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    When Dennis Nedry falls down the muddly slope, listen carefully: A slide-whistle sound is played, giving his fall a subliminally cartoony quality. (From 'Dilophosaurus')
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    JP6 SotF p2
    By Mr Goodbytes.

    Chapter 6 Part 2: The Pack

    Ian and Todd fired repeatedly at the swarm ahead of them. There were at least seventy animals of all ages. It was an extraordinarily large nesting ground.
    “What the hell were they doing to these animals?”
    “I’ll be damned if I know.”
    A large male sped towards Malcolm from behind. Todd glimpsed the dinosaur just in time. He spun around quickly, his shot leaving a bloody hole in the animal’s skull. Ian glanced over at Todd.
    “Perhaps we should end the chatter. It’s distracting.”
    “Less talk and more action,” Todd said.
    The two fought on. Surrounded by the cries of dieing men and beasts.


    Alan Grant winced. The pain in his leg was excruciating. He moved his head slowly, taking in his surroundings. Memories flooded into his mind. He remembered the Baryonyx holding him high in the air. He remembered the sensation of his own bones being crushed. Why hadn’t he died? He rolled to his side. Coughing violently, he tasted blood in his mouth. His first thought was of internal bleeding. However, he stopped coughing and felt a gash on the side of his mouth. Opening his eyes again, he was thrown into a fit of terror again. Grant was staring directly into the mouth of a Baryonyx! His eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness.


    “There’s too many of them!”
    “Fall back!”
    Ian and Todd had barely been holding their own against the swarm of Deinonychus. The numbers wee simply overwhelming. Almost half of their men had been wiped out. It seemed the more they killed, the more they saw. The pack was larger than anyone could have imagined.
    “This is just unreal,” said Todd in a shaky voice, “They must breed like rabbits!”
    “God only knows what Dodgson was doing,” Ian replied.
    Ian and Todd continued to retreat, firing continuously at the dinosaurs. Bodies of soldiers and animals littered the ground. The jungle floor had turned red, and the Deinonychus nesting ground had become a slaughter yard. If they hadn’t been at the back of the group, Ian and Todd would have probably been killed also.


    “Dr. Grant!”
    Alan moaned in response.
    “Dr. Grant!”
    A soft voice floated gently into his ears. It was a vaguely familiar female voice.
    Grant lifted his head from the hard ground. He opened his eyes slowly. The blurry figure of a woman greeted his eyes.
    His vision adjusted, and he could now see the person calling his name.
    “Are you alright,” Katie Harbin asked.
    “Yeah,” he said, “All but my leg.”
    Alan was relieved by the presence of another person, but he was disappointed that it wasn’t the woman he loved.
    “That looks pretty serious. You need medical attention as soon as possible.”
    “What happened to the others?”
    “Most of them were either killed or scared off,” she said, “Only three made it back to the vehicle.”
    “Is that where you were,” Grant asked. He could barely remember any details before the attack.
    “Yeah, you told me to stay there.”
    “Where is it anyway?”
    “Right over there,” said Katie as she pointed at the LAV.
    Alan felt a resurgence of pain as he tried to prop himself up further.
    “Just lay back down,” Katie said in a soothing voice. She called over one of the three men, showing him Alan’s ragged ankle. The soldier ran back to the vehicle. He returned shortly carrying a first aid kit. Alan had been lucky. The artery had somehow remained intact in his leg. It was a miracle that he was still alive. The soldier placed a tourniquet on Alan’s leg. There were no supplies for making a splint in the kit, so they formed one using what sticks they could find.
    “We need to get you out of here as soon as possible. Can you stand with help?”
    “I should be able to. I’ve been in worse situations before,” Grant replied.
    He gritted his teeth as he pulled himself up. Katie and the soldier steadied him. Together, the three made their way at a snail’s pace toward the waiting vehicle.


    “Almost there,” Todd said.
    They were about two thirds of the way back to the LAV’s. The pack appeared to be settling down now that the humans were making a retreat. Ian looked at the relieved faces all around him. It did indeed seem as though the Deinonychus had given up the pursuit. That, however, is what gave it away.
    “It’s a trap!”
    “Ian, what are you talking about?”
    “It’s a trap,” he screamed again.
    Suddenly, the forest came to life again. The pack had divided. In all of the prior chaos, no one had noticed. Now, they were trapped between two living walls of teeth and claws.

    Chapter 6 Part 3: Malcolm

    “Has anyone heard from Malcolm or Todd?”
    “No,” Katie replied, “The radio has been off. I was afraid the dinosaurs might hear it.”
    “Do you know how to work it?”
    “Not really… Why can’t they try it,” She asked looking at the remaining soldiers.
    “None of them can speak English. Ian or Todd will be the ones to answer most likely.”
    “Okay, I’ll try.”


