scientist. Not for Union Soldiers.” Mallard said, this time a little bit more serious.
    “ I dunno kid... We have orders, and we complete those orders. Just keep your eye out for anything suspicious. okay? Over and out.” The
    commanding officer ended abruptly.
    “ All right then.” Mallard shrugged and disappeared into a large abandoned skyscraper,

    completely destroyed and abandoned, or so the soldiers hoped.
    Mallard sighed again, continuing to walk past cubicle after cubicle after cubicle. Every thing was destroyed from the original blast that wiped out most of the city, not a thing could survive.
    “ Mallard can we just head back to the Hopper and tell the captain that everything is clear?” O’ Lanard questioned hopefully.
    “ Why not? Everything in this place was either never alive or was turned to dust. Turn around. We’ll head back to the stairs.” Mallard responded. His armor light shown in a little crevice. Mallard took one last look around the office floor and found nothing important.
    “ A’Right.” O’lanard jogged back towards the stairs. Mallard started forward but a loud shriek sent him fling around. Mallard shot his rifle upwards, as something dashed into the shadows.
    Mallards heart beet jumped, his pupils grew larger. He sighed as he bent laughing. It was nothing. He hoped.
    Mallard rushed down the stairs, dodging small pieces of metal, and jumping over weak shards of concrete and steel.
    “ Watch your footing, O’Lanard.” Mallard
    said resting his hand on the metal railing as his speed increased.
    “ a’right.” O’lanard responded, thrusting his

    weight to the side, quickly coming down on the third floor.
    Mallard continued to run, then lost his step. He fell to his hands, then flipped to his back. Glass from his light shattered then spilled onto the broken steps. Mallard continued to flip as O’Lanard looked up in horror. Mallard flipped down crushing his knee into a steel rod sticking out from the concrete stairway.
    “ Mallard!” O’Lanard screamed as he jumped to grab his partner. Mallard came to a rolling stop on a small landing. He sighed and gasped in pain. O’Lanard quickly knelt down to check him.
    “ You okay Partner? What happend?” O’Lanard switched his light to a smaller, brighter area of lumenescince. O’Lanard took a small pack from a pocket on his belt.
    “ I can wrap you up good enough to get to the hopper. What happend?” O’Lanard questioned again taking a roll of gouz and rapping in around Mallard’s knee, drenched in blood.
    “ I... I dunno, I was grabbed.” Mallard spat, blood pouring from his mouth.
    “ By what? Ya’ think it was just a piece of steel?” O’Lanard questioned, yet he feared that his partner had been grabbed. there was

    Something about the abandoned building that made O’Lanard shiver. The coldness ran odwn his spine. cold sweat ran from inside his helmet.
    “ Okay.” O’Lanard said. “ Looks like you’ll be good enough to make it to the Hopper. Manson can look at it once we’re back on board.” O’Lanard grabbed Mallard’s arm and helped him up. He could see the weakness in mallard. Bruises lined his face, covered in blood.
    Mallard limped down the rest of the stairs. They approached the third floor when O’Lanard stopped abruptly.
    “ Did you hear that?” He questioned to Mallard. Mallard nodded and looked up the large staircase.
    “ We should keep moving. I dunno what’s here, and we don’t need to stick around to see it.” Mallard responded horsely. O”lanard nodded still keeping his head turned upward towards the ceiling.

    “ Where are they? They should have been back a couple of minutes ago, and they haven’t called in.

    ” The Comanding oficer said holding on to the com and resting his gripped hand on the raiing of the entry hatch.

    “ Don’t worry captain... Mallard and O’Lanard always come back late.” a Private responded to the retorical qestion. The Captain looked to the private, thinking about the answer that he hadn’t expected.
    “ Yeah, you’re probably right. If they don’t come back soon...” The captain spoke out loud as a crash echoed through the streets. The team looked to the streets from there imbeaded seats towards the large building that Mallard and O’Lanard had been sent to investigate in.
    A loud scream echoed through the air. O”lanard was screaming. The captain sqinted from the Hopper, noticing that Mallard had been injured.
    “ my God... I need Manson up here!” the captain ordered to the back of the Hopper. Aprivate in different fatigues ran up from his seat. The man was decorated with a large red cross on his chest, his helmet also lined with red.
    “ Yes sir?” Manson said to the captain, looking out to the running men. “ What the...” Manson jumped from the troop area, down a foot

    onto the crumbling ground. “ What happened?”
    “ He fell!” O’Lanard hollared, approaching manson. “ we don’t know if we were attacked or what.”

