Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Dilophosaurus is the only dinosaur genus in Jurassic Park not to return in a JP sequel. (From: Oviraptor)
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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 2 part 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 2 part 3: Isla Nublar
    “Everyone take your seats,” the pilot said, “We are preparing to land.”
    Grant watched nervously out the window. The fog was so thick that none of the island was visible from the air. Alan worried that a safe landing was impossible. Billy sat across from him. Grant could tell that Billy was jittery, but he could also see that Billy was very excited about visiting the island where it all began.
    “No reason to get excited Billy. You won‘t see anything on this trip,” Grant said, feeling a twinge at his words. Billy just looked at Alan silently.

    “Okay everyone,” Jim said, “You’re on your own. I’ll be back in four days to pick you up.” The group of eleven watched as their only way home left for the mainland. Grant once again felt the sense of fear, even though he knew the animals were gone.
    “Camp is about a quarter of a mile in that direction,” Robert Dalva said. As he walked, Dr. Grant immediately recognized his surroundings. All around them was piles of concrete, bricks, and stones. As they moved around a small stand of conifer trees, they came across a pile of scattered fossils. The bones belonged to a Tyrannosaurus. Mixed in with the fossils was a single, harshly weathered, un-fossilized skull fragment of a Velociraptor. Grant’s recognition was confirmed. The group was walking through the ruins of the once mighty Visitor Center of Jurassic Park.

    Simone Berry and Robert Dalva led the way through the winding jungle of Isla Nublar. “You can almost feel their presence,” Billy said, “It’s almost as if they were still here.” Grant remained silent. They walked for another minute or so, when they came across a large footprint. Definitely a dinosaur, Grant thought to himself. A wave of fear ran down his spine. Billy bent over and began inspecting the print. After a while, they both stood back up. Billy looked at Grant, looking for answers.
    “It’s old,” Alan Grant said, “But I have no idea how old.”
    “We were told they were extinct.”
    “They are, these prints don’t mean anything.”
    “How can you say that? They look so fresh,” Mary Slusar stated.
    “Trust me Mrs. Slusar,” Grant said, “Dr. Brennan and I have found fossilized tracks that look just as fresh as these.”

    Continuing on, the humans made one more stop. Hank and Zack had found something on the ground ahead of the others in the group. Zack backed away, coughed, and began vomiting. The others hesitated.
    “You guys should come and look at this,” Hank said.
    Alan and Billy were in the lead, they ran as fast as they could towards the sickened pair. They all froze in their tracks when they saw what was laying on the ground. The decomposing remains of a human leg lay on the ground before them. Grant glanced at Billy, then back at the group.
    “How much further is the camp?”

    Running at full speed, the group soon stumbled upon more tracks, and another set of remains. Even with what they were presented with, Grant prayed that it wasn’t true. It has to be something else, he thought, maybe they were accidents. Maybe they were murdered.
    They burst from the thick jungle into an open clearing. All around them were scattered supplies, shredded clothing and tents, and overturned animatronics equipment.
    “Oh my God,” Grant said. Those were the only words anyone could utter as they surveyed the ravaged campsite.

    Chapter 2 part 4: Campsite. Coming Soon!

    3/29/2002 9:24:50 PM

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