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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction Chapter 3: Part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3: Part 1/ Predators Are Prey

    The three mercenaries stepped off the boat as though they were simply on vacation. They had been briefed on their mission shortly before boarding. Rodriguez had made every detail perfectly clear to them. The trio had three weeks to do sufficient damage to the predatory population. Rodriguez stated that they must return to the ship at night, or contact the ship every twenty-four hours. If for any reason no contact was made after the twenty-four hour period was over, the Costa Rican military would gas and fire bomb the entire island. “Hand me that *list* again.” David Snare grunted at the names of the animals. “How the hell am I supposed to know what these things are. I can’t say the names, and the all look alike to me.” “That is why they hired me,” said Davis, “I was an animal handler on Sorna for five years. I know the location of the dinosaur nesting grounds.” “Hmph,” grunted Snare, “Just cause your pansy ass knows them doesn’t mean anything, suppose you got your guts ripped out… That wouldn’t do Skinner and me no good.” “I highly doubt that anything will happen,” said Davis “What if I were to blow your head off you little…” Skinner stepped in front of Snare. “David, calm down! As much as you hate him, your going to have to put up with him for the next three weeks.” “Just stay out of my way Bret, and don’t speak to me unless necessary. You understand!” Bret Davis nodded silently. Stepping in front of the group, Davis led the group toward their first predatory prey.

    * The List as written on the original.
    Species and approximate population.
    #1. Tyrannosaurus Rex - 2
    #2. Spinosaurus - 1 Photo not available
    #3. Velociraptor - 19
    #4. Dilophosaurus - 6
    #5. Ceratosaurus - 4 Photo not available
    #6. Coelophysis - 10
    #7. Pteranodon - un-known
    #8. Compsognathus - un-known
    It should also be noted that the original list included photographs taken directly from the files of InGen. The animals with no photographs were classified “Top Secret” by InGen.

    Before stepping foot into the dense jungles of Isla Sorna, Bret Davis explained that there would be less tracking of the great behemoths than either poacher had expected. “You see,” He said, “Knowing that we were going to release them into the wild, we attached tracking devises on them. We had to, after all, locate and recapture them for transport to Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar. We constructed platforms at various locations through out the island from which we tranquilized them. Every nesting ground, game trail, and watering hole has one. I suggest that we take full advantage of them.” “Where’s the fun in that,” said Skinner. “Trust me Mr. Skinner, you don’t want to be on the ground with these creatures.” “We get the idea, now shut the hell up. I want to kill one of these ugly lizards!” Bret shrugged his shoulders and led the way into the jungle, G.P.S unit held tightly in his hand.

    “There,” whispered Davis softly. Looking up, they spotted the first of the steel strutted platforms. The jungle had nearly overtaken it. Vines entangled it so heavily that the only way Bret saw it is because of the one single metallic bar which hung loose on the side. There was no ladder or rope left on the shelter, so they took turns climbing the thick entanglement of exotic jungle vines. Bret went last. When he reached the top, he could see the hunters staring out toward an open plain. Their mouths hung open in stunned silence. “They’re beautiful,” Skinner exclaimed. “Yes Bill, It’s almost a shame that we have to kill them.” “You don’t have to kill those,” said Davis, “They are all herbivores.” Indeed, the vast prairie that lay before them was a magnificent site to behold. Close to the hide were vast herds of the duck billed dinosaur variety. Large, bright green and red Parasaurolophus, and the beautiful Corythosaurus with its surprisingly smooth textured yellow and green skin. Thirty foot long Lambeosaurus with they’re long Giraffe like eyelashes and a bright blue crest, fed peacefully nearby. Off in the distance, they could see the long necks of Brachiosaurs grazing on the lush forest canopy. It’s a shame, thought Davis, that the world will never get the chance to appreciate these wonders of the ancient world. Waiting patiently in the metal tree stand, William skinner spotted what they had came for, a predatory dinosaur.

    “Where is it,” whispered Davis. “He’s right to your left. You see, right by that small stand of trees.” “Yes, I see her now. Female Dilophosaurus, about twenty feet in length. Probably the alpha.” “How do you know it’s a female Mr. Davis,” asked Skinner. “Her head crest. You see, there’s the alpha male over to your right. Notice how her crest is much smaller, and a duller color? Birds are the same way, the males are almost always more brightly colored than the females.” “Shhhh!” Taking careful aim, Snare and Skinner opened fire. Snare’s first shot sliced through the neck of the lead female, killing her instantly. Skinner wounded the Alpha male, while Snare’s second shot shattered the crest of a brightly colored juvenile. “Great shots! You probably just destroyed an entire family group.” “What do you mean,” asked Skinner, “We only killed one…” “Yes,” said Davis, “but you killed the alpha female of the pack, and that wound on the alpha male may be the death of him also. Without their leaders, the pack will fall into disarray. Males will fight to the death for dominance, and the winner will kill all offspring that are not his. There are only about six adults on the island, so there is a pretty fair chance that you have just caused the extinction of one species.” “Now,” He said, “come on, there won’t be anymore animals around this stand for a while. Our best bet is to move to another.” One by one they exited their hide and began the journey to another stand. As David Snare stepped onto the soft earth, he couldn’t help but to feel as though he was being watched. The group of hunters vanished into the jungle just as four large horned carnivores seemed to materialize out of the thin air near the carcass of the Dilophosaurus. The largest of these monsters looked toward the path taken by the humans, and he growled.

    Chapter 3: Part 2/ Back in the company of Death. Comming soon!!!

    1/18/02 11:25:57 AM

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