    O’Lanard’s heart was pounding. Mallard dropped to his kness then to his side. Manson and O”lanard droped to each side of Mallard, watching him intently.
    “ Well you did a pretty good job with Gouz, But he’ll need some surgery.”Manson took some more gouz from a large pouch on his belt and rewraped the used layer, coverd in murune blood.
    “ I need a stretcher!” Manson hollared back to the hooper. Two soldiers responded quickly bringing a thin metal board to Manson’s request. “ Tell me what happend.” Manson said staring into O”lanard’s eyes, but O’Lanard kept his gaze on his wounded partner.
    “ I dunno... We...We were coming backdown some of the old stairs and he fell, but not like he was tripped... More like he was pushed, with alot of force.” O’Lanard looked to the ground as the two troops carried Mallard back to the transport. By this time, the captain had come to investigate

    “ O’lanard... you okay?” He asked trying to grab O’lanard. o”lanard didn’t respond just kept his gaze towards the ground. “ I asked are you okay?” the captain asked more directly.
    Blood started to pour from o’Lanard’s mouth,
    his eyes rolled up into his head. He slumped foward revealing three large gashes in his back, all running large amounts of crimson blood.

    “ God Almighty, he’s wounded too, get another stretcher.” Manson shouted back to the the hopper. O’Lanard begain to shake furiously.
    “ He’s going into shock! Quick! Move it.” Manson shouted shoving his hands down on the large lacerations.”
    A moment after the immmense struggle, O’Lanard’s heart beat stopped. Manson looked to the horrifed captain. “ He’s gone.” Manson stood and helped the two soldiers place the body on the stretcher. He then took a long blanket from underneath the stretcher and placed it over the body.
    “ This is real bad.” The captain said staring at Manson. Manson nodded as the two soldiers rose and headed back to the transport.

    Manson’s feet begn to loose its structure and pose as he slumped back to the hopper. His face tilted towards the gravel, his mood dwelling on the fears of the rest of the team. Slowly, Manson raised his boot and placed it on the metal siding of the troop area. Manson slumped into his seat and kept his eyes closed. He feared the others. He feared their emotions and anger. Anger of him loosing a team member.

    “ It’s all right man.” A hand came down and patted Manson on his thigh. Manson didn’t look up, just kept him self resting in Nirvana, safer than his reality. A large object thumped to the floor of the hopper, Manson opened one eye and saw the body covered by the blanket. Blood soaked tought the thin material. Manson turned away looking to the buildings outside. a large mass cought his eye coming from a broken door.

    Manson’s eye’s shot open.; The mass grew bigger, moving quickly over the rubble picking up dirt. Manson cought the glances of the crew, their eyes searching to the horizon.
    “ What the...” Manson gasped, standing

    slowly, grabbing his pulse rifle.

    “ What ever it is, it’s movin’ fast.” A team member spoke in a large under statement. The team nodded.
    “ Think it’s the Redmen?” Another team member questioned.
    “ Nah, They haven’t been around this area in twelve years, there is no need to be here.” The captain spoke, his pulse rifle ready in hand.

    The large mass grew and grew as the sight took form. The group of behemoth’s resembled a large ape form, running on their hands. The captain cocked his rifle gage and fired, the bullet dissapearing in the group but not making a hit.
    “Not good...” the captain shouted. “ Get this ship off of the ground!” The captain screamed to the pilot. The pilot nodded and turned to the cockpit and raised a lever. The engines rumbled, the ship began to levetate. The large group of animals rushed up to the edge of the craft, reaching up the troops. The last thing Manson heard was the scene of the growl of the beasts, the ring of bullets and the groups of screams. then

    4/16/2003 3:53:12 PM

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