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    An early idea for the ending of JP called for a raptor to get stuck in the jaws of the skeleton dinosaur when it came to the ground. (From: 'JackMuldoon')
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    Return to Paradise
    By Neelis

    Return to Paradise

    Rain started falling down on the deck of the yacht. Anne and Ethan watched it from behind the glas. A slight fog started to come up from the island. Anne closed her eyes and drifted away in a dreamless sleep. Seconds later Ethan woked her up. He stared at her with fear in his eyes.
    ‘What?’ She asked him.
    ‘Listen!’ Was his only reply. Over the water came a cry like from a giant seagull. But it wasn’t a bird. It sounded more like a sort of mamal, although it had something of a roaring shark in it to.
    The cry rolled over the water and they froze, scared to death.
    ‘Do you think it’s a dinosaur?’ Anne asked him.
    ‘Well, I have no idear, but if so, just hope it’s friendly.’ Ethan seemed to be very scared by the sounds. Anne stood up, scraping all her courage together. ‘I don’t think it can come here. But I will get the gun.’ The gun she talked about was stored on deck, in a locker. Ethan looked up to her. ‘You won’t go alone, I go with you.’
    He opened the door, took the key and opened the locker. Inside was a large, heavy gun. Normaly they would use it if they would be pirated, but that was something that was more common around the Indonesian islands, and it had never happened to them. However, Anne was happy she took the gun, although Ethan had been against it before they left Costa Rica. Now he seemed to have changed his mind.
    They walked back in and closed the door. Anne studied the gun. She was good in shooting and fiering at small objects that were far away. Once she had saved a kid from a lion in Africa, just by shooting it in the head with a lady’s model gun. The animal had been death instantly. It had been the only bullet in the gun.
    Ethan shook his head and looked at the gun in front of him. ‘Heavy.’ He concluded. ‘But I have to admit that I’m glad you took it.’
    ‘Believe me,’ Anne said. ‘So am I.’
    Something hit the boat softley and they stared into the darkness. Closer now the cry was repeated. And answerd.
    ‘Whatever it is, it are two of them.’ Anne said breathless.
    ‘Yes.’ Ethan knew nothing more to say. They waited for what would happen. For a long time silence remaind, and Anne closed her eyes and drifted away again. She was woken up by another cry, very close now. Ethan stood in front of the window and looked to something in the water. Anne stood up and tried to see what he was looking at.
    ‘Oh my god!’ She screamed. ‘Start the engines, right away from here!’ Ethan took a jump to the door. It was locked. He started surching for the key. Under the table.
    Anne could do nothing more than stare at what she saw. A giant sail was rising above the water, speeding up in her direction. Suddenly she realised that the most of the sides here where from glas. That was nice when you traveled from island to island in the Carribean, but not when a giant kind of shark with a crocodillian like snouth was heading for you at full speed. She could not even imagine what would happen if it would hit the boat.
    Ethan grabbed the key from the floor and opened the door, only to be slammed back by a sweep of wind and rain- and in the rain a giant head rose above him, full of sharp teeth. He gasped at it. Laying on his back he became aware of the giant claws on the deck. The animal was holding the boat- and it started to sink.
    The weight of the dinosaur pulled the boat under. The bow moved higher while the stern was flooded. Water poored in trough the door. Anne screamed from far away as the second dinosaur raised it’s head to look inside the glas on the deckhouse. They where awfully trapped.
    The salt water reached Ethan and he crawled up, moving higher to where Anne was. The dinosaurs roared at eachother. The boat sank more. Water came in.
    ‘Ethan, open a window, now!’ Ethan did what Anne said. A gulf of water came in and he closed his eyes. Anne pointed the gun on the closest dinosaur and fired. It hit him in the chest. The animal roared and attacked the wooden roof, riping it apart and trying to reach Ethan and Anne.
    ‘Back!’ Ethan pulled her away from the opening. She fired again in the animals troat. It screamed. The water came in further, to their knees now. At the highest point. Below them the door slided under the water line. Only a row of airbubles showed the position.
    ‘Take a lifebelt! Do it.’ Ethan helped her in while she fired at the other animal. The bullet missed. The animals started to roar again. This time the one at the back moved his head down to try getting one of the tiny humans. It raised it’s head again and blood fell down on them. Anne screamed. Than she realised the animal was wounded. It letted go of the boat, slamming it’s giant claws in the side. Than it slided under and swam away.
    The other dinosaur didn’t gave up that easy. It kept attacking them, ripping of the entire roof. The wood drifted around them, but the boat raised back to normal position. Now, it started to move over to starboard.
    Anne fired again, in the animals eye. The eyeball exploded in red blood and white parts of the eye. The animal, king of it’s territory, wasn’t used to such pain. It roared, but falled backwards in the water. It’s tail rammed the boat and left a giant hole in the bottom. The animal swam away, after it’s mate.
    Anne looked out, than started to climb trough the window. ‘Come on, leave the ship.’ Ethan followed, a bag full of food and water.
    At the stern was a small wooden boat. It wasn’t damaged and they lowered it into the ocean and rowed away.
    ‘Where are we going?’ Asked Anne him. Ethan had took the lead again.
    ‘Back to Sorna. We will cal for help from there.’ He rowed with a grimly face. Anne nodded.
    She looked back and saw the yacht sink down into the ocean. All what was left of it where pieces of debris.
    ‘Return to Paradise, huh?’ She said.
    ‘If you say so. It looks more like hell to me.’ Ethan smiled a litle smile. Than he lookec serious agian.
    ‘I suggest we find a dry place, in a tree or something, high from the animals. I think this animals can reach around ten meters high when they rise up. And that long snouth is helpfull to get some small human out of a tree.’ Ethan had studied them better than she had thought.
    ‘But, how do you know they don’t live in the water for the rest of their life? I mean, how do you know they will come out?’ She asked him.
    ‘The claws. Good for swiming, but no fins at all. You can’t stay under water forever with nothing to move yourself with. The animal would get tired eventually, and drown. They hunt in the water, but they live and sleep on the land.’ Behind Ethan, the island apeared. It seemed more like skull island from King Kong now then like a tropical paradise. In her head Anne already could hear the drums of the inmates.
    ‘God, as long as we don’t encounter them at the river.’ She said.
    ‘We won’t, I think they are still around, and angry. You hurted that one at the front pretty bad. His eye was blown out.’
    ‘I just wished I would have hit it in the head. Than it would be killed.’ She shivered.
    ‘I don’t know. There heads seemed pretty strong, like a sort of platings on it.’ Ethan looked back. ‘More south is a beach. We will land there.’
    And he rowed on, back to the island.

