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    Jurassic Park 4: Life p2
    By MrTangoFett



    Roland climbs down the tree and relieves Samuel. Instead of going straight back up the tree, he pulls him over toward the jeep.

    SAMUEL Where's the wreckage of the plane and his rescue party?

    ROLAND What?

    SAMUEL Michael. If he crashed like he said, where is the wreckage of the plane, surely one of the Costa Rican planes would have seen from the air and where's his rescue party getting him off the island.

    ROLAND In case you forgot, this is a no fly zone, he said he liked taking risks, he probably didn't tell anyone and the jungle is so thick in some places that you wouldn't be able to see from the air.

    SAMUEL I don't trust him, and for that matter, I don't trust Liam either.

    ROLAND You're tired, you're paranoid, go get another couple of hours sleep.

    SAMUEL Tell me something, if this is just paranoia, ask Liam if he'll tell you who he was on the phone to last night.

    ROLAND Might have been his girlfriend.

    SAMUEL Just be careful around them, I've got a bad feeling that something isn't right.

    Roland nods and watches Samuel climb back up into the tree. She opens the back of the trailer and puts his satellite phone and some water bottles into it.


    Hunt's team runs and reaches the compound. They run into a spare lab, two raptors right behind them.


    Hunt closes the door, outside an old man screams as a raptor comes toward him.

    Hunt opens the door, flings the man inside and shoots the raptor point blank.

    The old man, PROFESSOR BOURNE stands and shakes himself off.

    BOURNE Thank you.

    HUNT Don't expect it again.

    The other raptor paces outside the room, they can see it through the thick glass.

    HUNT Do you want that thing coming in here?

    SHOOTER 1 No.

    HUNT Then put that weapon down, you shoot that glass and it will be able to get in here, don't shoot until it gets its own way in.

    BOURNE This is thick glass, it will take a while for a raptor to chew through but only one of those bullets to shatter it.

    HUNT Thank you professor.


    Liam quietly climbs down the tree and past Roland who had fallen asleep and turns the generator off. He pulls up the netting and goes over to the raptor. He pulls a small kit from his pocket. He cuts a flesh sample and draws a small amount of blood.

    Roland, only pretending to be asleep, opens his eyes and watches what Liam is doing, he stands and walks over to Liam.

    ROLAND What are you doing?

    LIAM I was just making sure it was dead, there's no such thing as being too safe.

    ROLAND I agree. It hasn't moved in hours, I think it's safe to say it's dead, it's probably hunting small defenseless children in the saurian afterlife.

    LIAM There's no harm in being safe.

    ROLAND Safety is a hard thing to find in a place like this.


    He feeds Abby some meat and vegetable chunks in a small bowl on the floor. Hammond knocks on the door, Matias picks the two foot tall Abby and locks her in his bedroom.

    Matias opens the door and smiles nervously at Hammond.

    MATIAS Hi John, what's wrong.

    HAMMOND No, nothing's wrong. I hate to ask you to give up your day off but.

    MATIAS Are those Trikes we sent to Nublar getting sick like the last lot?

    HAMMOND No, this batch is perfectly healthy. I was just wondering if you would like to see the other island, Peter is too busy and if possible, I'd prefer not to take Pierce.

    MATIAS No, sounds good, I'll be out in a minute.

    He shuts the door in Hammond's face. He picks up the food bowl and puts it in his room with Abby. He goes out the door and joins Hammond.


    They get out of a jeep and walk up the gangplank of the boat.


    The boat docks and a jeep meets Hammond and Matias, it takes them to the uncompleted visitor center.


    Matias steps out and takes the grandeur of the building.

    MATIAS Very nice.

    HAMMOND It's not yet but it will be. What would you like to tour first, the visitor center or the dinosaur habitats.

    Matias stares at Hammond.

    HAMMOND Of course, what a stupid question, I'll get a jeep.

    He calls over to one of the Jurassic Park workers.

    HAMMOND Could you call the control room and tell them to send a tour jeep around?

    The worker nods and runs up the stairs into the building.

    Another worker brings the jeep around to the front of the visitor center and gets out.

    HAMMOND Matias, would you mind driving, I haven't held a driver's license for years.

    MATIAS No, I don't mind but what about when the real tours start, will one of the guests have to drive?

    HAMMOND No, don't worry about that, by then we'll have these tour vehicles on an automated track in the middle of roadway that will eliminate the need for drivers.

    MATIAS That's a good idea.

    HAMMOND You don't have to be so polite, it's not exactly an original idea but it seemed to work in with our idea of automating whatever we could.

    MATIAS But won't that be more expensive initially?

    HAMMOND Yes, but we aren't sparing any expenses.

    MATIAS If this park has carte blanche would you mind springing for a couple more coffee pots for us caffeine-addicted scientists who do all the hard work?

    Hammond nods and Matias starts the car. He drives the car down the road and down to the big gates. They wait for a worker to press a button to open the gates while another lights one of the lower flames.

    They drive down the road, it's uninteresting because none of the habitats have dinosaurs in them yet.

    Hammond points up an unpaved service road. They drive over a small bridge and wait for a set of double gates to be opened.


    Matias drives the car up along the service road.

    HAMMOND Stop the car, stop.

    Matias stops the car and looks around.

    MATIAS What?

    Hammond smiles at him as several large herds walk past about twenty meters from them.

    MATIAS To quote Peter, cool. Look how big they've gotten, I.I.

    He stops talking and just watches.

    HAMMOND They get a lot bigger once they are released into the open habitats, they seem to enjoy the fresh air.

    A baby stegosaurus, separated from the herd walks up to the jeep and rubs up against it.

    MATIAS What's it doing?

    HAMMOND It thinks we're its mother or in our case make that father, it happens all the time.

    MATIAS How would it know to follow a mother around? These creatures never had mothers to begin with, where did it learn to do that?

    HAMMOND It must be some sort of genetic memory, that's what we've begun to think around here.

    MATIAS How come you've never told me this? After all this time I've spent working for you, all the sleepless nights I've had trying to get gene sequences to work so that the animals would be healthy you didn't think I was important enough to tell when Stegos start following jeeps around like it was their mom?

    HAMMOND It was only a theory.

    MATIAS Theory or not, from where I stand it could be very important, it could mean that.just forget it.

    HAMMOND Would you mind starting the car?

    MATIAS Why?

    Hammond points backward and Matias sees a huge Brachisaurus lumbering toward them. Matias starts the car and they continue the tour silently.

    HAMMOND I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the mother-seeking behavior, it's just you've been so busy Sorna that I didn't want to bother you with something that seemed trivial compared to your work.

    Matias stops the car.

    MATIAS These creatures are my work, everything to do with them is my work. It's not trivial, nothing these animals do is trivial, we have to discover if what they do is inherent age- old behavior or because of something we've done. Filling the gene sequence gaps with amphibian DNA has caused everything from those Trikes that keep trying to drown themselves because they believe they can swim, one of their genes gave them the amphibian sense to return to water or the early Compys that kept changing strange colors because they had a chameleonic gene in their mix.

    HAMMOND I'm sorry, I didn't realize how important some of their behavior could be. I'll take care to tell you everything from now on.

    MATIAS I just want the best for them. I know you do too, we've made improvements to all of the species since the initial generations, they are all as healthy as possible but they still need improvements.

