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    Dan's Lost World Page (the precursor to this page) went live December 23rd, 1996.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 3: Part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3: Part 3/ Safe Landing and a Friendly Welcome.

    Samantha Owen watched as the two wide body choppers rose into the sky above Isla Sorna. Knowing that the pilots would not return for a week, she started to feel the same sense of dread and isolation that her husband felt. Turning, she observed her husband and the four experts double checking the vehicles. “Everything seems to be in perfect working order Nick,” said Thorne. “Excellent, we had better get this expedition on it’s way. I’d like to get done this week so that we can leave. Remember, if we miss the helicopters, we’ll have to wait another week to go home.” Samantha marveled at how calm Nick appeared. She knew that he was far from calm though. I should never have talked him into this, she thought.

    After driving about twenty minutes through the heavily wooded conifer forests of Isla Sorna, the group came to a large clearing with thick tropical jungle beyond. The group, however, did not see the dramatic change from conifer to jungle growth. What they were observing was something much more spectacular. Herds of great beasts filled the open plane. Great horned Triceratops grazed near a small stream. Three Brachiosaurs, with their long graceful necks, fed from the tall trees at the edge of the forest. The plated Stegosaurs and armored Ankylosaurs browsed on the large green ferns that covered the ground. “They are more beautiful than I could ever have imagined,” said Robert Jackson. Clearly, they all agreed. Nick pulled out his Nikon digital video recorder and began filming. As they watched, a herd of Parasaurolophus marched slowly out of the jungle. Their trumpeting calls mixed with grunts and bellows of the other dinosaurs reminded Samantha of music. The ground shook as the behemoths moved about. They must have observed and filmed the animals for a half an hour before the group decided to move on. As the vehicles lurched forward, the animals paid very little attention to them. They acted as though the cars were just other animals. Clearly these animals are so young that they don’t have any knowledge of what happened eight years ago, Nick thought to himself.

    The group remained silent the rest of the morning. They made their way through the jungle using the paths made by the dinosaurs. All of the main roads were long over grown. The group made base camp near the communications compound from which Nick had made the rescue call so long ago. They made sure to park the cars in an inconspicuous location off of any possible game trails. Starting out on foot, the expedition headed west. Thorne stayed behind to monitor their progress on the vehicles’ global positioning system. Each person had their own weapon loaded with JG9. Any predator or angry herbivore would hopefully be tranquilized before they become a problem. Nick looked at the time, 2:00 PM. “Alright,” Nick said, “we cover as much ground as possible, and head back to camp at five PM” So far, so good, thought Nick. Nothing had happened yet, so there was no reason for him to be worried. Nick’s idea was to walk to the next clearing, and document the animals from a close but safe distance. The group had no idea what shocking scene lay before them.

    Chapter 3: Part 4/ Horned Menace. Comming Soon!

    1/23/02 2:23:11 PM

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