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    Jeff Goldblum will star in 'Perfume' in 2001, an improvisational film. (From: 'Dr. Alan Grant')
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    SotF Chap 5 part 4
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 5 part 4: Three for One

    Alan Grant recognized the man immediately. He was almost willing to let Buckley die. His conscience won out, however. The Baryonyx was closing in fast on Buckley. Alan gave the order to open fire. The first grenade impacted just as the Baryonyx prepared to snatch Buckley from the ground. Fire and blood erupted from the animal’s body. Buckley dived for safety as a second RPG detonated, blowing the dinosaur’s leg to shreds of red flesh. Troy Buckley turned towards his saviors, saw Grant, and ran the opposite direction.
    “Stupid,” Grant said to himself.
    “What should we do now, Señor Grant?”
    “Leave him,” Grant said, “He won’t come willingly anyway.”
    A blood-curdling scream came from behind Grant. Men began running past him. Alan turned sharply.
    “Oh my God!”


    Troy Buckley ran like a greyhound. He had to escape. He knew that if Alan Grant caught him it would mean a long jail sentence. Buckley would rather have been eaten. Running through the thick jungle growth, Buckley never noticed that one of the trees he passed wasn’t what it appeared to be. He never saw the tree bend at the center. He never saw the roots rise from the ground to reveal three sharp claws. However, Troy Buckley did hear the sound of giant feet in hot pursuit.


    Grant realized his mistake too late. He had relied heavily on technology, something that he had never done before, and now a second Baryonyx was screaming down upon his group. The GPS unit picked up both dinosaurs as one animal since they were so close together. Chaos ensued around him, as men were ripped apart. The grenadiers, caught completely by surprise, dropped their weapons in a moment of shock-induced stupidity. Making matters worse, this Baryonyx was extremely aggressive. Three men died in the first few seconds of the attack. At least four more followed thereafter. Grant decided not to stick around. Alan launched himself into a run faster than he had ever moved in his life.
    “Everyone to the vehicle,” Alan screamed as he sprinted.
    It did him little good. The interpreter was snatched up into the jaws of death before he could translate. Now on his own, Alan Grant raced onward.


    Large limbs and whole trees smashed around Buckley as the Giganotosaurus crashed around. The giant in pursuit was having a difficult time moving through the thick forest foliage. Buckley glanced back. He saw his pursuer for the first time. He recognized the monster at once. Buckley laughed aloud. He knew that the dinosaur was too large to catch him. It could barely keep up. The jungle was much too thick. Not only that, but the dinosaur had a slight limp as well. Buckley turned back, smashing face first into a low branch. He managed to keep his balance, but his nose bled profusely. Buckley kept running, but he was slightly dazed. His pace had slowed. The Giganotosaurus closed in fast. A large tree cracked as the animals weight pressed upon it. The tree smashed forward, hitting Buckley directly in the back. He cried out loudly as the fallen tree snapped his vertebrae and pinned his body. Tears streamed down Buckley’s face. His agony was immense. Pain surged throughout his body. The dinosaur bent forward, sniffing the screaming human. Troy Buckley realized at that moment his life was about to end. Buckley uttered a final sentence, a wish to end it all. As if in answer to his prayer, the Giganotosaurus closed his jaws around Buckley’s torso.

    1/28/2003 12:04:35 PM

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