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    In the previous JP movies, Isla Nublar is described as being "120 miles west of Costa Rica", and Sorna is "87 miles southwest of Isla Nublar". That calculates Sorna out to be about 163 miles west of Costa Rica, though JP3 claims it is 270 miles away. (From: SeanArcher)
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    SotF Chap 2 Part 4 and Chap 3 Part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 2 part 4: Dodgson

    “I can’t believe this! How the hell could two men escape, and destroy the main control room?”
    “They caught us off guard Mr. Dodgson. They were armed.”
    “So were you!”
    “Yes, and we tried to stop them.”
    “You didn’t try hard enough!”
    “The animals cut us off,” the guard said.
    “Yes, it was probably a mistake to rely on the invisible fencing technology,” Dodgson said to himself.
    “There’s more sir. With the computers destroyed, all of the animals are free, and both male and female animals can interact without our help. They can breed now.”
    Dodgson sat in silence. His second mistake became glaringly clear now. Biosyn’s animals had an extremely low survival rate, much lower than InGen’s. Dodgson proposed a plan to engineer the animals to breed at a high rate. As a result, the animals had a very fast gestation, and were able to breed at an earlier age. They essentially bred like giant rodents. Now, the male and female animals were mixed together. They were able to breed, and able to escape. Even Dodgson feared what would happen if enough escaped captivity.
    “What about control backup?”
    “It’s not ready sir,” the guard said, “Our only choice is to abandon the compound.”
    “What about Katie? How long would it take to get Mrs. Harbin down here?”
    “Approximately twenty hours Lew,” Buckley said.
    “Good, send for her. She can get the systems in control two up in a few hours.”
    “Yes sir,” the guard said. He exited the room, and Dodgson turned to Buckley.
    “Do we have the resources to corral the animals,” He asked.
    “No, not even half.”
    “All we really need is to secure control two…”
    “That can be done. I’ll get the men on it right away.”
    Troy Buckley turned, and walked out the door. Dodgson sat in his chair, thinking about what he had caused. He had killed before, but if his fears were realized, he would be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocents.

    Chapter 3 part 1: Control 2

    “I can’t believe it. What kind of emergency requires me? Did their coffee makers stop working?”
    “They said that they needed their second control room,” James Hart said.
    “I really don’t get it. Did they say why they need me? Surly there’s someone else over there that can do it,” Kate Harbin said.
    “Mr. Dodgson said that there are no computer technicians on the weekend.”
    “I still don’t get it James. Call him back and tell him I’ll be on the mainland this afternoon.”


    “I still can’t believe it. I was on the mainland the whole time,” Hank said as he trudged along.
    No one replied. They all walked forward in silence until Hank broke the silence again.
    “What were those orange collars around their necks?”
    “I guess Dodgson didn’t tell you,” Alan replied, “They were using invisible fencing.”
    “Pretty good idea in theory,” Malcolm said, “Visitors could get closer to the wonder. Unfortunately, the wonder is nothing but chaos and big teeth.”
    Alan rolled his eyes. Ian was already starting to annoy him.
    “What about the ones without collars?”
    “From what I gathered,” Grant said, “The youngest animals have a small chip implanted beneath the skin.”
    A loud cry floated toward them from the jungle. All four men quickened pace, practically running in the direction of civilization.


    “I can’t believe this! Why the hell didn’t you have the backups up and running?”
    “We didn’t see it as necessary. No one could have predicted this,” Dustin Russell replied.
    As head of security, Russell was responsible for everything that had happened. If it had not been for the complete lack of manpower after the escape, Dodgson would have killed him outright. However, he was in more danger from the escaped dinosaurs now. Dodgson entered the room. Buckley followed closely behind. Troy Buckley was Dodgson’s right hand man, and just as dangerous.
    “How’s it going Katie?”
    “Not so good. These systems are very old. Who the hell was the programmer?”
    “Well, these are the original programs. We just had them carried over onto new hardware. All of the original programs are there along with new ones. There is no one programmer,” Dodgson replied.
    “Great,” Katie said sarcastically.
    Suddenly, the door burst open. One of the surviving guards fell forward, covered in bloody slashes.
    “We were attacked,” the Guard stammered. “The Giganotosaurus…”
    “By the aviary compound. It killed John, and kicked me across the field.”
    Katie could see that the man was in pain. He had lost a lot of blood, and his voice was growing weak.
    “Where is it now?”
    “Inside the aviary… Please help me…”
    Buckley pulled his pistol, and fired one shot into the man’s head. Katie turned away in shock and disgust. She was about to opine when a frantic voice came over the radio.
    “Get--now! Su---m--us is out! It---move---control two!”
    “Say again,” Russell said.

    9/30/2002 9:34:29 PM

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