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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 4 Part 2
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 4: Part 2/ Return to Base.

    “What the…” Nick Van Owen stared at their camp in utter disbelief. Both cars were overturned, supplies were scattered over the ground, and one very large animal lay tranquilized just three meters away. “Thorne! Mr. Thorne!”
    “Over here,” said Jack Thorne. He was hiding in the base of a hollow tree. Covered in mud and blood, he crawled out and looked at the great beast laying on its side. “We got to get out of here, there’s no way of knowing when that thing will wake up,” he said.
    “Was that what killed Eddie?”
    “No,” said Jackson, “That was a Spinosaurus. If memory serves me right, Mr. Carr was killed by a Tyrannosaurus.” The group had quickly turned the cars over to make a fast escape. Luckily, Nick had the foresight to have the vehicles built lightly. They had indeed survived the test. Thorne described to the group how the Spinosaurus attacked. He had been sitting in the Mercedes, monitoring the group’s path on the GPS. He heard a low growl, and saw a huge animal running full speed toward the car. Thorne had no time to react. “It happened so fast. I didn’t even have time to fire the electron cannon,” Thorne said. It flipped the vehicle, and started biting the chassis. The animal only succeeded in denting the frame, and breaking a tooth. Thorne grabbed his gun, and fired four darts of JG9. The beast collapsed after staggering for a few seconds. As it fell, its tail flipped the second vehicle. “As soon as he was down, I ran as fast as I could to the nearest hiding spot.”
    “Well, I’m sorry for your ordeal, but I am glad to know that my Tranquilizer works,” said Harrison. The group drove on. They passed the clearing where they saw the raptors, and started along a game trail. Following the path, the cars eventually broke out of the jungle. The group was once again treated to the awe inspiring site of graceful herbivores. Once again, the group began filming the herds of Pachycephalosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and the other magnificent beasts.

    The Spinosaurus awoke slowly. His snout was very sore. He somehow knew that the little creature he attacked was responsible. Rising up onto his powerful legs, the Spinosaur scraped the darts from his nose and side. Growling, he sniffed the air. There had been other little animals here. He sniffed the air until the sent was strong enough to follow. He wasn’t really hunting them, he was just curious about these strange creatures. Suddenly, he remembered encountering these animals before. The smelly little vermin had burned his thigh and stomach by catching the water on fire. The Spinosaur hesitated for a moment, but curiosity won over fear. Roaring loudly, he walked quickly into the jungle.

    Chapter 4: Part 3/ Spitters.
    Comming soon!!!

    P.S. I know this is short, but Spitters will be much longer.

    2/5/02 7:40:42 PM

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