    The sun rose again, and the deserted beach was visited by the small boat with the two survivors. They looked up at the jungle and rolled down on the sand. Somehow they didn’t feel very eager to climb a tree.
    Anne closed her eyes, but Ethan shoke her arm and woked her up again.
    ‘Come on, we need to find a save place to rest.’ He said. Anne rose to her feet and followed him, into the dense jungle.
    After a few miles Ethan stopped and pointed at something in a tree. ‘Look, there we can stay.’ He smiled again.
    ‘What is it?’ Anne asked him.
    ‘Some sort of treehouse I think. Looks save.’
    ‘A treehouse?’
    ‘Yeah, I think someone builded it. Maybe they still live here.’ Ethan walked on and stood under the tree. It was high, and the house was at merely ten meters above the ground, existing out of wood and pieces of metal. And an airplane, hanging in the branches.
    ‘God, they must have crashed and builded that around it.’ Anne said. They walked around the tree. At the other side was a rope ladder to climb up. Ethan pulled at it. ‘Seems strong.’ He started to climb up. Anne followed him. They dissapeared in the shadows of the bottom from the airplane.
    Ending up under a locked hatch, Ethan shook his head. ‘They must have had a key to open it, but I don’t know where it could be.’
    ‘Me neither.’ Anne said, and she remembered the key from the green box around her neck. ‘Try this one.’
    Without saying a word Ethan pushed it into the lock and turned it around. The hatch opened and clouds of dust fell over them. Ethan climbed in, Anne followed. She sneezed.
    The room they were standing in was dark. The forms of chairs and debries laid scattered around. At the other end, where the tailsection had been, was more light. The treehouse was there. They walked to it, Ethan holding the small gun, Anne carrying the big one.
    There was not much, only some chairs from the airplane, a broken radio and some drawings from dinosaurs, and the names under it.
    ‘So it where spinosaurusses.’ Anne whispered.
    ‘And the ones following us where velociraptors. How made them anyway?’ Ethan looked closer.
    ‘Marty Guiterez. Sounds spanish.’ He walked on, came to a door in a wall and opened it. And he was asthounished.
    Behind that wall was a complete living room, with chairs, a table, a small improvised kitchen and a bed.
    Anne appeared behind him. She gasped for air. Speechless they walked around, checking the place. It looked inhabitated but intact. Anne picked up a letter from the table. She started to read it.

