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By Michael Crichton
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    SotF Chap 6 part 2
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 6 Part 2: The Pack

    Ian and Todd fired repeatedly at the swarm ahead of them. There were at least seventy animals of all ages. It was an extraordinarily large nesting ground.
    “What the hell were they doing to these animals?”
    “I’ll be damned if I know.”
    A large male sped towards Malcolm from behind. Todd glimpsed the dinosaur just in time. He spun around quickly, his shot leaving a bloody hole in the animal’s skull. Ian glanced over at Todd.
    “Perhaps we should end the chatter. It’s distracting.”
    “Less talk and more action,” Todd said.
    The two fought on. Surrounded by the cries of dieing men and beasts.


    Alan Grant winced. The pain in his leg was excruciating. He moved his head slowly, taking in his surroundings. Memories flooded into his mind. He remembered the Baryonyx holding him high in the air. He remembered the sensation of his own bones being crushed. Why hadn’t he died? He rolled to his side. Coughing violently, he tasted blood in his mouth. His first thought was of internal bleeding. However, he stopped coughing and felt a gash on the side of his mouth. Opening his eyes again, he was thrown into a fit of terror again. Grant was staring directly into the mouth of a Baryonyx! His eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness.


    “There’s too many of them!”
    “Fall back!”
    Ian and Todd had barely been holding their own against the swarm of Deinonychus. The numbers wee simply overwhelming. Almost half of their men had been wiped out. It seemed the more they killed, the more they saw. The pack was larger than anyone could have imagined.
    “This is just unreal,” said Todd in a shaky voice, “They must breed like rabbits!”
    “God only knows what Dodgson was doing,” Ian replied.
    Ian and Todd continued to retreat, firing continuously at the dinosaurs. Bodies of soldiers and animals littered the ground. The jungle floor had turned red, and the Deinonychus nesting ground had become a slaughter yard. If they hadn’t been at the back of the group, Ian and Todd would have probably been killed also.


    “Dr. Grant!”
    Alan moaned in response.
    “Dr. Grant!”
    A soft voice floated gently into his ears. It was a vaguely familiar female voice.
    Grant lifted his head from the hard ground. He opened his eyes slowly. The blurry figure of a woman greeted his eyes.
    His vision adjusted, and he could now see the person calling his name.
    “Are you alright,” Katie Harbin asked.
    “Yeah,” he said, “All but my leg.”
    Alan was relieved by the presence of another person, but he was disappointed that it wasn’t the woman he loved.
    “That looks pretty serious. You need medical attention as soon as possible.”
    “What happened to the others?”
    “Most of them were either killed or scared off,” she said, “Only three made it back to the vehicle.”
    “Is that where you were,” Grant asked. He could barely remember any details before the attack.
    “Yeah, you told me to stay there.”
    “Where is it anyway?”
    “Right over there,” said Katie as she pointed at the LAV.
    Alan felt a resurgence of pain as he tried to prop himself up further.
    “Just lay back down,” Katie said in a soothing voice. She called over one of the three men, showing him Alan’s ragged ankle. The soldier ran back to the vehicle. He returned shortly carrying a first aid kit. Alan had been lucky. The artery had somehow remained intact in his leg. It was a miracle that he was still alive. The soldier placed a tourniquet on Alan’s leg. There were no supplies for making a splint in the kit, so they formed one using what sticks they could find.
    “We need to get you out of here as soon as possible. Can you stand with help?”
    “I should be able to. I’ve been in worse situations before,” Grant replied.
    He gritted his teeth as he pulled himself up. Katie and the soldier steadied him. Together, the three made their way at a snail’s pace toward the waiting vehicle.


    “Almost there,” Todd said.
    They were about two thirds of the way back to the LAV’s. The pack appeared to be settling down now that the humans were making a retreat. Ian looked at the relieved faces all around him. It did indeed seem as though the Deinonychus had given up the pursuit. That, however, is what gave it away.
    “It’s a trap!”
    “Ian, what are you talking about?”
    “It’s a trap,” he screamed again.
    Suddenly, the forest came to life again. The pack had divided. In all of the prior chaos, no one had noticed. Now, they were trapped between two living walls of teeth and claws.

    3/6/2003 7:00:54 PM

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