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By Michael Crichton
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    It is believed that the first shot of the original JP3 teaser (on the DVD's) was taken from the Universal film, 'Six Days, Seven Nights'. (From: Brett)
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    Dino Trackers: Part 2
    By MuldoonLives15

    The thudder of helicopter blades drowned out Brian Rodgers voice as he shouted to Kevin Jett. "Is that all?"
    "Yes," he replied as he carried his personal duffel bag across the abandoned runway to place in the back of the red jeep.
    "So you're gonna be here, on the landstrip at 12 oclock on Wedsnday right?" Turner shouted into a satelite phone to the pilot of the helicopter.
    "Roger, see you in two days Trey," he called back into the phone.
    Turner placed the satelite phone into one of his many pockets in his brand new safari pants. This wasn't new to Turner though, he had been on countless safaris in Africa, and this felt distinctly similar to him. The familiarity made Turner anxious, this trip was supposed to be different, new, one of a kind. Not like Africa.
    Kevin Jett stumbled up to Turner, dust from the chopper covered his entire body, he was covered with all different kind of equipment. Jett was definately out of his eliment here. He didn't usually go on these little adventures with his friends, he was a computer guy, not a lumber jack. He frowned and coughed a few times before finally saying,"Here is the tracking system, you see these red dots signalize body heat, so we will know if anything bigger than 150 pounds comes within a 400 yard radius. All of us have a beacon on us, that transmits to the GPS, and shows up on the screen. You see, 5 blue dots over those 5 red dots, thats us."
    "Good job Kevin, thats great it really is, did you give Matt one of those?" He asked.
    "Yes, when we get within four hundred yards of him we shoud see him."
    "Good, we need to have the whole team together tonight,"
    "First things first guys," he yelled to the group,"Harrison and Smarr, take a jeep and find Heaton, the rest of us will scout around, see whats here but stick close to the landing strip until Harrison and Smarr call back with Matt's report about a camp site."
    "Sounds good, come on," Harrison said to John Smarr.
    Harrison entered the drivers seat, as Smarr slowly took out a tactical 12- gauge shotgun, just in case. The two men drove off down what once was a trail.
    "OK, Brian come with me, Kevin you stay here, make sure nothing messes with our stuff, we'll be back soon, keep in contact." Turner said.
    Jett waved as Rodgers and Turner trekked into the jungle. Turner didn't expect to see any animals right now, but its always good to check out the terrain. They walked a good mile into the bush, and came up to a small cliff that looked over a gorgeous valley. A valley with an enchanting river running through it, with enormous trees. But Turner instantly relized these were no trees. "Whoa..." Brian wispered.
    "This is nothing like Africa," Turner said to himself.

    Harrison and Smarr bounded down the jungle trail, Smarr was looking at the GPS trying to keep a reading on Matt.
    "Were is he?" Harrison asked impatiently, they had been driving for quite some time with nothing to show for it.
    "Wait, here he is, but somethings wrong with Jetts GPS, its just this blue dot, wheres the red?"
    Harrison's stomach churned, he had a bad feeling.
    "Stop here, he's a little of the trail," Smarr informed himi.
    "Matt! Hey Matt!" Smarr yelled into the forest as him and Harrison walked into the foilage to search.
    "We should be right on top of him," Smarr said with a confused look.
    "We are," Harrison grimly replied.
    There, right under their feet were the remains of a human body, and in the middle of the bones, a black transmitter. Harrison bent down, and picked the transmitter up, and the two men walked back to their jeep, not saying anything to each other, not even looking at each other. Harrison just drove.

    Thats part 2, part 3 coming soon!!
    Read and Comment please!!

    6/15/2003 6:04:35 PM

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