    HAMMOND I see.

    MATIAS As you've said, this is the frontier, we have to take care to observe everything.

    Matias restarts the jeep and they continue the tour. As they approach what will be the T-Rex enclosure, a Jurassic Park worker flags the jeep down.

    HAMMOND What is it?

    WORKER We've just received word from Sorna, they say that they can't move the Rex today, the Sorna doctor says that it's still not well enough to travel.

    HAMMOND Wait until they give it the go ahead.

    The worker nods and they drive on.

    HAMMOND Delays, always with the delays, the same thing used to happen when I was at the park in Kenya.

    As they continue, Matias pulls the jeep to a halt when something green runs across the road.

    MATIAS What was that?

    HAMMOND Pro, Procomp, something like that, I can't pronounce half of these names.

    MATIAS We call them Compys for short, why is it running around loose, shouldn't it been in an enclosure.

    HAMMOND It must have escaped from its assigned habitat.

    MATIAS You shouldn't let them loose, on their own like that they're aren't very dangerous, only mildly poisonous and the venom is slow acting. They aren't very strong either, we believed them to be scavengers so anyone over about thirteen should be able to fight one off but in a pack.well you can guess.

    HAMMOND We usually take better precautions with them.

    MATIAS Ian would love this place, he'd tell you exactly what he thought of your control of complex systems and for that matter he'd tell you what Chaos said.

    HAMMOND Who's Ian, a biologist?

    MATIAS No, he's a mathematician, specializes in Chaos theory you've seen him, I was playing poker with him when you picked me up from the university.

    HAMMOND I see.

    MATIAS Compys, you can't say their name and they aren't cute, but you wanted a lot of them, why? They aren't a delicacy are they?

    HAMMOND No, your studies showed that they re very efficient at dealing with waste and with animals this size, we have a lot of waste to deal with.

    MATIAS If you ever want me to eat again, you won't say another word.

    As they finish the tour and go back through the big gates, a voice on the small radio crackles to life.

    TOUR VOICE (RICHARD KILEY) Thank you for touring Jurassic Park.

    MATIAS What was that?

    HAMMOND That would be about the only feature of the automated tour that is working at the moment, in the future it will talk about the dinosaurs, point out interesting facts, things like that.

    MATIAS You should warn people about that.

    HAMMOND Sorry.


    Peter walks out of the lunch room and over to Matias.

    PETER There's a call for you in the office.

    MATIAS We have an office?

    PETER Caffeine room, there's some stuff shirt InGen guy looking for you.

    Matias walks into the lunch room and picks up the phone.

    MATIAS Hello?

    NATHAN Hello Dr. Tarker, this is Nathan Free, I'm on the InGen board of directors, Mr. Hammond probably hasn't mentioned me before but I have to talk to you.

    MATIAS He has once or twice, what did you can I help with?

    NATHAN Well, what I wanted to discuss with you is something I spoke to Mr. Hammond about sometime last week. It deals with the various manipulations you do to the creatures.

    MATIAS You mean the dinosaurs?

    NATHAN Yes, them. I've read the reports from both islands and I'm afraid that the public won't be able to accept them the way they are.

    MATIAS What are you talking about, what's wrong with them?

    NATHAN It's actually that they are quite correct but people already have preconceptions about what they would see, dinosaurs aren't known for their intelligence, they are often seen as stupid but the Velociraptors that you've cloned are smart and fast; mean, smart attraction aren't good for business.

    MATIAS Some of the public will we glad for the authenticity, new research is helping to change that misconception.

    NATHAN Of course but the age-old preconception won't have changed by the time the park opens in three years. To get to the point Dr. Tarker, we are suggesting that you create the dinosaurs to be what the public expects rather than the scientifically accurate creatures that you are currently producing. We can of course slowly introduce them to the truth over time, more real than reality you might say.

    MATIAS More real than reality?

    NATHAN You'll do it if you want to keep your job.

    MATIAS You get one thing straight, I take my orders from my mother and from John Hammond and until one of them tells me otherwise, I will create them as true as I can.

    NATHAN You're a hypocrite Mr. Tarker, you are so far from the truth right now, all your of dinosaurs are female and then you give them an enzyme deficiency.

    MATIAS Those are only precautions and they were ordered from InGen.

    The phone line goes dead.

    MATIAS Hello?

    Hammond walks into the lunch room from the lab and over to Matias. He takes the receiver out of his hand and places it down on the cradle.

    HAMMOND Were you just talking to Nathan Free?

    MATIAS He called me.

    HAMMOND What did he want?

    MATIAS He wanted me to recreate the dinosaurs fake, like they belonged in a cartoon, to make them what the public expected.

    HAMMOND You didn't agree did you?

    MATIAS Not that I had a chance but no, I would never agree to something like that unless you ordered me to and I don't think you would.

    HAMMOND No, I wouldn't. He suggested the same thing to me last week, he also suggested gentle baby dinosaurs that children could take rides on or take home as pets.

    MATIAS Might I assume that he only cares about the god damn all mighty dollar?

    HAMMOND Nathan sees this venture as nothing more than another way to make money.

    MATIAS Do you?

    HAMMOND This is more than just money, this is science and this is entertainment.

    Hammond walks out of the lab. Pierce comes in and pours himself a cup of coffee.

    PIERCE Of course this is all about money, why else go to all this trouble, this is will be one of the most profitable ventures once the park on Nublar is open.

    PETER (Asleep in front of his computer) You're wrong.

    PIERCE Peter? Peter are you awake?

    Peter doesn't answer and Pierce turns back to Matias.

    MATIAS Around here, we're never quite sure when he's awake.



    NATHAN The nerve of that scientist.

    The phone rings, he sits and presses the speaker button.

    NATHAN Speak.

    LEWIS If I were you, I'd talk civilly to your new partner.

    NATHAN New partner? Who is this?

    LEWIS This is Lewis Dodgson, I worked for InGen until that fool Hammond fired me. Now I work for BioSyn and if you're smart, you'll come where the money is.

    NATHAN You've got my attention.

    Nathan sits and listens to Lewis.


    Pierce works by himself in the lab, the phone rings, he ignores it. As it continue to ring, he goes into the lunch room to answer it.

    PIERCE Hello?

    NATHAN Is this Dr. Pierce Anderson?

    PIERCE Yes, who's this?

    NATHAN This is Nathan Free Dr. Anderson, are you alone?

    Pierce looks around the lunch room, puts the phone down and checks the lab.

    PIERCE As far as I can tell.

    NATHAN Listen to me, I have a proposal for you that you might be interested in.

    Pierce pulls a chair over and pours half a cup of coffee.


    Matias leave the offices and goes back to his room, Peter waits outside his room for him.


    MATIAS What's wrong?

    PETER Where the hell have you been? You weren't in the Lab, I've been waiting for you for ten minutes.

    MATIAS Hammond had to talk to me, what couldn't have waited until I got back to the lab?

    PETER The results of the new DNA tests from that new batch of amber, can I use your bathroom please?

    MATIAS Sure, hang on a minute.

    Matias opens the door and then closes it in Peter's face. He kneels down.

    MATIAS Abby where are you?


    Peter can't wait anymore so he opens the door.


