Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Recent paleontology suggests that Raptors may have actually been covered in feathers. (From: 'Mallon')
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 4: Part 4
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Another short chapter part, but more to come.

    Chapter 4: Part 4/ Confrontation.

    The Spinosaurus roared. It had finally found the strange animals that had escaped him. He lunged at the nearest vehicle, biting into the metal, breaking off three of it’s teeth. It roared in pain, growled, and lunged again. Nick Van Owen pressed the bright red button mounted on the dashboard. The motor of the electron cannon whirred as the device fired several thousand volts of white hot electricity through the monster’s body. The animal was not effected in the way Nick had hoped. Instead of running, the beast became enraged. The Spinosaurus locked his jaws around the cannon, pulling it completely from the roof of the car! The Spinosaur grasped the automobile with its long arms, and lifted it into the air. The humans inside were tossed about as the animal shook the car ferociously.
    The animal dropped the vehicle on its side, then smashed the side window with its long snout. The group could do nothing but scream as the great jaws came ever so close to ripping them out of the car. Harrison, Jackson, and Thorne exited the second vehicle. The three of the trained their gun’s sites on the leviathan in front of them. The three darts impacted at almost the exact same time, but the tranquilizer failed to take effect right away. The beast turned on the small group as the struggled to reload. The Spinosaurus leapt toward the helpless humans, his jaws inches from closing on Thorne, when a single explosion was heard from the forest. The Spinosaur staggered backwards, and fell onto the overturned car. Its right eye was gone, and its left eye was hanging from an otherwise empty socket.

    “You people are lucky we found you when we did,” said Bret Davis to the group. Nick was not so sure. He had an uneasy feeling about this encounter.
    “We knew you people were here,” Turner said, “but we thought it wise to evade you. No good ever comes from harming these animals.”
    “Please,” said Snare, “don’t give me that crap about protecting the animals. They have killed several people on the mainland, and they have killed my only friend. The sooner they are eradicated the better.”
    “What is it you want from us,” asked Nick.
    “Simple, we have no way off of this island. We know you do.”
    “There is no way. We have little room as it is…”
    “Look,” said Snare, “We have four days to get off this island, after that the island will no longer harbor life. They are going to gas the island! Besides, you have no choice. We have the guns.” It was clear that the group had just been hijacked. Nick had little choice but to lay low, and pray for a miracle.

    Chapter 5: Part 1/ Night Comming Soon!

    2/19/2002 9:27:47 PM

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