    Dozens of animals closed in on the group. Hundreds of bullets ripped through the air and into the bodies of the horde. Unless they could make it a one hit one kill, however, they would surly run out of ammunition. They never expected so many animals would be in one place.
    One Deinonychus broke through the line of fire. It leapt onto one of the soldiers. Luckily, the man had thought to wear his flack jacket. The animal’s claws slashed uselessly against the Kevlar. Ian aimed his rifle. The projectile smashed into the dinosaur. The Deinonychus looked up at the source of its’ newfound pain. It growled ferociously. Ian had missed any vital areas. The dinosaur was enraged. It closed its jaws around the man’s exposed face. Ian aimed again. He pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. His gun had jammed! The Deinonychus began moving toward him. Its bloody lips curled slightly, exposing razor-sharp teeth. Everyone else was firing at the large pack, ignoring Ian’s plight. He was on his own with the Cretaceous killing machine!


    “There’s no response. Should I try again?”
    “Yes,” Grant replied, “Keep trying.”
    “I can see their signal on the GPS,” Katie said, “Maybe we should just go to them.”
    “How far away are they?”
    “Only about a mile to the north.”
    “Well, they’re not answering the radio…”
    “Dr. Grant, I’m not about to stay around here. At least we would be with more people.”
    “Alright,” He said, “Let’s get going.”
    The engine of the LAV rumbled to life. Katie pointed at the tiny spot on the monitor.
    “Take us here,” She said.
    The soldier understood. He turned the vehicle around, and headed towards the blinking dot on the GPS.


    Ian dodged left, narrowly avoiding the Deinonychus’ razor claws. The animal snarled, whirling around for a second strike. Malcolm countered by bashing the dinosaur’s head with the butt of his gun. This only enraged the beast further. Sharp claws dug deep into Ian’s back, ripping a chunk of ragged flesh. Ian fell to his knees. His eyes filled with tears as pain surged through his shoulders. The Deinonychus slashed again, knocking Malcolm flat on his face. By this time, Todd had spotted his friends predicament. He raised his rifle just as the animal was going for the kill. Ian felt intense pressure in his back as the Deinonychus’ killing claw started in. The claw pulled out as suddenly as it had entered. His last sensation before he lost consciousness was of being dragged along the ground.

    Chapter 7 Part 1: Failure

    “We’re getting close.”
    “Good,” Grant replied, “I can’t believe Ian hasn’t answered our calls.”
    “I hope they’re all right,” said Katie.
    Suddenly, a crumpled figure appeared on the path in front of the vehicle. The driver tried to stop, but it was too late. Sickening thuds could be felt as the vehicle’s six wheels rolled over the man.
    “Oh my God!”
    “What the hell was that,” asked Grant.
    “We just hit someone!”
    Grant and the others exited the LAV. A young man of about twenty lay crushed behind the vehicle.
    “Oh my God,” Katie repeated, “We just killed a man.”
    Alan, with the aid of the driver, limped slowly towards the corpse. He stared at it for a few seconds. He recognized the wounds on the body immediately.
    “I wish we had,” Grant said in a strange tone.
    “What the hell do you mean,” asked Katie.
    “I mean, we didn’t kill him, but it would have been better if we had.”
    Katie looked at the body again. She instantly realized that Grant was correct. The body had been sliced open from chest to stomach. It was a relatively clean slash, not a ragged tear one would expect from dragging.
    “Exactly,” Grant said, “We need to move. Ian is in major trouble.”


    “Tell Alan to keep…”
    “Keep what, Ian”
    “His promise…”
    “What promise would that be,” Todd asked.
    They had finally made it back to their LAV. Ian was badly injured. He drifted in and out of consciousness. Todd calmly pressed him to keep talking, to keep him conscious. The minor first aid Ian was receiving would not be enough.
    “Sarah… Tell Sarah…”
    Chances of survival were slim.


