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    JP's Lex says she's a vegetarian, but later in the film she is seen eating Jello -- she must not have known that the gelatin in Jello is routinely made from animal parts. (From: 'Jasper')
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    Dino Trackers: Part 1
    By MuldoonLives15

    Splash! The rain poured down around Matt Heaton mercilessly as he bounced down the abandoned jungle trail. It was raining non stop, not storming, just rain, rain, rain. Matt Heaton did not like rain, he always thought it a bother. Heaton was a young man of 26, strongly built, and tall. He had been in the army for a few years, and he could handle himself against anyone or anything. But, right now, he was terryfied out of his mind. He could not remember being this afraid since his childhood. Fear this deep and this passionate was an unknown feeling to him. Heaton would give anything to be someplace else, anyplace else but here. The thing chasing him was not even loud. Not sounding the slightest bit scary. But it was, it truely was. Heaton wanted to be back in his 2 room, 1 bathroom apartment, back to his lovin girlfriend Libby, and back to his favorite food, a medium well cooked steak with a baked potatoe. But, sadly none of this mattered now. Heaton stumbled and fell into the mud. He briefly thought of getting up, but he did not, he could not, he hadn't a chance and he knew it. A memory of a class taken in Yellowstone National Park flashed across his mind, it taught that if attacked by a bear, place your hands over your head and neck, your vital areas to save yourself. This did not help Matt Heaton.

    Orlando, Florida: The Next Day

    Trey Turner threw the last trunk into the B 725 Jet Airplane, one of the two planes and three helicopters he bought for his little excurision into the jungle. Little was hardly the word for it though. Turner had fell into some money a few years back, due to the lovely lotery of the gracious state of South Carolina. Turner was 28, and a handsome man with an Australian hat. He was also a thrill seeker of the most dangerous kind. He did not only yearn for the adrenaline rush gained from jumping from an airplane, or swimming with great white sharks, he desired it. Lately, that thirst had not been quenched. He grew tired of these trite adventures by the age of 21, and desperately searched for a new adventure. In the summer of 1997, that adventure presented itself in its most horrific form. The televison footage of a live dinosaur terrorizing the streets of San Diego captivated Turner. He did his researched, and asked the right people the right questions, and eventually learned of a genetics company called inGen, that had long since gone bankrupt. He learned exactly what he had hoped, and more. InGen apparently owned a few islands off the Costa Rican coast, and Turner had to go there. Turner, along with his 4 fraternity friends from college, who have been on every little adventure with him from safari to surfing, were going to Isla Sorna, one of the two islands supposedly filled with living, breathing dinosaurs.
    The door to the airplane shut with a slam, and revealed an insigna stating "Dino Trackers" on the side. Inside the passenger plane, were the 5 adventurers. Along with Turner was Brian Rodgers, and entomology major turned local extermintator, he was 26, Kevin Jett, a computer tech major who now works at the DELL computer and supply store, he was 26, Henry (Harpoon) Harrison, he never finished college and ended up working at an alligator farm, he was 27, and John Smarr, an animal behavior major, who worked as an animal control officer.
    "What if theres nothing there. What if its all BS, just a bar story to swap at Costa Rican bars?" Brian said.
    "Little late for that, plus we've seen them, and we know for sure." Harrison replied.
    "Now, this is not totally legal you understand, but we doubt we will have any trouble from the Costa Rican goverment when we land." Bueno, their porter told them, he had an accent.
    "So we're going to meet up with Matt once we get there right?" Kevin Jett asked.
    "Yea," Turner replied.
    Matt Heaton went to days early to the island, to scout it out, and find a suitable campsite for the group. He was army grown, and very capable.
    "How are you?" Harrison asked John Smarr, who was leaning on the window looking out.
    "Fine, just a little airsick," he replied with a half smile.
    John was a very handsome man, with shaggy brown hair. Very charismatic, and charming, he usually had a smile on his face. Born and raised in the south, he was strong willed and bold, and his only fault was the lack of a work ethic. He was filled with anticipation, for this trip would be more beneficial to him than anyone else.
    The 2 planes carried cargo, camping supplies, rations, and of course weapons. The 3 helicopters carried 2 red Jeep Wranglers and a Land Rover. This was well planned, and well funded. It was the adventure of a life time. It was all planned out, nothing could go wrong...

    Thats Part 1, part 2 is coming soon!!
    Read and Comment please!

    6/12/2003 10:38:35 PM

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