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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 2 part 1
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 2 part 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex

    The animal was totally concealed behind thick jungle foliage. It’s eyes moved slowly in its sockets. It was looking directly at Dr. Alan Grant and his assistant. Its massive jaws, with teeth the size of bananas, moved up and down in what seemed like anticipation. The creature’s tiny arms waved in the air, and it let out a long, low growl. As Dr. Grant began conversing with Billy and Simone, the beast stalked them. It lowered its head and charged the helpless humans in the small clearing…

    The Tyrannosaurus Rex burst from the jungle, and snapped its jaws at the paleontologist. All three of the humans screamed and jumped backwards.
    “What the hell were you thinking Zack,” Simone screamed.
    “I was just having a little fun,” Zack Walter, the films animatronics puppeteer, said.
    “Next time you have ‘a little fun,’ you’ll have to find yourself a new job!
    “Okay,” said Zack, “sorry. I didn’t know these guys would be such wimps.”
    “We have a good reason to be scared,” Billy replied.
    “Yeah, like you have ever seen the real thing,” Zack stated mockingly.
    Grant and Billy said nothing. They just stared at the man blankly.
    “What, why are you looking at me like that?”
    “Because, you’re an idiot. Dr. Grant I presume. My name is Hank Corel. I’m the animatronics supervisor. I apologize for my ignorant friend here.”
    “Alan Grant! Did you say Alan Grant? The Alan Grant!”
    “Finally it sinks in,” Hank said, rolling his eyes.

    “What do you think of our animals so far Dr. Grant?”
    “Quite impressive. I would think they were real, but none of them are trying to eat me.”
    “I only have one question,” Billy said, “Who’s playing Alan?”
    Grant shot Billy a dirty look.
    “What, I’m just curious.”
    “Well,” Simone replied, “You, unfortunately, won’t get to meet with any of the stars. They have the week off. We will be filming the stunt doubles and some animatronics on Nublar.”
    “It had better not be some young punk that can’t act. Remember, I was thirty nine when I was at Jurassic Park.”
    “Forty, actually.”
    “Shut up Billy…”
    “You don’t have to worry about that Dr. Grant. The actor we chose looks a lot like you. His name is Sam Neill.”

    After a long and strenuous flight, and an even more exhausting tour of the Jurassic Park sets, Alan Grant was overjoyed to crawl into the soft bed in his hotel room.
    I don’t know why they insist on showing things like that, Grant thought to himself, the whole world should know that I hate technical things by now. They know everything else about me.
    He settled into bed, and began snoring loudly. He saw himself in a large field. He was all alone, and everything seemed to be calm and quiet. Then a sound, slight but recognizable, began to build. It was the unmistakable ringing off a cellular phone. Grant began scanning the field, but saw nothing. The ringing came closer. Louder, and louder. Grant turned once again. Right in front of him was the imposing view of the Spinosaurus, the phone ringing from inside its stomach! The dinosaur burst forward with astonishing speed, ripping Grant in half!

    Grant jumped out of bed. He was breathing so heavily that he could barely hear his cell phone ringing. He fumbled for it inside his backpack, then brought it up to his ear.
    “Ian, do you…
    “Do I have any idea what time it is,” Malcolm said, finishing Grant’s sentence, “Yes, it’s three in the morning.”
    “What the hell do you want?”
    “I called to warn you…”
    “Didn’t you already do that?”
    “Something is happening, I’m not sure what. I did a little researching. Guess who the main contributor was that saved the studios ass.”
    “Who,” Grant asked.
    “Lewis Dodgson.”
    “Who’s that?”
    “Lewis Dodgson is one of the head honcho of Biosyn,” Ian replied, “They are a large bio-tech company. The main competitors of InGen.”
    “So what, maybe he just likes movies…”
    “Not very likely, He has been obsessed with the dinosaurs since before we even knew of Jurassic Park. In fact, he is the one that paid Nedry to steal the embryos.”
    Grant remained silent for a moment, then asked, “What do you think is going on?”
    “I don’t know Alan, but be careful.”

    Chapter 2 part 2: Flight to Nublar
    Coming Soon!

    3/23/2002 10:58:57 PM

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