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    SotF Chap 4 part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 4 Part 3: Crusher of Skulls

    Lewis Dodgson exited the control building. It was a very dark night. No heavenly body shown in the night sky. An eerie howl floated on the air. Dodgson hoped that the animal responsible for the sound was far away. It was nearly 10:00 at night.
    “Let’s get a move on,” Doyle said.
    “Are you sure it’s safe?”
    “It should be,” Buckley replied. “Most of the animals should be in for the night.”
    Katie didn’t believe him. The man was completely untrustworthy. She stayed as close to Larry Doyle as possible.
    “Where exactly are we headed anyway?”
    “We head for the wall breach,” Dodgson said, “It’s not that far, and we may be able to reach the nearest village by sunrise.”
    Doyle nodded in agreement, then signaled everyone to march.


    “Are you alright Alan? I heard the news. I was so scared!”
    Ellie was in tears. She had gone from deep depression to joy and back to depression again in the past few weeks. Not knowing Grant’s whereabouts had sent her on an emotional roller coaster. It had not been that long ago since she had thought Alan was dead. She later learned the truth, but lost hope a second time after she heard of the plane crash. Now, she was talking to her true love. Her only wish was that it could be in person instead of a long distance call.
    “I’m fine Ellie,” Alan replied. “The military says we can catch a transport out as soon as possible.”
    “How long will that take?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Please be careful, Alan.”
    “You know me,” He said, “I’m always careful.”
    “I love you.”
    “I love you too, Sunshine.”
    Alan and Ellie disconnected at the same time.
    “The phone’s all yours Ian.”
    “Why didn’t you tell her, Alan?”
    “I didn’t want to worry her. It’s best if she doesn’t know.”
    Ian began dialing.
    “Please tell Sarah to keep it quiet.”
    “Okay,” Ian said
    Grant turned to the officer standing next to him.
    “When do we leave?”


    “How much further?”
    “Only a few hundred yards beyond that ridge.”
    “Looks like you were right, Troy.”
    “I do my research, Lew.”
    “I am not congratulating anyone until we are safely in the village,” said Doyle.
    The group returned to silence. They had been extremely lucky. No animals had crossed their path, and the group was still eighteen members strong. Darkness surrounded them. Visibility was only about three feet. With no light to guide them, they had become disoriented on several occasions. As a result, a one-hour hike lasted for over three. It was now 1:30 A.M. and they were finally on the right course. They would soon reach the boundary, but they were nowhere near out of danger’s grasp. The bizarre howling began again, quickly followed by a squawking growl. Something moved through the foliage to their left. Everyone was in high alert. No one could see anything, but the sound was very abundant. Screams suddenly began to mix with the animal cries. Chaos ensued. Katie saw strange figures rushing all around her. She took a step forward. A loud crunch was heard under her feet. She pulled out her cigarette lighter. The flame lit the scene. Below her, a nest of ten eggs surrounded her feet. Yellow slime covered her right foot. Everyone continued to scream. She spotted Dodgson and Buckley running for cover. However, she couldn’t see anyone else. A warm breeze sent shivers down her spine. Something was breathing down the back of her neck. She turned around quickly, coming face to face with the howling creature. The animal was small in comparison to the other creatures she had seen, and was completely covered in feathers. A large crest topped the dinosaur’s parrot-like head. Most terrifying of all was that it held a man’s head in its jaws!
    “Help m…”
    The creature clamped down as the man spoke. His head imploded, easily collapsing under the immense pressure. Blood and brain material splattered her face. Katie dropped her lighter. She screamed in terror, running in the same direction as Dodgson and Buckley. The strange dinosaur squawked and howled behind her, but it did not follow. Even as she ran, she could hear the sickening pop of human skulls being crushed.

    11/21/2002 8:52:47 PM

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