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    TLW star Richard Schiff (Eddie) originally disliked acting, suffering from stage fright. He would direct several off-Broadway plays before trying to land an acting role.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 6: Part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 6: Part 1/ Mainland.

    Roland Tembo moved silently through the jungles of Costa Rica. He and his group had been tracking the last Velociraptor since he had seen Nick at the air field. The hunters had spotted the Raptor an hour earlier, and they were now circling it for an ambush. The Raptor purred and snorted as it bent over a small stream to drink. Roland motioned to the other three hunters to close in. The Velociraptor stopped drinking, sniffed the air, then growled. It had spotted them!

    The Velociraptor snarled as it leapt through the air toward the dark haired man across from Roland. The man dived to his left, narrowly avoiding the animals deadly claws.
    “Run,” Roland shouted.
    The man was frozen with fear. He tried to move his legs, but terror locked them in place. Roland and the others tried to get a clear shot at the Raptor, but it was moving too fast. The beast charged with terrifying speed toward the man. Jumping on the mans chest, the Raptor killed him quickly. Roland took quick aim, killing the animal with one shot.

    Roland’s group had had enough. They lost three men just from the Raptors. The group split up, two of the men leaving, and two staying with Tembo.
    “I just don’t get it,” Roland said to the others, “The Raptors are gone. That was the last one. The only animals left to kill are the birds.”
    “They are weak, Senior Tembo,” replied one of the other men, “They knew the danger. If they could not handle it, they should not have volunteered.”

    The humans pushed on through the dense jungle. They were heading eastward, toward the cliffs near the air field. The Pteranodon nest was located there. This target was absolutely imperative. The Pterosaurs would attack any low flying aircraft that strayed near their nest. A helicopter had recently crashed when one of the three adult Pteranodons got tangled in the rotors. All on board were lost. As they neared the cliff, Roland could see the animals perched on a ledge about fifty feet up. This is going to be a piece of cake, thought Roland. He ordered the men to raise their weapons and take aim. As they elevated the barrels of the guns, the alpha Pteranodon screeched and attacked! The flying monsters dived downward at an alarming rate. Roland and the other hunters ran as fast as possible, but it was too late. They had no choice. They had to fight.

    Chapter 6: Part 2/ Pteranodons. Coming Soon!

    3/5/2002 12:41:33 PM

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