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    SotF Chap 2 Parts 2 and 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 2 part 2: Escape

    Two days passed slowly into history. Alan and Hank were near complete with their cataloging. Grant was furious, and he tried not to show his anger. He had read the morning paper, and the main headline had been all about the incident with Ian and the others. Ellie’s injury really hit him hard, and he was determined to make his captors pay. However, Alan was also extremely worried. Dodgson was very unstable, and there was no telling what assignment they would get next. That is, if they got an assignment. Dodgson was likely to change his mind completely. Alan and Hank had been studying their surroundings intently. They were sure of where the vital systems were located. They had a plan of escape, but it was possible that they would die trying. The stakes were indeed high. However, they were in just as much danger staying as escaping. As the scoured over the photos and files of the dinosaurs, Grant turned to Hank.
    “Tomorrow,” Alan whispered.


    “Hello Todd,” Malcolm said. A young man of around 27 walked up to Ian, his hand lifted for Malcolm to shake. Todd M. Shal had lived in Costa Rica half of his life. He knew the people, plants, and animals better than most natives. Shal was an artist. He spent hours in the jungles doing nothing except sketching the beautiful birds. Todd knew every detail of avian anatomy, and could describe or draw birds with the finest detail. In fact, Malcolm had first met Shal through Grant. Alan was not the finest of artists. He had heard of Todd’s expertise on avian anatomy, and turned to him to help illustrate his third book. Grant had traveled to Costa Rica to meet Shal. Ian was working at a small university in the area whilst Sarah worked on a dig. He heard Grant was in the country, and decided to visit. Ian called Todd, and explained everything that had happened. Todd agreed to be Ian’s guide into the jungles.
    “Are you sure that this facility is where they would take Alan?”
    “I’m positive,” answered Malcolm
    “Why is that?”
    “Well, the island is too far. It would just waste time and money. Also, Dodgson doesn’t stay on the island.”
    “How do you know,” Todd asked.
    “Grant told me.”
    Todd nodded. He sighed heavily as he glanced down at his watch. It was 10:15am.
    “When do we start?”
    “We get some rest. I still have one more person to meet. We leave tomorrow at noon.


    The sunrise was a glorious one as seen from Biosyn facility 990-32. Alan Grant and Hank Corel had finished breakfast, and headed off to do their duties. This would be their last day of paperwork. Grant was determined not to find out what Dodgson had meant about him “Working with the animals.” He had relayed his escape plan to Hank the night before, and this was the only day to do it. Moving into the control room, Hank waited for Alan’s signal. As usual, there were only two guards. Neither of which paid much attention. Grant was amazed that Dodgson had put up with such incompetence. In any case, it worked in their favor. Alan gave the signal as soon as the closest guard turned his back. Hank ran forward, tackling the man with full force. Stunned, the second man focused on Hank. He raised his pistol, and prepared to fire. Grant pounced before the man could squeeze the trigger. Wrestling with the man, Alan pulled a knife that he had smuggled from the kitchen. He plunged it as deep as possible into the man’s neck, killing him almost instantly. Grabbing the pistol, Grant rushed over to help Hank. The guard had taken control of the fight, and was pounding Hank in the face repeatedly. Hank freed one hand, and punched the man hard in the face. The guard reared back, grabbing his nose. Grant opened fire, shooting him directly in the back of his head. Hank climbed to his feet. He stared at Grant, completely speechless. This mild mannered man in front of him had just killed two people. It didn’t seem possible. Grant picked up the guard’s automatic rifle, and handed Hank the pistol.
    “You know how to use one?”
    Hank shook his head in response.
    “Good,” Grant said as he grabbed three grenades off the dead men.
    “Come on. The gunshot was silenced, but this won’t be.”
    He pulled the pin of one grenade, and threw it into the room.

    Chapter 2 part 3: Nanotyrannus

    Alan and Hank fought their way through the guards. It was a Saturday, so there were only about fifteen in the whole compound. Nine men had rushed to the explosion, only to be mowed down by the escapees. The other six guards appeared as the two ran for the jungle. Bullets were buzzing by their heads and bodies. Heavy foliage soon enveloped them. They could still hear the gunshots, and feel the air part as the bullet sliced through. Weaving and turning at every opportunity, they finally managed to evade their pursuers. The gunshots cut off suddenly. Something was wrong. Alan and Hank stopped to rest, hiding in thick bushes. A horrid roar broke the almost total silence. Grant realized, to his horror, why the guards had turned back.


    “Why are we stopping?”
    “Quiet. Listen.”
    Ian and Shal had been walking for hours. Todd knew where the boundary of the facility was located. He had spotted it on several occasions. No trespassing signs covered the concrete wall, so he never dared to cross. Now, they were a little over one hundred feet away from the barrier. Strange animal noises filled the air. Several large animals were moving beyond the wall. They could hear the growls and grunts. Then they heard another sound. It was the repeating report of an automatic rifle.


    “Go now!”
    “I’m going!”
    Grant and Hank ran as fast as they could. Six medium sized theropod dinosaurs roared in unison as they chased the humans. As Hank parted a stand of bushes, he came face to face with a brick wall. The two turned back to the dinosaur pack. They had come across ten of the beasts. It was obviously a family group, and an unusually large one at that. Grant had managed to take out four of the animals. Now, they had their backs against the wall as the entire pack of the pale yellow creatures moved in for the kill. Hank pulled his pistol, removed the silencer, and fired. The loud noise spooked them.
    “Keep shooting,” Grant yelled, “Get them as far away as possible!”
    Hank continued to blast, not sure how many shots were left. He pushed them back thirty feet. Grant grabbed one of the hand grenades, pulled the pin, and threw it at the dinosaurs!
    “Get down!”
    The lead animal caught the grenade in his mouth as it fell. Holding it gently, he carried it back for the others to inspect. As he moved towards the group, he stumbled. One of his massive teeth clicked the grenade. His head exploded in an eruption of fire and gore, killing the two closest animals. The two remaining juveniles fled back into the jungle.


    The jungle had been calm for about three minutes, when Todd broke the silence.
    “Do you think they made it?”
    “I’m not sure. It’s been quite a while since that explosion.”
    Without warning, a massive shockwave knocked the two backwards. Chunks of concrete flew through the air. The barrier in front of them had somehow been blown apart. They lie on their backs, the wind knocked from their lungs. Less than a minute after the blast, two figures emerged from the dust. Ian looked up, not sure of the danger. Then, he saw the closest man’s face.
    “I’ll be damned,” he said, “Here I thought you were in danger.”
    “You know me Ian. I’m used to tough situations.”
    “What the hack happened in there,” Todd asked.
    “It’s a long story. I’ll explain right after I get me a good beer.”
    They wasted little time getting away from the area. No one wanted to run into a dinosaur or a guard. Both were deadly in their own right. Soon, they were pretty far away from the area. Hank thought it might be safe to talk.
    “What kind of dinosaurs were those?”
    “Tyrannosaurus lancensis. They had it labeled as Nanotyrannus on their list, which is correct in a way.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well, when it was first discovered, it was believed to be a different genus. It’s now known to be a Tyrannosaur.”
    “By the way,” Grant inquired, “How did you two get to the island?”
    “Island? This isn’t the island.”
    Grant froze. He began shaking violently, finally realizing the consequences of his actions.
    “My God! What have I done?”

    9/27/2002 10:47:11 AM

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