    Peter's eyes bulge open wide in terror as he looks down at Abby. She stands like a guard dog, just before he screams, Matias runs over and clamps his hand over Peter's mouth.

    Peter relaxes slightly and points to the bathroom. Matias lets go and a minute later, he comes back out.

    Matias is sitting on his couch, Abby is standing beside him.

    PETER That's the mutant isn't it?

    Abby doesn't like the tone in his voice and makes a strange noise, halfway between a growl and a squeak.

    MATIAS Around here, it's genetic aberration and her name is Abby. If you tell anyone. (A beat) I'll take a crow bar to the Hoods and you'll have to sequence every gene by yourself.

    PETER Anything but the Hoods, I live to serve those computers.

    MATIAS Then promise you won't tell anyone, Hammond would have her killed.

    PETER You don't have to worry about me.what exactly is she?

    MATIAS Abby is a half raptor, half Hadrosaur hybrid, she's an omnivore.

    PETER And after all this time, she's still alive?

    Matias shrugs. Peter kneels down onto the floor, Abby jumps off the couch and cautiously approaches him.

    PETER Abby? I will give you a new name - it shall be slimy.

    Matias picks up a piece of fruit from the table and throws it down right in front of Peter, Abby bears her sharp teeth and begins to rip it apart.

    MATIAS Don't insult the half-raptor.


    Roland takes two dart guns out of the trailer, hands one to Liam and keeps the other.

    ROLAND We've got all the eggs we came for so we have the rest of today to explore and then we can head to the dock tomorrow.

    LIAM Yes sir.

    ROLAND We'll stay here about an hour then we head back to camp.

    Liam and Michael head off into the building and then to the left; Margaret, Roland and Samuel walk slower, then off to the right.

    SAMUEL Wait, hold up.

    MARGARET What is it?

    He points to the ground, there are several scrape marks there.

    ROLAND Raptor, we should be careful.

    SAMUEL I don't trust them.

    ROLAND I get the distinct feeling that Liam doesn't like you.

    MARGARET I like him, I think he's cute.

    ROLAND Does that mean I have competition?

    They go into the building and then sit down in an open area, once part of a lab. Margaret starts pulling some files out of a filing cabinet, Samuel plays solitaire.


    Liam pulls his phone from his bag and dials a number.

    INT. LAB

    Margaret pulls out a CD player and listens to some music, she pulls the earphones out when they begin to buzz.

    ROLAND What's wrong?

    MARGARET Some other signal just went through it.

    ROLAND What kind of a signal?

    MARGARET Like a mobile phone but none of us have mobile phones.

    SAMUEL But we do have satellite phones, it must be Liam and Michael.

    MARGARET Why would they be using a satellite phone?

    Roland stands and checks the gun, he hands it to Samuel.

    SAMUEL Are you going to find them?

    ROLAND What do you think?

    SAMUEL We'll come too.

    ROLAND No. You stay here and look after Margaret.

    MARGARET What's going on, Roland, tell me.

    ROLAND Nothing at the moment, stay here. I'll be back in a minute.

    Roland walks out of the lab, Margaret looks up at Samuel.

    MARGARET You know what's going on don't you?

    SAMUEL It's those other two, they're up to something, come over here and be prepared.

    MARGARET Does Roland know?

    SAMUEL Hand me his bag.

    Margaret hands him Roland's bag, Samuel shoves it into an empty filing drawer.


    Roland walks in and finds Liam talking on his satellite phone in code. Michael points the dart gun at her as he enters.

    ROLAND Who are you talking to?

    Liam ends the call and nods at Michael who stands up and holds the gun at Roland's head.

    LIAM That dart can knock out a tyrannosaurus, Michael's got an itchy trigger finger so don't move.

    The BioSyn team walks into the room.

    ROLAND Who are you? Who are they?

    MICHAEL Shut up.

    ROLAND I demand you tell me what's going on?

    LIAM It's called business. InGen is gone, John Hammond is a fossil, you can't let these products of genetic genius be destroyed without at least taking some of them. InGen couldn't handle the power, couldn't do anything right, you need an organization like BioSyn to come in and take over where InGen left off.

    ROLAND You work for BioSyn?

    LIAM We all work for BioSyn, now let's go back to your friends. You really should have taken our offer then you wouldn't be in the mess you are now.

    ROLAND You had all of this planned?

    LIAM We were planning a similar venture, the intentions of which weren't quite so goody-two shoes as this one. It was quite nice of Hammond to help finance us.

    ROLAND You bastard.

    Michael pulls the trigger, Roland jerks his head aside and the dart hits one of the BioSyn guys.

    INT. LAB

    Liam lead the team into the lab, Samuel holds the gun and Margaret cowers behind him.

    MARGARET What's happening?

    ROLAND What's it look like? We've been double crossed.

    LIAM Get over there with them.

    As Roland crosses to Margaret and Samuel. Samuel holds his gun down at his side and starts to cross to the BioSyn guys.

    SAMUEL It took you guys long enough to make your move didn't it?

    LIAM What are you talking about?

    SAMUEL Didn't Lewis Dodgson tell you? He personally sent me as a backup in case you failed.

    LIAM Stand right where you are and explain.

    SAMUEL I can't make myself any clearer, I was your backup but now you can just take me back with you.

    Liam nods and Samuel joins them.

    SAMUEL You have to go where the money is. BioSyn pays more than Hammond, then, of course, I've also got the paycheck from him.

    Ethan goes over to Margaret and Roland and ties their hands up.

    ETHAN Sorry, it's part of the job.

    He starts to lead them out, Roland looks around as some dust falls loose.

    Roland looks over to one of the metal tables.

    CLOSE UP as dry leaves shake.

    Margaret sneezes as the dust falls down.

    The BioSyn team leads everyone outside. They stop as they hear heavy footsteps approaching.

    The BioSyn team stops and looks around. They look in fear as a Rex walks up the overgrown road. It ROARS and everyone starts to panic. Seeing an opportunity, Samuel takes Liam hostage, another BioSyn guys knocks Samuel down with one punch and helps Liam up as the Rex reaches the building.

    Roland catches Margaret and holds her still as best he can with no hands when she tries to run away.

    ROLAND Whatever you do, don't move.

    Margaret sneezes again and the Rex turns toward them, it comes closer, sniffing for a meal.

    They stand absolutely still, Samuel lies at their feet and Bourne, left behind follows their example.

    Another BioSyn guy, absolutely terrified gets up and starts running down the street. The Rex starts chasing this guy, the BioSyn guy turns and screams as the rex's huge mouth opens.

    Hammond's team looks in horror. Bourne starts shouting and the Rex turn back toward them, NEARLY VICTIM, escapes into the tree line.

    The Rex turns and looks for another meal, when it can't smell or see any, it turns and goes into the forest after Nearly Victim. A moment later, a scream is heard.

    Samuel immediately sits up and tries to untie their hands.

    MARGARET I thought you were unconscious.

    SAMUEL I have an aversion to being Rex food, do you want some help?

    The BioSyn guys enter the building. Liam shoves Samuel down and ties his hands together as well.

    LIAM Don't move.

    HUNT We've got Hammond's team, what do we do now?

    LIAM You and the professor stay here and look after them while we take the samples back to the plane then we'll come back for you.

