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    Jeff Goldbum appeared in 'Buckaroo Banzi: Across the 8th Dimension' with John Lithgow and Christopher Lloyd. (From: 'Rob')
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    SotF Chap 3 Part 4
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3 part 4: No Way Home

    Alan, Ian, Todd, and Hank drove their rental car down the long stretch of road. They were nearly to the airport, and the next flight left in thirty minuets. Ian turned on the radio. The first station was cut into by a news bulletin. The four of them listened intently as a local described a bizarre animal attack. He told the reporter of strange little birds surrounding him as he walked his dog. The little creatures had surrounded him, and began biting him and his dog. He said that the animals had followed them until the dog collapsed. He had continued to run, even though his leg was swollen and bleeding. The man had been admitted to a local hospital with what appeared to be bites from a venomous animal.
    “Eoraptors,” Grant said as he listened to the report.
    “We tried to warn them,” Ian said, “but they wouldn’t listen.”
    “Well, there’s little we can do now.”
    The car rolled onward. They could now see the small airport in the distance.
    “We’ll be home and safe pretty soon. The government can handle it.”


    “What the hell happened here,“ Larry Doyle asked as he entered the control room. Doyle, and the rest of the weekday crew were shocked at the site. The entire room had been blown apart. Every computer was destroyed. Human remains were scattered across the floor. Fresh animal droppings littered the ground. Several of the control engineers turned away, clearly sickened. A shriek cut through the air.
    “Deinonychus,” Doyle said, “We should try to reach the bunker.”
    “Do you think anyone survived?”
    “I’m not sure.”


    Grant sat in the lobby, watching the news closely, even though he didn’t know much Spanish. He watched as a report on the bite victim aired. Alan couldn’t understand much, but he did know enough to realize the man had died. There was little doubt about his attacker now. Ian and the others walked towards Grant.
    “Come on Alan. Our plane is here.”
    Alan stood. He could not wait to get out of this impending death trap. He wondered if Ellie would be there to greet him. The four men headed to their awaiting transport. The sound of a propeller driven plane filled the air. No one noticed. No one cared. They were going home. However, their attention shifted when they heard a scream. None of them had noticed when the sound of the engines stopped, but now they could see the aircraft falling right towards the building.
    “Everyone down!”


    “Is anyone here,” Doyle asked as he entered the bunker.
    “Yes. Over here!”
    “Are you the only survivors?”
    “Yes, Grant and Corel escaped. They turned the animals loose, and destroyed the control room.”
    “What about Control 2?”
    “We were attacked by the Sucho,” Troy said, “We’re not sure of the damage, but everything is almost certainly inoperable.”
    “Very well, evacuation should start immediately.”
    “No,” Dodgson replied, “We should at least try the computers again.”
    “Are you out of your damned mind,” Katie screamed, “The only way I’m leaving this bunker is if we are getting the hell out of this death trap!”
    “You will do as I say, or you will be the next victim of this death trap,” Dodgson screamed.
    Katie became silent. She knew Dodgson was serious, and she had seen with her own eyes what Buckley was capable of.
    “Let’s get this over with,” Doyle said, “Everyone grab a weapon when we get to the Jeeps.”

    The impact came very fast. The nose of the plane ripped into the side of the building, throwing bodies and furniture in all direction. Grant and the others were pretty far from the actual impact, but debris still rained down upon them. Alan stood, approaching the aircraft. There were few survivors on the plane.
    “Is that what I think it is,” Hank asked.
    Grant looked closer at one of the propellers. A very large, bloody form was wrapped around the blades. A Pterosaur!
    “Do you smell that,” Todd asked.
    Alan and Ian sniffed the air. They looked at each other, and then looked at the plane. A large puddle covered the ground below the craft, and sparks popped from a busted light fixture above.
    “Run,” Ian and Alan yelled at the same time.
    As they ran down the corridor, Hank looked back to see the fuel fumes reach the sparks. The entire plane was engulfed in a mammoth fireball. The shockwave of the blast traveled down the corridor at the speed of sound, knocking all four men down flat.
    “I don’t think we’re flying home any time soon,” Malcolm said as he regained his breath.
    Alan felt like punching him, but he was too tired.

    10/19/2002 5:12:48 PM

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