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    Dino Trackers Part 4
    By MuldoonLives15

    Rodgers sat on the hood of the jeep as Turner hurriedly talked into the radio.
    "What was that?" Turner said impatiently to Jett who was back at camp.
    "I really have no idea, call Harrison maybe it was him," Jett replied, he sounded tired and bored.
    "They're out of range right now, but I'm coming back to camp, and when I get there I expect some answers," Turner ordered.
    "Ok," Jett said back.
    Turner got into the jeep and yelled at Rodgers to get in too. They drove along the old jeep trail until they finally reached camp once again. Getting out, Turner walked around the tent, he noticed a yellow humvee.
    "What the-", he said with shock.
    Jett stood next to the burned out fire along with Smarr and Harrison, but they were not alone. Three burly looking men stood along with them.
    "Who is this," Turner said alarmed at almost a yell.
    "Ask him," Harrison said pointing to John Smarr.
    Smarr looked at Turner with a nervous face.
    "John?" Turner questioned.
    "Um, well," he said, not knowing quite how to explain this.
    "I am Dr. Snare," said the larget man. He wore a black leather hat, with what looked like crocodile skin pants, and heavy boots. There were large scars on his chest, and arms.
    "These are my...associates, Scrap Davis, and Skinner.
    "Scrap? Is that a family name?" Rodgers asked.
    "I met these guys in a Costa Rican bar a few months back while we were there figuring this trip out," Smarr explained,"We got to talking and they gave me a very exciting offer. It turns out, Dr. Snare was part of the inGens 1997 expedition to Isla Sorna. The expedition failed horribly, and nearly all of the members of the exbidition were killed. Snare was one of the few survivors. He has been here before, he knows this island."
    "Yes, and I have always wanted back here," Snare said,"I want to finish, at least partialy what I started back in '97,"he told them.
    "What you started?" Turner asked.
    "Yes," Snare said as he began to pace around the burnt logs of the extinguished fire," Yes, the expeditions goal was to relocated some of these animals."
    "You mean steal them." Turner said sternly.
    "No, not at all," Snare said," These animals are the property of inGen, the company who put together the expedition. We were simply harvesting our crops. InGen has the rights to these animals, inGen made these animals. We had every right." He said.
    "Yes, you did. But now you don't work for inGen." Turner said.
    "That doesn't matter, inGen will pay graciously for live specimens, even for parts of dead ones. And if inGen doesn't want them, I'm sure there is someone who does." Snare said.
    "Your friend Mr. Smarr informed us of when you would be visiting the island, and offered us a job to be your guides. As long as you would help us collect these very profitable assets. Of course, once we sell our captives, you will be welcome to a bit, a small bit of the profit." Snare said with a forced smile.
    "We don't want anything to do with it." Turner said quickly.
    "Trey think of the possibilies, how much this would be worth! We can cash in on some of the profit, and we can film these guys in the process! We could make our fortune here!" Smarr said impatiently.
    "No, its a bad idea. A very bad idea," Turner replied, his mind was made up.
    "This isn't your expedition Turner," Smarr said, he was getting angry now.
    "Thats right, and you can do whatever you want. But the rest of us are not going to have anything to do with this," Turner countered.
    "Open your eyes!" John yelled, this was a side of him none of them had seen,"You narrow minded fool, just open your eyes and look around. You would never have to work another day in your life. I am not going back home again to nothing, I am not going back home WITH nothing,"Smarr said.
    "It's your choice, but not on my watch," Turner said, he was done talking.
    "Hmm, I was afraid this might happen," Skinner opened his mouth finally. "You see, if you deny us the privelage of your company, and of course your resources and help. We'll have to have some way to...vent our dissapointment. You see this," Skinner said pulling out a small bottle of green liquid. "This is amotrin docsolidis."
    Turner and Harrison exchanged confused glances.
    "This is the substance that is used between rival tribes in Africa. You see, one from the opposite tribe, will go into the other village at night and sprinkle this stuff on tents, the ground, sourounding plants and trees, and even on the villagers themselves. And within minutes, every predator in 30 miles comes running, driven mad by the smell. Its not quite none what it does, but it puts them in a frenzy, and nothing will break it. They lose all fear of each other, and of man. Killers of all species will rush into the village, Hyenas and Lions will kill together, and the abundance of food leaves no need for fighting. The village is quickly devoured. I break this bottle open here, and who knows what will happen." Skinner explained with a child like grin.
    "Thats the craziest thing I've ever heard," Turner said.
    "Care to test it?" Skinner replied.

    Night had fallen now, and after a long discussion between the Dino Trackers, minus John Smarr, a decision had been made. These raiders would be aloud to work along side them. Turner tried to convince himself, that it was truly because of the money that could be gained, but he and his whole team new that it was because of that absord liquid they had been threatened with. Turner hardly believed it was what they said it was, but he certainly was not going to test it. Turner wanted to believe he wanted a piece of the profit, but it wasn't like he could use the money.
    The now larger group of men sat around the fire, no one spoke.
    "We're going to be working together, lets try to get to know each other. I don't know why we can't be friends," Smarr said aloud. Harrison and Turner shot him a look of disguist, and Smarr looked to the left pretending not to see them.
    "How did you survive the 1997 expedition?" Turner asked Snare.
    Snare looked down at the fire, and Turner was beginning to wonder if he had even heard him.
    "One night, a Tyrannosaur attacked our camp. A group of us tried to escape by running into a field of grass, very tall grass. One guy, a short fellow named Jim couldn't even see over it,"Snare said with a forced chuckle,"Well we went into this grass, and the rex did stop chasing us. We thought we did it, we thought we were home free. Well thats when the first attack came. Michael Crondite was lagging behind a bit, and he was just pulled down. It was like he tripped or something. But then the tail came. A long slender tail taking the Michaels place at the back of the group. What followed was a massacre. It was luck that I made it out. Heavens knows I shouldn't have," Snare said rubbing a long scare on his chest.
    "Lets go to bed," Scrap Davis's voice boomed over everyone else, "Skinner, you take first watch. We may play like we like you, but we still don't trust you," he said smiling as he went to a tent to sleep. The rest followed, Turner was the last to enter the tent. He knew he was in deep this time, but how deep, he just didn't know.

    There ya go, part 4! Hope ya liked it, part 5 is coming soon!

    6/20/2003 5:24:04 PM

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