    “They’re all dead.”
    Alan Grant sat in the vehicle, watching the monitors as Katie and the three soldiers inspected the carnage. Bodies of both men and monsters were scattered across the jungle floor. There appeared to be no survivors.
    “There had to be survivors,” Grant said, “the vehicles are gone.”
    “Yes,” Katie said, “but who and where are the survivors?”
    Before Alan could respond, four Deinonychus appeared behind the LAV.
    “Don’t say a word, and get back in the vehicle now,” said Alan calmly, trying not to panic Katie.
    The animals had yet to notice the humans. They were too busy inspecting the vehicle. Katie did not argue. She motioned for the soldiers to follow her with one hand while shushing them with the other. The Deinonychus screeched and barked at one another. Katie made her way to the hatch. She opened it slowly. The hatch squeaked loudly. Katie cringed at the sudden noise. Surly the animals would have heard such a loud noise. Peering cautiously over the edge, Katie spied the dinosaurs. They just stood in one spot, squealing and cawing. Katie exhaled heavily. She opened the hatch completely, stepping inside. The soldiers followed close behind. The driver stepped inside as six more animals swarmed over last man. Katie screamed. She turned away from the monitors, as the man was ripped apart. The two remaining soldiers struggled to close the hatch. One of the dinosaurs jumped on top of the vehicle. It rammed its’ self strait through the opening, forcing the soldiers back.
    “Holy shit!”
    The closest soldier raised his pistol, firing at the beast as it entered. He managed to hit the beast with every shot, but the bullets missed any vital targets. The Deinonychus screamed. It ran forward, clamping its’ jaws on the soldier’s shoulder. Katie ran past the chaos. She slammed the hatch shut to prevent any more dinosaurs from entering. The soldier squirmed on the floor. The driver was bashing the animal’s skull with his fists. The soldier on the floor writhed in pain. He reached his free had towards the gun. The dinosaur shook its’ head violently, ripping flesh away. The soldier grabbed his gun. Fighting the pain, he shoved the barrel into the dinosaurs face. The animal released his shoulder. It closed its’ razor filled maw around the soldier’s hand that held the gun. Even as the bones of his wrist snapped, the soldier managed to fire. The Deinonychus’ eyes rolled back. The dinosaur fell to the floor. In death, just as in life, the creature held on to the man’s hand with steel-trap jaws.

    Chapter 7 Part 2: Chaos Ends

    Ian Malcolm breathed shallowly. Consciousness was less common. He was frequently passing out from the pain. Todd tried to comfort him as much as possible. It was very unlikely that Ian would make it to the hospital alive. Malcolm’s eyes opened, and his mouth began to move. He was trying to speak.
    “I love…”
    Todd listened carefully, trying to make out the barely audible words.
    “I love you Sarah…”
    “Sarah’s not here, Ian.”
    “Nonsense,” Ian said smiling, “I can see her.”
    “You’re hallucinating again.”
    “I don’t care,” he said.
    Suddenly, his eyelids began to flutter rapidly. His breathing slowed, then stopped.
    “Somebody help!!! Please!!!! ¡Necesito ayuda!”
    A soldier rushed to assist, but it was too late. Ian Malcolm passed away just as they reached the hospital entrance.


    Alan Grant awoke with a fright. Bright lights filled his eyes, and he could smell the sterile air around him. He glanced around the room. He was in a hospital. Not only that, but he was the patient! His eyes focused on an object across the room. It was the silhouette of a very beautiful woman. He could not make out the face, however.
    “You’re awake,” said a familiar voice.
    “Where am I?”
    As Grant’s eyes adjusted to the lights, the face came into focus. It was Ellie!
    “What are you doing here,” Alan asked, “It’s dangerous!”
    “Alan, what are you talking about?”
    “The animals are here! They’re loose!”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. The dinosaurs are contained on Nublar.”
    “What? Where’s Malcolm?”
    “He’s in Texas, Alan. Why?”
    “That’s impossible…”
    Suddenly, a scream floated in from the hall. The door to the hospital room burst open. A Deinonychus stood menacingly in the doorway. Blood dripped from its jaws. It lowered its had and charged.


    “Alan! Calm down!”
    Grant’s eyes opened quickly. He sat up. His arm was killing him. Indeed, his whole body ached.
    “Where am I?”
    “It’s alright,” said Katie, “We’re at the hospital.”
    “Where’s Ian?”
    “He didn’t make it,” Todd replied.
    Grant felt a chill run down his spine. He had heard that phrase too many times.
    “They’re shipping us out,” Katie said.
    “We’re going home,” said Todd.
    “What about the animals? They have to be destroyed.”
    “The military said something about poisoning the food supply.”
    “When are we leaving?”
    “Tomorrow,” Katie answered, “They have the perimeter secure. We’re safe here for now. We move out in the morning.”
    “The sooner the better,” Grant said, “God, I wish Ian and I hadn’t tried to help. We should have just stayed out of the way.”
    “Just rest now,” Katie said, “Don’t blame yourself. Malcolm would have gone even if you hadn’t.”
    “She’s right. Ian was very stubborn,” said Todd.
    “You may be right,” Alan said, “But I still feel horrible. “God, help us all.”
    Alan Grant closed his eyes. He fell fast asleep. Katie bent over him, kissing his cheek softly. Alan Grant is the bravest man I have ever met, she thought. Todd wrapped his arm around Katie’s shoulder, and led her out of the room.

