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    SotF Prologue and Chapter 1 part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Prologue: Flight Home

    Dr. Ian Malcolm leaned back in his seat. He could see the sunlight fading fast as the Boeing 727 lifted off the runway. Watching the ground drop away, he sat and contemplated everything that Dr. Grant had relayed to him. Alan was badly frightened, and Ian had not really wanted to leave him. Ian had been with Grant every day for the past two weeks. Alan had been healing steadily, and would probably be released in a few days. Malcolm regretted leaving, but he had a wife waiting for him at home.
    It’s a good thing I gave them my number, he thought, if anything happens I can just hop on the next returning flight.
    “Would you care for a drink,” asked the stewardess.
    “No thanks,” He said, “What’s the in-flight movie?”
    “It’s the documentary ‘Jurassic Park: 65 Million Years in the Making
    .’ You know, the one that was made a few years ago by that team on one of the islands. It’s really quite…”
    “I’ve already seen it,” Ian said interrupting.


    “He’s going into cardiac arrest!”
    “I can’t get a pulse!”
    “He’s flat line, Get the paddles STAT!”
    As the voices in Spanish and English floated around the room of the Lady of Guadalupe Medical Center, all immediate attention was on one man. Dr. Alan Grant lay unconscious in his hospital bed. Twenty people gathered around him. They were all probing and taking measurements. His eyes fluttered, his body shook, and he was still aware of what was happening. He could hear them talking, but it sounded so far away.
    So, he thought, this is how it all ends.
    Everything he sees and hears fades away. There is nothing.


    The loud ringing of his satellite phone awakened Ian. He fumbled for it, then pushed the receive button.
    “Dr. Malcolm?”
    “Yes, this is Ian Malcolm.”
    “I’m afraid we have some unfortunate news regarding your colleague, Dr. Alan Grant,” said the Woman’s voice on the other end.
    “Oh my God. Yes, I’ll call her myself.”
    Malcolm hung up his phone. He lowered his head, taking a deep breath. Ian quickly dialed the phone. A woman answered.
    “Hello, Degler residence.”
    “Ellie, It’s Ian. I have some bad news.”

    Chapter 1 part 1: Awakening

    Whispering voices filled the room. Rows of freezers and metal tables lined the area. A sign hung on the entrance. Written in Spanish, the sign read simply “Morgue.”
    “Here he is Señor Buckley,” said a gruff voice in strained English, “I hope you are paying well. I could loose my job.”
    “I’m sure this will be enough,” Buckley stated as he handed the man a large case full of bills, “Just stick to your story. It cost us a lot just to pay off the doctor”
    “No problem Señor,” the man replied, “His body was cremated by mistake.”
    “That’s right. Keep it that way,” Buckley said. He grabbed the gurney, and wheeled it out of the hospital.


    Alan Grant opened his eyes slowly. Looking around, he saw that he was in a dimly lit room. Though he still had an I.V. in his arm, he knew that he wasn’t in the hospital any more. A dark figure approached the bedside.
    “Where am I,” Grant asked in a sore voice.
    “Biosyn facility 990-32.”
    “I’m back on the island?”
    “I’m afraid I cannot divulge that information Dr. Grant.”
    “Who are you?”
    “Don’t you remember me,” the man said as he stepped into the light.
    “Dodgson,” Grant said.
    “Can you stand?”
    “I think so… Why am I here,” Alan asked as he got to his feet.
    “I think you know Dr. Grant. Let’s take a walk.”
    Grant began walking behind Dodgson. As they exited the room, an armed guard followed. Alan cringed as the man pushed the barrel of a gun into his spine.
    I’m not going to make it out of here alive, Alan thought as he walked down the long hall.

    “Why do you want me? You could have killed me easily.”
    “I don’t want you dead unless necessary Dr. Grant. You see, that old saying ‘good help is hard to come by’ is true. We need a paleontologist. We can’t positively identify half of our own attractions.”
    “So why didn’t you just hire someone?”
    “Two reasons Dr. Grant,” Dodgson said, “One, because none of them come close to your experience.”
    “I wish I had no experience…”
    Dodgson chuckled slightly.
    “The second reason is that if word got out about our attractions, our facility would be shut down. Even though we have broken no laws.”
    “Broken no laws? How about murder,” Grant yelled angrily.
    “Murder?” We killed no one. Your protégés all died in a plane crash.”
    “What about me?”
    “You Dr. Grant… You are already dead.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “You died of heart failure last night.”
    Grant stumbled backwards. Stunned at what he just heard.
    “A simple combination of drugs. It gives the appearance of cardiac arrest. Your heart slows to almost a stop, your breathing slows, your pulse is undetectable, and your muscles become ridged, mimicking rigor mortis.”
    Alan began taking deep breaths. He closed his eyes, thinking to himself about escape.
    “We’ll keep you here. You can’t leave, not until the park opens anyway. You will be paid, fed, and clothed for your service.”
    “What if I say no?”
    “I would advise against that Dr. Grant. After all, you are already dead as far as the world is concerned.”
    Not much of a choice, he thought to himself. He turned, looking out the window of the large room that they were standing in. A large herd of Amargasaurus ambled across the large plane. The sun set behind them, outlining their graceful bodies against a red sky. Their unusual sail and spikes wobbling back and forth. Grant turned back toward Dodgson.
    “Excellent Dr. Grant.”
    Something else suddenly caught Grant’s eye. The dinosaurs had strange collars around their legs.
    “What are those?”
    “That is the latest in invisible fencing technology. Our visitors will be able to get closer than InGen ever could have imagined.”
    “Must have been expensive,” Grant said.
    “We spared no expense.”
    Where have I heard that before, Grant thought as a shiver ran down his spine. He turned back to the window, staring at prehistory.

    9/13/2002 10:42:57 AM

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