    HUNT We could just leave them here, an island full of dinosaurs, accidents happen.

    LIAM Not a bad idea but we stick to the plan.

    HUNT You go, I'll take care of the prisoners.

    Liam nods at Michael. They climb into the jeep and they drive off toward the plane.

    HUNT Tembo, I might just kill you now.

    ROLAND They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they hired you. You know they won't come back for you don't you?

    HUNT Shut up.

    ROLAND They leave you behind and they get paid more, your death and the death of him won't be questioned.

    HUNT Bourne, we'll follow the jeep tracks.

    BOURNE What are you talking about?

    HUNT We're leaving them here.

    BOURNE Oh dear.

    Hunt and Bourne leave, they start to follow the jeep tracks in the dirt.

    MARGARET We're going to die, I just know it.

    Samuel pulls at his hands, trying to pull one loose.

    ROLAND Don't pull it, they'll get tighter and then you'll never get loose.

    ETHAN Are they gone?

    Roland looks around.

    ROLAND Who's there?

    Ethan stands from behind the metal desk.

    ETHAN Hi.

    SAMUEL You've missed your friends, they left without you.

    ETHAN They're not my friends, I didn't realize how fanatical these guys could get. I don't value money over human life.

    ROLAND Then you're in a minority, would you mind helping us out of these?

    ETHAN Sure.

    Ethan pulls a knife from his bag and cuts the ropes.

    ETHAN Are you are in charge?

    ROLAND I am.

    ETHAN Do you have some way to get off this island?

    ROLAND We have a launch waiting for us at the dock but we have no way to get there and we aren't leaving without the eggs.

    ETHAN As you've just seen, this area is very dangerous.

    SAMUEL We knew that, we're not stupid.

    ETHAN Did you only have the one jeep?

    SAMUEL Yes.

    ETHAN I doubt that there are any working vehicles here so what do we do?

    SAMUEL Roland, call Hammond, see if there are any vehicles or weapons left behind that still might work.

    Roland pulls out his satellite phone and dials Hammond's number.


    Hammond stands at his window, looking down the street to another grandfather who playing with his grandchildren. Hammond audibly sighs.

    He's broken out of his thoughts as his phone rings. He crosses the room and answers it.

    HAMMOND John Hammond.

    ROLAND It's me.

    HAMMOND What's wrong, have you got a problem?

    ROLAND I've only got a basic map of the island, I need you to go look at the detailed maps.

    Hammond goes over to his desk and pulls out a large map and unrolls it.

    HAMMOND What do you want to know?

    ROLAND Weapons and a vehicle.

    HAMMOND Why do you need more weapons and another vehicle?

    ROLAND I don't have time to explain, are there any left here?

    HAMMOND You do know that the island's been abandoned for years?

    ROLAND Are there any?

    HAMMOND Go around to the east side of compound, there's a door leading underground, there's an emergency garage, I think there should be a jeep down there and maybe some weapons.

    ROLAND Thank you Mr. Hammond.

    HAMMOND What's going on?

    ROLAND I'll tell you later.


    Bourne and Hunt walk along the road.

    BOURNE My feet hurt.

    HUNT Shut up.

    BOURNE You are quite a rude man. Your hair is too long.

    HUNT I may yet kill you.

    BOURNE How much farther to the plane?

    HUNT Why did they bring you along?

    BOURNE Intelligence, a trait that you seem to lack.

    Hunt walks faster and Bourne runs to catch up.


    Liam and Michael race the jeep and trailer along the creeper covered road toward the BioSyn plane.

    LIAM Do you know where you're going?

    MICHAEL Sure I do.

    LIAM Then why aren't we there yet?

    MICHAEL We'll be there soon.

    LIAM You don't have a problem with leaving Wolfgang and the professor behind do you?

    MICHAEL It's more money for us, what do you think?

    LIAM I think you've got your priorities in order.


    ROLAND We have to go this way, there's an underground garage.

    They find the door and go down the thin staircase to the garage, it's dark as a cave.


    Margaret trips over something metallic and the sound of machinery starting is heard. A few dim lights come on, one bulb blows.

    SAMUEL Let be there light.

    ROLAND Geothermal energy.

    They look in dismay at the old jeep, it's covered in dust and in bad disrepair.

    Samuel opens a cupboard and finds a couple of rifles.

    SAMUEL We have weapons.

    Unwilling to do the greasy work Ethan and Margaret cleans the weapons while Roland and Samuel fix the jeep.

    MARGARET We head for the dock now don't we, the boat will pick us up once we call won't it, that's what we're doing? Right?

    ROLAND The captain will have no problem picking us up early but.

    SAMUEL We can't leave without getting what we came for. We aren't letting the bad guys get away, that's wasn't what I paid for and it's not right.

    MARGARET But there are dinosaurs out there.

    SAMUEL I'll admit it isn't an ideal situation but it's what we have. We have to get those eggs back no dinosaur or BioSyn goon is going to stop us, right?

    ETHAN You might be too late, it's not that far to the plane.

    MARGARET It's a stupid idea to go after them.

    Roland pulls Margaret aside.

    ROLAND Margaret, it's okay to be scared but it'll be all right. You will be back at the university soon enough, just trust me.

    They finally get the jeep going and they climb in and it drives out into the sunlight.


    Liam's jeep is stuck in the swamp, Michael tries to drive forward but the tires spin helplessly in the mud.

    MICHAEL This is your all fault.

    LIAM You were the one driving.

    MICHAEL Ok, then it's the jeep's fault, it's a piece of junk.

    LIAM Hammond issued it, what do you expect?


    Hammond's team follows the tracks that Liam's jeep left.

    ETHAN If we want to catch them shouldn't we drive faster? They do have a head start on us.

    Samuel drives faster.


    Michael stops the jeep and jumps out. He goes around to the trailer and starts to open the door.

    As he tries to get the door open, raptors jump him. Liam looks in fear as Michael screams, he slides over and backs the jeep up.

    Outside, the lead raptor looks at him. Liam drives as fast as he can and the raptors pursue until they grow tired of it.



    Matias inspects the current batch of eggs, Pierce sits in the lab, he nervously looks around.

    PIERCE Where's Peter?

    MATIAS You ignore the guy while he's around then when he's missing you actually notice.

    PIERCE I just want to know where he is.

    MATIAS He went with Hammond to Nublar, some of the motion sensor tracking stations weren't working properly and Hammond wanted him to get Mr. DNA up and running.

    PIERCE What's a Mr. DNA?

    MATIAS You don't know? Come over here, I'll show you.

    Matias pushes his wheeled chair over to Peter's computer.

    MATIAS Do you Hammond is thinking about having tours as early as next year?

    PIERCE But the park isn't scheduled to open for another two years, why would he want people looking at the park when it's not finished.

    MATIAS The InGen board of directors is pushing for outside opinions.


    MATIAS It's an irritatingly cute way to explain what we've been doing for the last few years. It's for the Jurassic Park tour, Hammond asked Peter to design it for him.

    Matias looks around. To see an empty lab.

    He looks up when he hears the heavy lab containment doors shutting.

    MATIAS Pierce? Pierce where are you?


    Pierce code-locks the door and turns the intercom on.

    PIERCE Good bye Matias, I'd like to say it's been a pleasure but I hate lying.