    Chapter 7 Part 3: Departure From Madness

    The sun rose once more over a scene of pandemonium. The streets were littered with dead bodies. Blood from both humans and animals smeared the pavement. Distant gunfire and screaming filled the air from all directions. Grant and the others waited with solemn patients for the chopper to arrive. At long last, they were going home.
    “What will the world do now? These things are going to be everywhere,” Todd said.
    “Maybe it’s the end,” replied Katie.
    “Only for us humans,” said Grant.
    The three watched on television as a reporter described the horrific scenes of carnage that surrounded him. Even as he spoke, a large Amargasaurus herd moved slowly in the background. The massive sauropods moved slowly and elegantly. Even with all that had happened to him, Alan still marveled at their beauty. Without warning, the Amargasaurus herd bellowed loudly. They charged at full speed towards the reporter. Alan sat up in bed to see the television better. “Why are the charging?”
    The answer came in the form of a piercing roar off screen. The reporter was long gone, but the camera operator continued to film. A Giganotosaurus stood at the jungle’s edge. It howled again. It raised its head high, sniffing the air. Its eyes rolled back into its head as if focused all of its concentration of sniffing. The animal emitted a low rumble. It turned toward the camera man. The camera fell to the ground as the operator ran away. The last image on the television was of a large foot smashing the camera.
    “My God.”


    Grant and the others made their way to the waiting vehicles. They were on their way to the dock on the other side of town. The sea was their only chance of escape. The airport was destroyed. As they approached the small convoy of busses, they could see that the seats were packed with refuges hoping to escape the carnage that surrounded them. Todd and Katie found a seat for Alan, but they were forced to stand. The busses were soon packed. The drivers put the busses in gear, and pulled away from the sidewalk. People were running at the busses. They screamed and cried to be let on. There was nothing that they could do for the poor people. The busses were full. As they drove on, Grant looked back. He could see the silhouette of a large Baryonyx running swiftly into the crowd. Spurts of gunfire were interrupted by the screams of villagers and the roar of the mighty beast.


    The convoy headed down the small winding road. It seemed to Grant that they were moving painfully slow. Thoughts of home kept running through his mind. He couldn’t wait to see Ellie again. Other thoughts also percolated into his mind. Strange thoughts. Thoughts of how he would make a living. Thoughts of how his truck was holding up. Why would thoughts such as these invade my mind, he thought. Then, he just stopped thinking. He was tired of thinking. He just wanted to be away from the maddening madness. Suddenly, the bus in front of theirs burst into flames! Everyone screamed. The engulfed bus turned sharply, and smashed into a large tree. Looking out the right window, they saw the cause of the explosion. A stray missile had hit the bus. They also happened to see what the missile had missed. A Giganotosaurus nest! Two of the colossal creatures were guarding a single nest. One was facing off against a large group of soldiers, but the other turned its attention to the convoy.
    “Step on it!”
    The Giganotosaurus roared.
    “Now damn it, GO!”
    The busses peeled away, but the dinosaur was close behind. Since Grant and the others were now the lead bus, they had a good view of the chaos behind them. The Giganotosaurus slammed it’s head into the side of the bus. The metal dented easily. The bus swerved off the road, crashing into a small pond. The dinosaur rammed it again. Grant could see a person being pulled out of the bus window as his bus rounded another curve.


    The only surviving bus slowed to a halt. They had finally arrived at the dock. Katie and Todd helped Grant off. The dock was bustling. There were people everywhere, but no sign of dinosaurs. A large ship rocked gently in the ocean. It was a peaceful sight. Alan and the others climbed on board. It was quiet and calm. The ship jerked slightly as the pulled away. Alan Grant leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and slept.

    Epilogue: A Note From The Writer

    Every thing you have just read is true. Even as I finish writing this sentence, dinosaurs are everywhere, although their numbers are on the decline. This is a historical account of how our world was shaped by the tampering of ignorant scientists, and how my great, great grandfather, and others, survived in those early days. We came very close to our own destruction. Thankfully, the science that almost killed us saved us. Scientists finally introduced cloned dinosaurs with a fatal gene. While there are still a few hold outs, the numbers are now manageable. We have survived. We have learned. We, just as life, have found a way.

    Joshua Alan Grant, December 29, 2129

    8/23/2005 8:02:19 AM

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