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    Some paleontologists think that the t-rex wouldn't actually have caused the ripples in the water when it approached, since it could control it's weight effortlessly, stepping softly so it would not scare away prey. (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 3: Part 4
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3: Part 4/ Horned Menace.

    Walking toward the next clearing, James Turner halted the group. He pointed toward a stand of trees which had a metal bar protruding from the branches. “Is that a high hide?” “Looks like one Mr. Turner,” replied Harrison. “Climb up and check it out James,” Nick said. Turner grabbed the vines and started climbing. Below, the group of explorers watched as James stepped over the vine covered rail. There was silence for a moment, the Turner called down to Nick. “You better have a look at this Nick.”

    “Damn it! Why does this always happen!” Nick was in a state of fury. “I knew something like this was going to happen!” “What’s the matter,” Samantha asked as she climbed over the rail. “Look!” Nick pointed towards the floor of the hide. There were three freshly fired ammunition shells strewn on the shelter floor. Samantha glanced over the rail toward the field below. “Nick, look!” There on the ground in front of them was the crumpled body of a dinosaur. It was somewhat obscured from view by the green bodies of Compsognathus. “Well, now we know what happened.” “We do?” “Yes,” said Nick, “It seems as though Roland isn’t the only one hunting dinosaurs.”

    The three hunters made their way through the thick undergrowth. They were nearing the nesting ground of the Tyrannosaurus. They were roughly a quarter of mile away from their destination, when Davis pointed to the next hide. Climbing up, they heard the sounds of thunderous footsteps coming toward them. “That shouldn’t be the Rex already,” Bret said, “We aren’t even in his territory completely. He had to have been following us.” At that moment, their target burst through the foliage. However, he wasn’t following them. The Tyrannosaur emerged from the forest, and then retreated into his territory before the hunters could aim their weapons. They were absolutely astonished by the size and speed of the animal. “Something’s wrong.” “You don’t know that, he may have just been returning food to his hatchling,” Davis replied. “No, Skinner is right. You don’t have to track animals very long to know when an animal is spooked.” “Who does this territory belong to?” “No one,” said Davis, “This is hunting ground. No animal controlled it when I worked here.” “Well, it’s somebody’s territory now!” A blood curdling roar broke up the impending argument.
    “I don’t see anything,” Skinner whispered. “Neither do I.” Watching toward the direction they came, Snare said, “I do. Look at those trees over there.” The group turned. They could see nothing at first. Then, after watching for a few minutes, they noticed the tree swayed even though there was no wind. “Ceratosaurus,” Bret Davis said in a monotone voice. “It’s a chameleon,” Snare said. The hunters took careful aim. Snare’s finger squeezed the trigger just as the hide was rammed from below. His shot missed the animals eye, and exploded the conical horn on the creatures snout. Roaring in pain, it joined the other Ceratosaur in combat against the hide.

    The small metal shack reverberated with the shrieking call of the Ceratosaurs. Skinner pointed his rifle over the rail, and fired. He missed. The lead Ceratosaurus, the one with the shattered horn, screamed and bit the side of the shelter. He shook his head violently, throwing Snare over the rail. The other Ceratosaur closed in upon him. Opening it’s mouth to engulf this morsel, the dinosaur felt the bullet rip through its skull. The male with the broken horn roared with rage over his lost mate. He charged Snare just as Skinner’s second shot slammed into his tail. The Ceratosaurus retreated back into the jungle, roaring in pain. The Ceratosaur glanced back at the humans and his dead mate. He would get revenge. He can wait.

    Chapter 5 part 1 comming soon.

    1/24/02 10:13:21 AM

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