    MATIAS What's going on?

    PIERCE To it simply, the size of my paycheck is all I care about. Only fools like you are scientists for the science.

    INT. LAB A

    Matias looks up as he hears a grating sound. One of the smaller lab doors open.

    MATIAS What's that?

    PIERCE In the room with you right now is the result a year's work. There are two fully grown raptors in there with you.

    MATIAS I don't see them.

    PIERCE Of course not, if they were normal raptor you'd be able to see them, but these are chameleons.

    MATIAS I don't see anything at all. They can't be that good at hiding themselves, they just can't be.

    PIERCE If you had more time left you could think about the genetics - it hasn't been nice knowing you.


    Pierce uses a metal bar to smash the intercom then he leaves.

    INT. Lab A

    Matias looks around, trying to decide if he's joking. On a table ahead of him, something jumps up onto one of the tables, he hears a shrieking.

    MATIAS Oh shit.

    Matias looks around, he turns around, presses a few keys. Mr. DNA is pumped through speakers at random.

    He see glimpses of the chameleonic raptors as they pass over different colors and textures.

    Matias runs into the hatchery and slams the door shut. He slams it too hard and it rebounds, it comes open again. The door opens inward as one of the raptors crashes against the door.

    Matias presses his feet up against it and pushes it shut. He stands and locks the door, outside the raptors scratch against it.

    INT/EXT. Hatchery/Lab A

    Matias stares out the small porthole window and sees glimpses of the raptors.

    One of the raptors throws itself against the door and crashes onto the floor, Matias sees the metallic outline of a raptor which fades to match the floor.

    MATIAS Radio, need a radio. Gun, need a gun.

    He looks around the room and finds nothing but eggs and rubber gloves for handling infants.

    INT. Lab A

    The raptors focus their energy on the glass, trying to break through it. Matias slips on the floor and he looks up to see the emergency button, for use when there's problems with the eggs.

    He stands and presses the button repeatedly. He looks up to the red light which usually accompanies the emergency. He inspects the button.

    EXTREME CLOSE UP - the wires have been cut.

    MATIAS I have to kill that clever son of a bitch.

    Matias jumps back at the wall as the small porthole window is smashed.

    The raptors start tearing away at the metal door.

    MR. DNA (on speaker) Velociraptors, or simply raptors have incredibly powerful jaws and can bite through solid metal given enough time. These creatures are incredibly viscous and will kill even when they aren't hungry.

    MATIAS The door isn't that solid.


    Liam follows the road back toward the dock.


    Hammond's team follows Liam's jeep trail until they find it doubling back on itself.

    SAMUEL Why did he turn back?

    ROLAND He must have had a good reason, you don't stay on this island longer than you have to.

    Samuel turns the jeep around follows the new tracks.


    Pierce drives in a jeep to the dock, he parks it and approaches the captain.

    PIERCE Is this boat going to the mainland?

    CAPTAIN Yes.

    PIERCE I need to go to the mainland, do you think I can catch a ride with you?

    CAPTAIN Of course, we have plenty of spare cabins but the boat isn't leaving for an hour, we need to unload the supplies we brought from the mainland.

    PIERCE Just tell me where a spare cabin is and I promise I won't get in your way.


    Margaret and Ethan watch as Samuel and Roland change a tire.

    ETHAN We can help you know.

    MARGARET I can't, I don't know how to change a tire.

    SAMUEL You can recite the entire history of evolution and you never learned to change a tire.

    MARGARET Have you found out what caused the tire to go flat in the first place?

    ROLAND The very reason I came to the island, here look.

    He hands up a Rex tooth for them to see.

    ETHAN A tyrannosaurus is losing its teeth?

    As they finish the tire, the ground starts to shake. They all look up and see stampeding herds coming toward them.

    They get back into the jeep and drive a safe distance so that they can watch.

    As the last of the herds go past, they hear something just over the rise they had parked on. They get out and creep to the top of the hill.

    They watch as two large Hadrosaurs fight for dominance as the rest of their small herd watches like they were watching a family football game.

    The slightly larger of the two beats the first one, the loser falls to the ground but the victor doesn't kill it. It allows it to slink off into the jungle in shame.

    MARGARET How come it didn't kill it?

    SAMUEL You're the one who teaches paleontology.

    MARGARET It has been theorized that when two herbivores fought, fight for dominance that it wasn't necessary to kill each other, merely to beat it. There have been many skeletons found with broken bones.

    ETHAN If you knew, why did you ask?

    MARGARET Because it was only a theory.


    Matias looks for any way to escape as the raptors bite at the door, trying to rip through.

    There is a horrible screeching as part of the door comes away.


    The boat from Isla Nublar pulls into a parallel dock with the one going back to the mainland. Hammond and Peter walk down the gangplank.

    Hammond looks at the jeep that Pierce left.

    HAMMOND I've told everyone a million times not to leave vehicles sitting at the dock.

    PETER Some people just don't listen. At least we've got one to get back with.

    Peter climbs into the drivers seat.

    PETER Can't be too harsh Mr. Hammond, this guy left his wallet behind.

    HAMMOND Open it, see who's it is.

    Peter flips open the wallet and finds Pierce's driver's license.

    PETER This is Pierce's wallet, why is Pierce going to the mainland?

    HAMMOND I don't know, he's not scheduled to go anywhere.

    Hammond walks over to the captain as he organizes freight to be taken off the boat. Hammond takes Pierce's wallet from Peter and shows it to him.

    HAMMOND Excuse me captain, have you seen this man?

    CAPTAIN Yes Mr. Hammond I have.

    HAMMOND Is he on the boat?

    CAPTAIN He wanted to go to the mainland.

    PETER What's going on?

    HAMMOND I don't know and I don't like not knowing. Captain, is that man in a cabin?

    CAPTAIN Yes, we had plenty spare.

    HAMMOND Lock that door and don't let him out until I tell you otherwise.

    CAPTAIN Is he in trouble?

    HAMMOND As soon as we know, we'll let you know.

    PETER Isn't that a bit harsh John? Why can't we just ask him? He probably just got a bit stir crazy, none of us have been of this island in a year.

    HAMMOND No, it's safer to keep him contained.

    Peter nods and they climb back in the jeep. Peter starts the jeep and they head for the lab.


    Liam drives the jeep onto the launch and gets out. He unlocks the trailer and places a few eggs into a small egg crate and puts the crate into the bottom of his backpack.

    He opens a BioSyn crate and puts the blood and flesh samples into his bag as well.

    He locks the trailer and tries to start the launch. He presses all the buttons he can see but the boat won't start.

    He picks his dart gun up and points it around when he hears an odd call. He carefully looks around both sides of the jeep and sees a bird in a tree. He steps off the launch and throws a rock at it. The bird flies out of the tree.

    He again tries to get the launch started and he hears the noise again. He looks back up at the tree and the bird is still gone. He hears the call coming from behind him. He turns to see a Compy.

    He looks down at him in curiosity. He kicks it and it falls off the launch. He hears a different call and turns back around to see a dilophosaurus. He screams as it spits at him, he slides down in pain, pulling the right lever as he goes and the launch starts.

    With no one controlling it, it powers out to sea and then comes back in toward the shore.

