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By Michael Crichton
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    Soon after filming of JP was complete, a raptor skeleton discovered in Wyoming was quickly dubbed "Spielberg's raptor" because of its uncanny resembelance to the raptors in JP. (From: Rippnraptor)
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    JPV: Life Finds a Way: Chap. 1 parts 2 and 3
    By Mr Goodbytes

    Chapter 1 part 2: Morning

    Grant was awakened at 6:00am by the persistent buzzing of his alarm. He got dressed quickly, and rushed out the door of his trailer. The rest of the team was already on the eroding hillside.
    “Good morning Alan, Have a good sleep?”
    “Not at all.”
    “Bad dreams again,” Billy asked.
    “Yeah, damn Malcolm…”
    Billy laughed, then ran ahead to help Cheryl with some equipment. The morning progressed like all the rest. They managed to uncover their find by another inch at noon.
    Billy and Grant debated on what to name the new dinosaur, finally deciding on Pentacerataurus alani. Stopping again for the day, Grant moved back toward the trailer.
    “Yes Billy?”
    “I just got a phone call, someone is coming here tomorrow”
    “Who was it?”
    “They didn’t say. All they said was that they were coming out tomorrow to discuss some business.”
    “This must be what Ian was talking about,” Grant said
    “What should I do?”
    “What could you do? Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Right now I just want some sleep.”

    Chapter 1 part 3: Visitors

    The extreme heat of the Montana midday in summer is something that must be experienced to be believed. Grant, Billy, and their students were accustomed to it. They had spent years in the badlands. Some of the more experienced could tell you what the high temperature would be just by the amount of sweat the produced! The team had been working for the past five hours when a black Mercedes rolled up to the camp site. A well dressed woman stepped out of the car, followed buy a young man in a stylish suit.
    “Dr. Grant! Dr. Alan Grant!”
    Alan Grant stood and started walking towards the people, motioning for Billy to follow.
    “Yes? What is it,” asked Grant.
    “We would like a word with you.”

    “No. No, no, no! I will not go back to that island.”
    “Dr. Grant, you have nothing to worry about,” the woman said. Simone Berry was a very famous movie director for Galaxy Studios. The studio had been in serious financial trouble for the past year. It was actually very close to being closed. However, they had just used much of their money reserve to buy the rights to make the story of Jurassic Park a major motion picture. It was surely the right project to put them back on top.
    “Forget it. I’ll stick to the royalties from my books and from your film. I’m not going back there.”
    “Dr. Grant,” said the man with her, “You and I both know you are still having funding trouble. You have no idea how much money you could make from this film and its sequels.”
    “Yes,” Simone said jumping in, “enough to fund your digs for another fifteen years or more. All you have to do is sign this contract and agree to be our consultant.”
    Billy waved Grant over to him. Alan knew immediately what Billy was going to say. They whispered back and forth to each other.
    “Okay, after debating with Mr. Brennan here, I have decided to do it.”
    “Excellent, meet Mr. Dalva and I at the airport at 10:00am tomorrow morning. We’ll have you ticket to Hollywood waiting for you.”
    “Better make it two tickets,” Billy said.

    As the Hollywood hot shots were pulling away, Alan shot Billy a dirty look.
    “What’s that all about?”
    “You know what it’s about, you know I need you here.”
    “Alan, you don’t need me here, there are plenty of volunteers and students that know what they’re doing. Besides, we could use a vacation. What could be better than a day in Hollywood and a week on a tropical island?”

    Chapter 1 part 4: Airport Coming Soon!

    3/21/2002 2:02:50 PM

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