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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 3 part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 3 part 3: Caves.

    “What is this place,” Billy asked
    The concrete bunker was much larger than anyone could have predicted. It contained a large, garage-like, interior that sloped gradually downhill. As Grant moved further into the recess, he saw a cavernous opening in the earth with a large steel door covering it.
    “It’s a tunnel system! I wonder where it leads…”
    “Let’s follow it,” Billy said, “At least then we can stay away from the animals.”
    “Are you sure about that,” Marlin Dodge asked.
    “No, but we do know that they are out there,” Grant replied, pointing at the entrance of the bunker.
    “We can’t go anywhere yet,” Hank stated, “Mary is getting worse. She needs to rest.”
    “Okay,” Grant said, “We’ll stay as long as we can. After that, we move into the cave. Everyone needs to try and get some rest.”

    Everyone was shaken by the mighty roar of the Giganotosaurus. It was once again stalking from outside the bunker. It bent low to the ground, sniffing the openings around the edges of the door.
    “Everybody stay calm,” Dr. Grant said.
    The group froze. It became very quiet and calm outside.
    “I think it’s gone,” Zack said.
    Immediately after he got the words out of his mouth, the wall imploded directly behind him. The enormous head of the Giganotosaurus penetrated the bunker, it’s mouth engulfing Zack Walter. He screamed as the monsters’ massive daggers severed his body at the waist! The rest of the group turned and ran toward the tunnel. Grant and Billy lifted the heavy bar that latched the door, and they all rushed inside.

    “I can’t help but feel responsible for all of this,” Simone said.
    She had been silent for a long time, pondering all that had happened.
    “You can’t blame yourself,” Mary replied.
    “That’s right,” Grant stated, “If anyone is to blame, it’s the studio.”
    “I know, but I pushed so hard for them to let me film here.”
    “How could you have possibly known that there were still dinosaurs here,” said Hank, “you thought they were gone, just like everyone else.”
    “That still doesn’t make it right,” She said, “I especially feel bad about Robert. He protested coming here. He tried his hardest to stop it, but I insisted.”
    “I know this may sound cruel,” Billy responded, “But you shouldn’t even think about it right now. All that matters now is our own survival.”
    “I thought I heard something,” Nedry said.
    “We didn’t hear anything.”
    “This place is making me jumpy,” He said, “It could have been my imagination.”
    The group walked onward for a few more yards, when Billy turned to Grant…
    “I know this isn’t your field of study, but what do you make of the phosphorus fungi growing in here?”
    “I’m not sure what species it is, but it does appear to be prehistoric. If only Ellie were here…”
    “Could it have been cloned by InGen?”
    “Undoubtedly,” Grant replied, “The spores could have easily been fossilized in amber, just like the mosquitoes.”
    “Very interesting indeed. I wonder if it was planted here for its light.”
    “Possibly, It is a rather bright glow…”
    “There’s that sound again.”
    Grant and Billy stopped and listened also. From deep inside the cave they heard moaning. It sounded rather like a human, but deeper. Definitely an animal sound. They would proceed with caution from here on out.

    The cave split into two separate paths. One going north, the other going east.
    “Which way do we go?”
    “Who can say,” Grant replied, “I’ve only been on top of the damn island.”
    “Flip a coin?”
    “That’s as good a suggestion as any.”
    “Heads, we go east. Tails, we go north,” Marlin said, pulling a quarter from his pocket.
    He tossed the coin into the air. It spun rapidly for what seemed to be an eternity, then it landed in the soft earth. It landed on its side! The quarter stood straight up and down for five or six seconds, then fell on its side. The group peered at the coin that would reveal their destiny. They marched eastward.

    Chapter 3 part 4: Inhabitants of the Caverns
    Coming Soon!

    4/9/2002 8:30:19 PM

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