    The launch crashes against the beach, the jeep comes loose and it rolls down into the surf, the dilophsaurus hops up and over to him. We hear his screams as we follow a group of Compys along the beach, they wait until the larger dinosaur finishes then they jump up onto the launch.


    Hammond's team gets to the and find the launch, half in and half out of the surf. Samuel climbs up onto it then jumps back down.

    SAMUEL He got what he deserved.

    ROLAND Who?

    SAMUEL Liam, judging but what clothes I can see.

    Roland jumps up and looks down at the remains, he turns to Samuel.

    ROLAND Can you honestly tell me that anyone deserves that?

    Roland wades out to the jeep and opens the trailer. She inspects the egg crates, most of the eggs are broken but about a dozen are intact.

    With Margaret's help, he transfers the eggs to one crate and carries it to shore along with Liam's pack.

    SAMUEL That's his pack, why do you want it?

    ROLAND It's in better condition than mine also it has his rations in it, we may need them.

    Margaret screams as she sees a stray Compy. Samuel chases it away then looks out to sea.

    SAMUEL Where's the boat gone?

    ROLAND We could see it when we docked, it should be there.

    ETHAN Did you tell it to wait for you?

    MARGARET Where is it?

    Roland pulls out his satellite phone and calls the boat.


    CAPTAIN Yes, there was a problem. The Costa Ricans are sending patrol ships around, not the kind you can buy off so we went around to the other side of the island to avoid getting caught.

    ROLAND That's great.

    He hangs the phone up and looks at the team.

    ROLAND We have to get to the other side of the island.

    SAMUEL We've got a jeep, that's no problem.

    ETHAN Then how do you we get out to your boat? The launch is destroyed.

    SAMUEL Ethan, you said that Michael and Liam had been heading for a plane.

    ETHAN Yes, that's correct.

    SAMUEL Is there an emergency raft on the plane?

    ETHAN With the emergency gear I would guess, we came pretty well prepared.

    SAMUEL Then that's how we get to the boat.

    ROLAND They didn't take that plane out of here for a good reason, do you want to know what that reason probably was? Raptors.

    MARGARET But we have to get out of here, they destroy this island is a couple of days.

    ROLAND It's dangerous.

    SAMUEL How were the other guys getting of the island?

    ETHAN There was a boat organized to take them back to Costa Rica. Can any of you fly a plane?

    Hammond's team nods 'no' in unison.

    ETHAN Well if you could we could just fly out of here instead of taking an inflatable raft.

    MARGARET Is there a reason we just can't use the phone and call for a helicopter to come out here, right here and pick us up?

    ROLAND This is a no fly zone and that law is especially enforced two days before the island's destruction. Even if we called a private charter there is a more than good chance that the Costa Ricans will find out and make us hand over the eggs. In case you forgot, we are trying to be discreet.

    SAMUEL Then we have to head for the plane, it's our only option.

    The team climbs back into the jeep and they follow the roads back to where the tracks began to double back on themselves and they keep going.

    Samuel slows the jeep to a stop.

    ROLAND What is it?

    SAMUEL There's something out there.

    Ahead of them, the jungle starts to shake, a stegosaurus exits the jungle with a dramatic swipe of its tail.

    SAMUEL What do I do?

    ROLAND Start the car and by all means, drive very fast.

    SAMUEL Right.

    Samuel turns the key but the engine doesn't turn over. The stegosaurus looks at them and listens as the engine tries to turn over.

    The stegosaurus charges at them, they all climb out of the jeep, Samuel and Roland grab the egg crate and they all run into the jungle.

    The watch from behind the tree line as the stegosaurus swipes at the jeep with its tail and walks over it, crushing it as it continues.

    Satisfied that the 'invader' has been killed, the dinosaur moves on.

    The team continues on foot, following the road.

    MARGARET Raptors, what are they like?

    ROLAND To put it simply, they are monsters.

    MARGARET What are they like? I've only seen them in fossils and even there they're terrifying.

    ROLAND Terrifying, that's a joke, raptors are beyond terrifying, fast, intelligent and lethal, the essence of a perfect predator.

    MARGARET Is there anything that they're afraid of?

    ROLAND Not that I know of.

    MARGARET We're going to die aren't we?

    SAMUEL This is the wrong time to be a pessimist Margaret.

    ETHAN I'd be inclined to disagree with you, this is to be the appropriate time for pessimism.

    ROLAND If we follow these tracks, we should come to the landing strip, we can find the boat, if they have one and launch from there. There's a dock for small boats a couple of hundred meters from the dock. The boat can meet us off shore from there.

    The team looks up as a plane flies overhead.

    MARGARET Was that the government or sightseers?

    SAMUEL Probably the government, they have to check it out before they sanitize the island tomorrow.

    MARGARET Do they nuke the island? I didn't watch what they did to the other island, what did they do?

    SAMUEL Everyone else in the entire world - that had access to a TV were watching it, what the hell were you doing?

    MARGARET I was teaching.

    SAMUEL There's no need to worry about radiation the nerve gas will kill you first. They nerve gas the island first to kill of the dinosaurs then they drop napalm and to burn of the remains, the natural vegetation is hardy and will grow back soon enough, after that they will reintroduce native wildlife and.

    ROLAND Extinction again.

    MARGARET If the boat switched sides to avoid detection, what about plane that just went over?

    ROLAND Margaret, from that height, it would be unlikely that they could distinguish between your vessel and one of their own.

    MARGARET If we have until tomorrow, can't we take a break for a while; this thing is getting heavy.


    Bourne and Hunt walk through the jungle. Bourne is sweating and not handling the heat well.

    HUNT Are you still alive back there?

    BOURNE Barely.

    Hunt stops in his tracks and looks around.

    BOURNE What is it?

    Hunt doesn't answer, he sniffs at the air.

    BOURNE What is it?

    HUNT It hasn't been a pleasure knowing you.

    Hunt runs off into the jungle, leaving Bourne to ponder the wall of jungle.

    Bourne takes a couple of steps forward, not knowing what to expect. He steps on something hard, he hops on one foot and looks up. He had stepped on a foot. He looked up to see the owner who'd been hidden in the trees. The Spinosaurus wakes up and bends down to the professor.

    Hunt, still running through the jungle hears Bourne's scream and keeps running. He runs until he hits a tree.

    Hunt's POV - pebbly skin

    Hunt looks up to see the Spinosaurus.

    HUNT So it ends.


    Margaret and Samuel put the egg crate down, Margaret sat on it while Roland reached into her bag for her water, she zipped her pack back up.

    Three raptors flew out of nowhere. Roland grabbed his gun and shot one of them. As he turned to shoot another, he knocked Ethan down.

    His shot went wild and missed. The third raptor shrieked and jumped forward. It leapt onto Margaret and started scratching at her. Roland turned and shot that one.

    Samuel helped Margaret up and pushed her toward a tree. Roland turned toward the third raptor who was facing off his him.

    He pulled the trigger but the gun didn't fire. The raptor saw his helplessness and took the opportunity. As Roland tried to load another dart something hit the raptor it the head with a wet slap and confused it.

    Roland finished loading the dart and shot the raptor down. He looked at the thing that had hit the raptor, it was an egg. He turned to the egg crate, Ethan had thrown the egg.

