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    SotF Chap 4 part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 4 Part 1: Terror Cruise

    After several grueling interrogations and medical checks, the four men had returned to their hotel. They were told not to leave the country, and to tell everything they know. Grant and Malcolm were glued to the news reports. Todd was talking to room service, while Hank snored away in the next room. All four men were exhausted. People were beginning to panic all over the city. Rumors were circulating that the military would be mobilized. The government was denying everything. Reports of sightings filled the airwaves. Alan knew that it was only a matter of time until the truth was revealed. The dinosaurs were free, and it was his fault entirely.


    Martin Jackman had lived in the small village of Tripa de los pescados for most of his life His parents were American. They had moved there when he was four. As the name suggested, it was a fishing village, one of many along the Pacific coastline. He owned the fishing vessel Tormenta. Sitting in his small quarters below deck, he was estimating the payment for their catch that day. The entire hold was full of fish. There were even two net loads on deck. It had been a very good day, and was undoubtedly going to be very profitable. The vessel was on its way back to shore. Martin looked at his watch. He yawned, and then returned to his calculating. Suddenly, his younger brother swung open the door.
    “What is it James?”
    “I’m not sure,” he replied, “You better come and look at this.”
    Martin followed his sibling onto the deck. As he exited his quarters, he saw two huge birds plucking the fish from the nets. Looking closer, he realized that these were no birds. They were huge! Green in color, the creatures had large blue and pink crests rising from their skulls. Their wingspan was massive, and claws protruded from the wings.
    “What are they? Some sort of bat?”
    “Look up there!”
    More of the winged beasts circled the boat. They all screeched as a second, much larger, group of animals joined in the fray. A feeding frenzy had started on deck. The massive new creatures squabbled with the smaller animals over the fishy smorgasbord. Martin ordered his men to save the fish. He wasn’t about to give them all up without a fight. James picked up a spear gun. He had used it twice before, but that was just for sport fishing. James fired at the closest pterosaur, hitting it square in the neck. The other five of the six-man crew battled the monsters with anything they could find. One of the Quetzalcoatlus dived onto the second mate’s shoulders. It pecked at his head, cracking his skull after the fourth strike. James screamed in anger. He raised the spear gun again. As he fired, one of the smaller animals hit him from behind. The spear exploded from the gun, slamming into Martins chest. Martin looked down at his bleeding wound, then up at his crying brother. As he collapsed, two of the Quetzalcoatlus swarmed his body. Five Tapejara circled above. James stood in one spot. He was in total shock. Two more men were gutted by the pterosaurs. The last man scrambled below deck, leaving James with the monsters. As the Quetzalcoatlus dined on the fish, the five Tapejara surrounded James. Still in shock, he succumbed to the flying serpents.


    “Did you hear that?”
    “Here what?”
    “I thought I heard a scream,” Alan said.
    “It was just your imagination.”
    “Yeah, I am pretty tired.”
    Closing his eyes for a little rest, Alan heard the sound again. It was louder this time.
    “What the hell was that,” Todd asked as he entered the room.
    “You heard it too?”
    “Yeah, we all did this time.”
    “I have a bad feeling about this.”

    Chapter 4 Part 2: Horror Hotel

    11/2/2002 10:57:17 PM

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