By Michael Crichton
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    James Van Der Beek's character in "Dawson's Creek" is an aspiring filmmaker who admires Steven Spielberg. Posters of several Spielberg films can be seen in his bedroom, including JP and TLW. (From: jurassicraptor)
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    Finding Answers: Bobby Muldoon
    By MuldoonLives15

    Rain. Thats all it had been for four straight days. Rain. Non stopping, unforgiving rain. The roads in that quiet Kenyan town were empty due too the mild flooding. Not many cars would be on them anyway, it was a dreadfully poor town, not unlike the majority of poverty stricken Kenya. This town however, had a story, a secret. Twelve short years earlier, a dedicated and charismatic envirementalist named Robert Muldoon called this town home. It had been his home his entire life, until he had been offered a job as a worker at a zoo in Costa Rico. He would not have gone except for the fact that this was an extremely unique opportunity. Or so he told his fifteen year old son the day he left. Bobby Muldoon was now a man, and about to embark on the journey he had planned since he was a boy. Bobby walked out of the onslaught of rain and into an old warehouse. Or so it seemed. As he walked in, Bobby was blinded by the brightest of lights, and as he adjusted his eyes, he smiled as he oversaw the completed vehicles, weapons, communication devices, and other various tools he would be using on his expidition to the island. The island were his father died of exposure. The island he had searched for his whole life...

    3/29/2003 8:43:38 PM

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