    ROLAND Thank you.

    Ethan nods.

    They both head up the tree. Samuel has started to clean Margaret's scratches.

    Another two raptors emerge from the jungle and then start to sniff at the egg crate. They flip it open and eat an egg each.

    Roland hands his gun to Samuel who points it down to the raptors. Roland moves across the tree to Margaret.

    ROLAND Are you ok?

    MARGARET I think I will be.

    ROLAND It's almost nightfall, we'll stay here tonight.


    Hammond watches the news. A breaking story occurs.

    NEWSCASTER In a new story today, Isla Sorna, the InGen site B will be sanitized tomorrow instead of Friday. This new venture comes after more talks between InGen and the Costa Rican government.

    HAMMOND Roland, the team.

    He stands and hobbles over to the phone. He presses speed dial one.


    The satellite phone rings. It takes them a moment to recognize the sound. Roland answers it.

    HAMMOND You have to get off the island, they're sanitizing it tomorrow.

    ROLAND What time tomorrow?

    HAMMOND The news story didn't say just get off the island as soon as possible.

    ROLAND Don't doubt that we will.

    Roland hangs up the phone. Margaret calls over to him softly.

    MARGARET What's wrong.

    ROLAND Nothing, why are you still awake?

    MARGARET I can't sleep, was that Hammond?

    ROLAND Yes.

    MARGARET I can understand him sending a team here to rescue these creatures.

    ROLAND They're recreated animals, worth millions to the right bidder.

    MARGARET I don't think that's it, I think it's more like he's saving his dream. Saving his children.

    ROLAND His children? I don't think so, you don't know John Hammond.

    MARGARET So maybe they aren't human but I still think he thinks of them as children. At least he has children to save.

    ROLAND You know I didn't mean anything by that.

    MARGARET You don't know what I feel when the other lectures apply for maternity leave, how jealous I feel of them.

    ROLAND All right, we'll take care of Hammond's children like they were our own until we get back to the mainland.


    Abby sniffs at her empty food bowl, she picks it up and chews on the plastic. She puts it back down and searches the kitchen for food.

    Finding nothing, Abby starts scratching at the door, she returns to the kitchen and jumps up onto the table. She jumps up onto a higher cupboard and pushes at a vent. The vent easily flaps up, she pushes her way in and starts walking down it.


    Matias pushes cupboards, chairs and hatching tables and everything he can find so that the door is harder to open. He looks back toward the door.

    Matias' POV - The raptors have almost made it through the door.

    He goes to the back of the hatchery and pulls a small cupboard away from the wall. He bends down and finds a vent. He tries to pull the vent open but it won't come open.


    Abby stops and listens, she can hear Matias' voice filtering through and she heads for the vent.


    MATIAS Open you son of a bitch!


    Abby finds Matias and runs to the end of the vent. He doesn't see her so she squeaks at him.


    When Matias hears the squeaking he jumps back in terror, as he falls back, he takes the grate with him.

    At the other end of the hatchery, the raptors, now steel gray in color have chewed through the door and are now pushing their way through the junk.

    Abby jumps forward and squeaks up at the lager raptors.

    Matias tries to pull her back but the larger raptor looks directly at him. He scurries into the vent but the raptors are unable to follow him.

    The large raptor turns away from him and Matias hears Abby squeaking, the raptors leave the hatchery, Abby lies bleeding on the floor.


    Peter and Hammond run into the control center and Peter calls up the security feeds from the labs. He sees that the heavy containment doors are shut.

    Hammond points to another screen, Peter looks at the feed of the destroyed lab.


    Matias crawls through the small vent, trying to find some way out.


    HAMMOND What the hell has been happening? Where's Matias?

    PETER He was supposed to be in the lab working on the DNA sequences from the new amber.

    HAMMOND I don't see him anywhere.

    PETER Maybe he's somewhere else.

    HAMMOND Open those doors.

    PETER Do you think that's a good idea? Those door are never closed without a good reason.

    HAMMOND What if Matias is in there?

    Peter turns to the keyboard and presses a few keys and overrides the door lock. The containment doors begin to open.


    Matias can hear the containment doors begin to open. He crawls to a dead end of the vent and tries to kick his way out.

    The vent gives way and he drops to the floor. He gets up and runs.


    MATIAS (Shouting) Shut those doors!

    HAMMOND Where have you been?

    MATIAS (Shouting) Shut those door, shut them, shut them now!

    Peter tries to shut the doors but something forces them back open.

    PETER What in the name of god is that?

    They look to the screen where the feed shows the quickly adapting raptors as they escape out into the center.

    MATIAS Those are chameleonic raptors, courtesy of Pierce.


    The team climbs down from the tree, they pack up the egg crate and start off.

    ROLAND We have to get off this island as quickly as we can.

    SAMUEL Are we headed the right way?

    ROLAND We're following the tracks and the map.

    ETHAN Good, I have no intention of dying in a lost world.

    Roland signals for them to hold up as he takes a few steps forward. He sees that it's safe and he waves for them to come forward.

    He points down on the ground, there is a heap of dead dinosaurs, each only missing small blood and flesh samples.

    ROLAND Ethan, was this your work?

    ETHAN It was BioSyn's work, it seemed a fast and efficient way of collecting what they needed in the shortest amount of time possible.

    SAMUEL You seem like a decent guy, why the hell did you do this?

    ETHAN I never knew it would come to this but I needed the money, it's that simple.

    They follow Roland into a clearing where Roland stands motionless. He silently points and they follow his gaze.

    Roland's POV - The BioSyn plane is covered in raptors, they seemed to have moved in.

    Margaret starts to speak but they stop her and move into the safety of the bushes behind the tree line.

    MARGARET What are we going to do know now? We can't get to the raft with them there.


    HAMMOND Well, how do we get rid of them?

    PETER Shoot them?

    HAMMOND First we have to contain them.

    MATIAS Whatever containment you use, it won't be permanent.

    HAMMOND Peter, bring up a map.

    Peter presses a few keys and the computer screens display maps of the compound. Hammond point to several places on the map.

    HAMMOND Close those containment doors, they should keep them contained for at least a while.

    Peter keys in the commands and the containment doors seal the raptors in.

    HAMMOND Where did they go?

    Matias points to a security camera feed on a nearby screen.

    MATIAS They're hiding there, they blended into the wall.

    PETER OK, we have to get rid of them. Can either of you even use a gun?

    HAMMOND I'm a businessman.

    MATIAS I'm a scientist, I even suck at video games.

    PETER Where's the weapons locker?

    HAMMOND What do you think you can do?

    PETER I'll do it because there is no one else who can. I guess that you'll listen to me next time when I tell you to hire a warden who can look after these scaly bastards before you hire a caterer for the Isla Nublar restaurant.

    HAMMOND We have people who can handle these creatures and we did hire a game warden.

    MATIAS And he's on Nublar isn't he? We can't get any help from your other island before they chew through one of those doors, they've started already.

    HAMMOND You can't go in there by yourself, I draw the line there.

    PETER If you can find someone else to come in there with me by the time I get back with the weapons, they can come, otherwise I'll go solo.

    Peter leaves to get the weapons.

    MATIAS You came back on the boat, is the boat still at the dock?

    HAMMOND They should be still there.