    ‘To any one who will come here,

    My name is Marty Guiterez, and I’m a zoologist. Or at least, I was. I’m not sure what I’m now. A survivor, a unlucky bastard, a simple man. I don’t know. Fact is that I saw some extrordinary things, something no one has seen before. Dinosaurs. Living dinosaurs on this small island.
    But let me start at the beginning. We crashed here at 1999, with an airplane from US Airlines. Six people survived, and we had no ability to call for help. So we started building this treehouse to protect ourselfs when we realised we were ate Monster-island.
    It didn’t help. Three of us where eaten, one died from a lack of vitamines and a fifth killed herself. I was left behind, and how horrific this may sound to you, I survived on the flesh of the killed people. I won’t talk it right, but we all did, as only option. We ran out of food and water, and the only thing we could do was eat our fellow passengers. God may have their souls.
    I know I’m weak. Maybe I don’t have long to live anymore. But for now, feel free to use this treehouse. It’s open for anyone to live in it till help will arive.

    Kind regards,

    Marty Guiterez’

    Anne and Ethan stared at eachother.
    ‘Three years ago.’ Ethan said softley.
    ‘Yes. That must have been horrific.’
    ‘Let’s try to sleep. You take the bed, I take the chair. When we wake up we will see what we can do next. The animals can not come here.’
    They install themselfs as good as possible. Anne lifts her head. Ethan is looking at her.
    ‘I wonder one thing. Why did he hide the key at the catwalks?’ Anne asked him.
    ‘I think he didn’t want anyone to come here eventualy. He chainged his mind.’
    ‘Maybe. Well, I go rest now. Maybe I can think of some reason tomorrow. See you.’
    ‘Sweet dreams.’ Ethan said. Anne falled asleep. Ethan staid awake, just long enough to hear the animals walk under the treehouse, and roar softley. He closed his eyes and dreamed of fields full of velociraptors and spinosaurusses. Bading in the swet he woke up. Anne was still sleeping. It became dark. The sun was hiding behind the clouds. Seconds later, rain started to fall. Ethan closed his eyes again and staid listening to the rain and the animals, and wished he was back in New York, in his own safe appartement. Somehow it seemed unfair to be here. They had come so far. But at the other hand they had been having a lot of luck. Surviving three dinosaur attacks was just luck. He didn’t want to think of a next time they would encounter any kind of dinosaur. Tommorow, he thought, I will studie the drawings of Guitereze very closely. And he fell in a dreamless sleep this time.
    Rain kept falling on the roof. They where safe for now, inside the small treehouse. Anne smiled in her sleep. Safe.

    5/27/2002 1:50:35 PM

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