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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 4 part 4
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 4 part 4: Revelation.

    Entering a small, dimly lit room, they spied a figure sitting in the shadows.
    “Welcome,” the figure said, “I was wondering when or if you would find this place.”
    “Robert? Is that you,” Simone asked
    The man leaned forward out of the darkness.
    “In the flesh,” Robert Dalva said.
    “We thought you were dead,” Hank said in disbelief.
    Dalva began walking toward an exit, motioning for the rest of the group to follow. They followed him down a long, sloping, corridor. The group entered a large room full of cages. Each cage had young dinosaurs locked inside. Grant saw baby Torosaurs butting heads with each other. Young Saurolophus and Hadrosaurus shared the same cage. Four juvenile Deinonychus charged at the steel bars, hissing and growling with rage. Their claws raked against the floor, squealing loudly. Billy pointed to a rather large, dome shaped enclosure which appeared to be empty. Grant looked up to see two, nearly adult, Quetzalcoatlus hanging on to the top.
    “As you have clearly seen,” Dalva said, “Dinosaurs have once again been set free on this island. I was hired, by a man named Lewis Dodgson, to keep this group from ever reaching this island. That is why I protested so much Simone. That is why Biosyn bought the controlling stock in the company. You never listen to me. I could have saved you all, but you never listen.”
    “What are you saying Robert,” Simone asked, “You have saved us.”
    “No I haven’t,” He said, “You see, our plane crashed before we ever reached this island. They’ve searched and searched, but they never even founds an oil slick.”
    “You son of a bitch,” Simone said.
    She raised her hand, and slapped him hard across the face. He smiled and walked away.
    “What about Jim?”
    “The Pilot,” Dalva asked, “I took the liberty of having him blown from the sky. Surface to air missiles will do that you know. Throw them outside of the fence, some thing will take care of them.”
    “Yes sir,” said one of the guards.
    “No wait,” he said, “Mr. Dodgson may want to have a word with you. Throw them in the adult holding pen outside.”

    “It pains me to say this,” Grant said, “But I should have listened to Malcolm.”
    “What do you mean,” Billy asked.
    “He called me and told me about Biosyn buying stock in Galaxy Studios, but I failed to put two and two together. I’m such a fool.”
    Billy began to speak, but was interrupted by a loud shrieking call. Four men were carrying a large cage containing the Quetzalcoatlus pair.
    “Carefully now. Careful! Watch your step.”
    The men continued on, trying to keep a safe distance from the bars. One of the men turned to say something when the male Quetzalcoatlus rammed it’s beak through the bars, striking the man in the head. The man collapsed, dead. The others struggled to hold onto the cage, being thrown off balance. The man in front tried to get in the middle of the cage to balance it out, but he was not strong enough. The cage fell, crushing him. The animals lifted the small bar that held the door closed. They took to the air in a flutter of wings. They flew out of range before anyone could react.
    “Mr. Dodgson’s going to be pissed,” one of the men said.
    Another man asked, “When is he going to be here?”
    “In the morning.”
    They walked over to the two dead men, and dragged them out of the fence. Laying them down on the ground, they quickly ran back into the compound. An hour later, the bodies were swarmed by Eoraptors. They fed for a half an hour, then scattered when a familiar roar was heard. The Baryonyx were near the compound, and they could smell the sweet scent of Simone’s perfume. It was shaping up to be a long night.

    Chapter 4 part 5: Night of the Baryonyx

    Coming Soon!

    4/26/2002 1:39:57 PM

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