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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 4 Part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 4: Part 1/ Intelligent Beasts.

    Nick had finally calmed. Samantha and Turner had, finally, convinced him that there was nothing they could do about the hunters presence. After all, they told him, the dinosaurs were going to become extinct again anyway. They might as well continue what they were being paid to do. Nick had decided to remain in the tree stand, filming the Compsognathus and any other animal that wondered onto the fern covered clearing. Indeed, the group had observed and documented several species in the past hour. The compies left when the large herbivores returned to the area. Clearly they were fearful of being trampled. Presently, a large herd of Triceratops grazed on the rough leafed ferns. Another large herd of Corythosaurus fed from the low-level branches of the forest trees.

    Robert Jackson could not help but comment on the animals. He had spent all his life studying these stunning beasts. The others in the group were interested in his insights, but also quick to silence him when he got to excited.
    “You see the Corythosaur’s crest? That crest is actually hollow. The animal uses its chambered crest to produce the many sounds you are hearing now. Also, do you feel that low end vibration?”
    The group shook their heads. They did, undeniably, feel a vibration similar to that of BASS rhythm turned up full blast on a quality sound system.
    “That,” he said, “is infra-sound, sound below the frequency heard by humans. Watch the animals closely. See what they do when there is a vibration? They stop in their tracks and wait for a reply. Low frequency sound travels long distances. It can help the animal attract a mate, or tell others of the same species about a rich feeding area. Elephants are known to posses the same ability.”
    “That is remarkable,” Samantha commented.
    “What is really remarkable,” Jackson replied, “is that those Triceratops appear to have the same ability. These dinosaurs are more intelligent than anyone has ever anticipated.”

    The vibrations stopped suddenly. The Corythosaurus and Triceratops herds became extremely nervous. “Listen,” Turner said in a hushed voice. The humans heard a purring sound followed by an excited chirp. “Raptors,” nick said. At that moment, a fully feathered Velociraptor leapt out of the foliage. Screaming and cawing at the Corythosaurs, the animal circled the herd. Another raptor, older and with less plumage, streaked out of the forest. They singled out a juvenile hadrosaur. Leaping high in the air, the older raptor hit and disemboweled the animal. As they began feeding on the hadrosaur, the Triceratops herd calmed. They once again began grazing on the ferns, paying little attention to the predators. A lone, elderly, Triceratops wondered close to the shade of the forest edge. With the lightning speed of a cheetah, the other ten members of the raptor pack slaughtered the brute before the other animals realized there was danger.
    “My God,” Said Edward Harrison, “They hunt like no other animal in the world! They just… Kill… They lulled those animals into a false state of security…”
    “Then killed the first to get close enough,” said Nick, finishing Harrison’s statement. The explorers watched on as the hunters fed.

    Chapter 4: Part 2/ Return to Base Comming Soon!!!

    1/30/02 9:04:48 PM

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