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By Michael Crichton
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 5: Part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 5: Part 3/ Tyrannosaurus

    The deafening bellow of the bull Tyrannosaurus was so thunderous, that the humans ears ached! The ground shook as the mountain of flesh and teeth lumbered forwards. Its mate remained in the forest. Walking along the clearing, the Tyrannosaurus saw the humans.
    “Nobody move!!!!”
    The group stopped in their tracks upon Nicks orders. The beast lowered its massive head toward Samantha, and sniffed. It growled, then raised its head. Letting out a great roar, it stared at the humans as if it were confused. Suddenly, Nick realized it indeed could see them. It was only puzzled as to why the humans had not ran. Nick saw the muscles in the animals legs ripple. He knew it was going to attack.
    The group raced at full speed. Running toward the car, the group was nearly to safety. The jaws of the Tyrannosaur slammed closed centimeters from Samantha’s head, taking some hair with it. She screamed, and ran faster. Edward Harrison broke from the group, running towards the tree stand. The Tyrannosaur turned toward this easier target. The rest of the humans piled into the car, just as the second Rex burst from the jungle. The female charged full speed across the clearing. It rammed into the car, flipping it several times. The humans inside were tossed around like rag dolls! The Explorer came to a rest against a single tree in the center of the clearing. The female rex bent over, picked up the lightly built car, and smashed it against the tree. The vehicle fell nine feet, landing with the front end rammed into the ground completely vertical. Samantha screamed in pain, her shoulder was dislocated. The attacking female left the car to help her mate, which was attacking the high hide. Nick and the others could only watch in horror as the two Tyrannosaurs attacked Harrison.

    Harrison fired round after round of tranquilizer darts into the male Tyrannosaurs. It had no effect at first, but after a few moments, it began to stumble. It fell, going straight down on its face. As it fell, its large skull hit the high hide, breaking away the front of the tree stand! The female Tyrannosaur thrust her head into the hide. She gnashed massive, bone crushing, teeth together in anticipation. Harrison fired two darts of JG9 into the animals mouth. The T-Rex screamed with primal fury. She growled, and grabbed the cowering human by its leg. Harrison howled in pain as his leg snapped. The Tyrannosaur ripped Harrison from the hide, throwing him violently to the ground. The wind was knocked from his chest. Somehow, he managed to fire one more shot into the beast before the jaws closed around his torso.

    The group watched in horror as the female T-Rex devoured their comrade. The Tyrannosaur finished her meal, and started back toward the car! Scrambling out of the vehicle, Snare took careful aim. The Tyrannosaur came ever closer as Snare’s finger slowly squeezed the trigger. He fired, but at the last second the Tyrannosaur ducked her head. She bent down fast toward Snare, took one sniff, and collapsed.

    Samantha Owen moaned in pain. Nick was twisting her arm back into place. A loud pop was heard as her shoulder snapped back into place. She bit her lip, trying not to cry out in agony. They were all saddened over their losses, but on Isla Sorna, there is no time for grief. The group ran into the jungle. There was no telling when the Rexes would wake up.

    Chapter 5: Part 4/ Conversation Coming Soon

    2/26/2002 3:51:21 PM

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