Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 6 part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    No fancy colors for now... Here it is:

    Chapter 6 part 3: Finale

    The AgustaBell AB139 helicopter flew eastward, moving towards the mainland at 157 knots. At long last they were away from the dinosaur infested island of Isla Nublar. Grant lay sleeping while Hank nursed Billy’s wound. Simone was doing a fine job controlling the aircraft, though the controls had been strange to her at first. Nedry’s body had been moved to the back, helping balance the chopper while giving Simone and the others more room.
    Only an hour of flight time, Simone thought, We’re home free! Looking down, Simone glanced an extremely small island. Something was wrong. There was movement on the rocky shore. She continued watching, but was caught off guard by a shadow as large as the helicopter! Something big was above them!

    Watching out the windows of the chopper, she saw a great winged beast zoom by her. It was flying fast enough to match their speed! The monster clamped onto one of the wheels with its strong talons.
    “Dr. Grant,” She screamed, “Wake up!”
    “What,” Grant said, hitting his head as he jumped up.
    “Oh damn!”
    Looking out, Grant saw the Quetzalcoatlus latched onto the tire, pecking at the bottom of the helicopter. A second animal joined the first.
    “Those are the same birds that we saw at the compound,” Hank said.
    “Are we in any danger,” Simone asked, panicking.
    “Just don’t slow down, and try to shake them off. We should be fine as long as they don’t hit the rotors.”
    Simone shook the controls violently, but the creatures held on tight. The second Quetzalcoatlus rammed its beak into the glass of the windows on Grant’s side of the chopper, penetrating the glass. Its long sword like beak cut a long gash in Grant’s arm.
    “Alan, are you alright,” Billy asked.
    “I’m fine.”
    “That island must be the territory that they claimed. If we can leave their territory, they should leave us.”
    Simone flew on. She knew that the she couldn’t go any faster, and she had no idea how large the animals’ territory was. The helicopter moved along, shaking from side to side.

    At last, both of the pterosaurs detached. The smaller, blue-gray female flew back to the small island. However, the gigantic male attacked with full force. He landed on the front of the helicopter, smashing his long red beak into the cockpit! Simone reacted quickly, sending the chopper into a dive. The Quetzalcoatlus slid off, but was back up on the nose in a flash. It shoved it’s head through the broken safety glass, and began squeezing the rest of it’s body through! Grant looked down, seeing a heavy wrench on the floor. Immediately, Grant began pounding the bird in the face!. It hissed and chirped, wriggling back and forth. It was stuck! Hank and Billy scoured the back of the craft, looking for a weapon. If only they hadn’t dropped their guns! They knew Dodgson had to have some kind of weapon. Billy opened a large compartment marked ammunition. Inside he saw what he was looking for, a high powered rifle!

    Running to the cockpit, Billy pointed the gun at the animal. However, his wound prevented him from firing! Hank grabbed the gun away from Billy, aiming at the struggling beast. The Quetzalcoatlus opened its jaws wide.
    “Eat this,” Hank said, squeezing the trigger.
    The bullet crashed down the beasts throat, the force of the blast blowing it out of the windshield. The body flipped up, smashing into the rotors. Body parts splattered in every direction, but so did two of the rotors! They all screamed as the chopper plummeted downward, crashing hard into the deep, dark water of the ocean.

    Epilogue: Hospital
    Coming Tomorrow!

    5/9/2002 8:52:24 PM

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