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By Michael Crichton
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    Grant and Burke agree that the Raptor's "killer claw" was on the middle toe, when in fact many believe it was on the inside toe. (From: 'Tyrannotaur')
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 3: Part 2
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3: Part 2/ Back in the company of Death.

    Nick Van Owen stepped off the transport into the pouring rain. So much for sunny Costa Rica, he thought to himself. Hammond had arranged for two wide body helicopters to transport them to the islands. It must have cost him a fortune to get the pilots to keep the destination of their flights silent. After a half an hour in customs, they were finally loading the vehicles and supplies onto the Chinook wide body helicopter. From behind, Nick heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw a man in his late fifties speaking in Spanish to a couple of local men. “Roland, Roland Tembo. Is that you?” The man turned slowly. He looked at Nick with a questioning gaze. Looking away, he suddenly realized who he was looking at. “Nick Van Owen, is that you?” Nick and Roland had hated each other when they first met in the infamous summer of 1997. Roland Tembo was a hunter and tracker hired by the InGen corporation in 1997 to lead the expedition to Isla Sorna. The results were catastrophic, the exact number of deaths on the ill-fated expedition is still not known. Five people were killed as the Tyrannosaurus, captured by Roland himself, rampaged through down town San Diego. Roland’s best friend, Ajay, was one of the many killed. Nick and Roland only became friends during the court hearings after the San Diego incident. He moved from his home in Kenya to Costa Rica in 1998, and loved the peace and quiet. Little did he realize that the beasts he despised were on the mainland also. Roland swore never to return to “The company of death.” However, when he was informed about the attacks, he decided that he would never let another tragedy happen to these people.

    “There have only been two human fatalities so far,” Rolland said. “We believe there are only two dangerous species. Velociraptors are the main priority. There can’t be that many animals. We estimate four, and we have already destroyed three and a small nest.” “When was the first attack?” “About three days ago. It happened on a small farm just outside La ciudad perdida del muerto. A man was killed an partially eaten by the raptors.” Nick explained everything about his expedition. He inquired why Hammond had not informed him about the attacks. “Chances are, he didn’t know. The Costa Rican government has been pretty tight lipped about this. They hired me because of my experience, and because I was close.” “For once, I wish you luck Roland. By the way, what are the other animals?” “Pteranodons,” replied Tembo, “That is what we are searching for now. As soon as we get our supplies, we are going over that ridge.” He pointed to a cliff on the other side of a rocky outcropping. “Don’t you think your getting a little old to be climbing mountains and blowing things up?” Roland smiled. “I’m in my prime. Besides, I have a score to settle and money to make.”

    After leaving the airport, Nick thought about all he had learned. If they are being so cautious about the attacks leaking to the public and even going through the trouble of disposing of the animals, he thought, then they wouldn’t have any qualms about destroying the island. Oh well, they were nearly there anyway. It was too late to worry about now. As the rain and fog finally cleared, the group could finally see the massive chain of islands known to the locals as Las Cinco Muertes. As they neared the largest island, Isla Sorna, Nick couldn’t help but think he had once again made a deadly mistake.

    Chapter 3: Part 3/ Safe Landing and a Friendly Welcome. Comming Soon!

    1/21/02 10:07:56 PM

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