    MATIAS You go get them.

    HAMMOND But I can't drive.

    MATIAS This is the perfect time to learn.

    Hammond leaves the control center and Peter returns with the guns.

    PETER Where'd Hammond go?

    MATIAS He went to get help, in the meantime I'll go with you and if they get through, we shoot them.

    Peter holds a gun up in front of Matias.

    PETER Crash course, this is a gun. Point that end at whatever you want to shoot, don't point it at me. When you want to kill something, pull this thing, it's called the trigger.

    MATIAS You don't think there's a chance they'd rather play chess?

    Matias nods no and they walk down toward the containment door that the raptors are chewing through. There is already a small hole.

    PETER Don't shoot until you have to.

    MATIAS Where did you learn to do all this? Nerds aren't known for their exceptional military skills.

    PETER It's just a hobby.

    MATIAS When they're dead, we have to get through that door and into the hatchery.

    PETER Why?

    MATIAS Abby's in there.

    PETER Abby, what's she doing out of your room?

    One of the raptors pokes its head through and they both shoot at it. Stunned but uninjured, it shies back and the other one continue to chew at the door.


    The car Hammond is driving isn't handling his driving very well, it bucks and stops with his less than average driving skills. He reaches the dock and the captain comes over to meet him.

    CAPTAIN Mr. Hammond, the man is still locked in his cabin, do you want him released?

    HAMMOND Worry about him later, we have bigger problems at the control center.

    CAPTAIN What kind of problems?

    HAMMOND Can any of your crew use guns?

    CAPTAIN Of course.

    The captain calls a couple of guys over and they climb into the back of the jeep, the captain looks at Hammond.

    CAPTAIN Move over, I'll drive.

    Hammond moves over and they head back toward the compound.


    MARGARET What do we do?

    ETHAN I have an idea.

    Ethan pulls a small tape recorder from his pocket. He turns the volume down and plays a recording.

    The recorder plays a Rex roar.

    ROLAND Where'd you get that?

    ETHAN I recorded it while I was hiding behind the desk in the lab, I thought it may come in handy.

    ROLAND It'll need to be louder if you want it to attract any attention.

    ETHAN Noise I can do. When I play the Rex roar, they should move away or at least get stirred up. If or when they run, we make a break for the plane.

    ROLAND If they get in our way, we shoot them.

    Ethan moves to a different spot, closer to the plane where she can attract their attention more easily. He snaps a twig and freezes.

    A raptor standing near the plane lifts it's head and looks sideways. Ethan stays still and looks in horror as it SNAPS its body around and faces him.

    Ethan gulps and plays the Rex roar several times in succession. The raptor forgets about him and it joins a group that runs into the trees looking for the invading Rex.

    Hammond's team runs to the plane. Ethan puts his tape recorder on a crate, prepared to play the sounds again. Samuel retrieves the raft from the plane.

    They look up as they hear something in the trees, Ethan plays the roar again, the noise in the trees disappears. He turns to the team, it seems to have worked.

    They look to the trees when they hear the roar, they look at Ethan, his hands are no where near the tape recorder.

    The real Rex, attracted by the fake roar steps into the clearing with the plane, not caring if it finds another Rex or a meal.


    The team stands still as the Rex looks down on them.

    Samuel shifts his eyes to the side, he sees a drop off and beyond that, he can see the remnants of the small dock. He looks at the others and makes sure they see it.

    He suddenly runs for it, the Rex turns and runs after him, the Rex tail swings and sends Ethan flying.

    Samuel takes a flying leap off the drop and barely escapes the Rex's jaws.

    Ethan lands in a painful heap a few feet away, the Rex turns back around and looks at the other members of the team.

    Margaret tried to move toward Ethan to help him. The Rex stares right down at her.

    On the ground, Ethan lies moaning in pain, Margaret and Roland can see blood on the ground.

    Behind Ethan, something hisses in the bushes, a raptor jumps out of the bushes and bites Margaret. Margaret tries to move toward him as the raptor attacks. Roland hold her back.

    ROLAND It's too late.

    They doesn't move a muscle and the Rex turns toward Ethan and the raptor and blocks her view with its great body.

    They pick up the egg crate and drags it toward the drop off, they throw it over and jump, Margaret lands on the below, Roland gets stuck about halfway down and the crate is wedged in a tree above him.

    Samuel calls up them from the dock where he has inflated the raft.

    SAMUEL Come on.

    MARGARET Don't abandon the eggs please.

    ROLAND They're not worth our lives.

    Margaret looks up at him, imploring him not to leave them behind.

    ROLAND God damn.

    Roland desperately tries to get the crate unstuck. A raptor appears from a bush beside him, he turns and he's face to face with it.

    It opens its mouth and hisses, Roland closes his eyes. Samuel shoots it, the bullet hits it and it falls over.

    Samuel throws the rifle up to Roland who scrambles back up the drop off to the plane.

    Roland runs into the plane and pulls an iron bar loose.


    The Rex noses at the door, it pushes the door open and pushes its snout in.


    Seeing the door was blocked, Roland goes to the front of the plane and uses the iron bar to smash the windscreen. He crawls out and goes over to the drop off.

    He uses the iron bar to pry the egg crate loose.

    As the Rex approaches Roland, Roland stands and takes aim. He shoots the Rex and it falls down.

    The impact of the Rex hitting the ground knocks the crate loose and it falls down the drop off. The crate is knocked open and all the eggs roll down the hill.

    As the eggs tumble, they break open on rocks. Roland slides down after them. Margaret runs over, trying to find an unbroken one.

    Roland pulls her to her feet and they run to the boat, Samuel unties it and they row for the ship.


    As they get farther from the island, the look up to see the gas planes finishing their job. The heavy gas slowly disperses over the island like a blanket.

    They took one last look at the island and Samuel rows to the boat which is coming to meet them. Margaret sits silently and drags her hand in the water.


    Hammond watches the TV but since all the news crews are on the other side of the island, they can't see the boat or the remaining team members.


    The boat turns and heads for home. The trio stare over the stern of the boat toward the disappearing island.

    He pulls his phone from his pack and calls Hammond.


    The phone rings and Hammond answers the phone.

    HAMMOND Hello?

    ROLAND We got out alive.

    HAMMOND All of you?

    ROLAND No not all of us. I'll tell you everything at the dock when I see you.

    HAMMOND Did you get the eggs?

    ROLAND No Mr. Hammond we didn't.


    Hammond's demeanor changes as he realizes that its finally over.

    HAMMOND It doesn't matter. You're safe and that's all that matters. People mean more than dinosaurs. I'll meet you at the dock.


    The captain brings them a mug of coffee each. He looks at the tired team.

    CAPTAIN It must have been exciting.

    SAMUEL Beyond words.

    CAPTAIN You'll be home in a few hours.

    The captain leaves.

    MARGARET It was all for nothing.

    SAMUEL We did get some film and some photos. We gave it a try, we did out best, you got your trophy Roland.

    ROLAND I may have shot it but I have no proof.

    Margaret pulls the Rex tooth from her pocket. She hands it to him.

    MARGARET A reminder.


    As the larger raptor pulls another section of the door away, the second raptor jumps through.

    Matias and Peter both shoot at it, they injure it and they hear a thump as it hits the ground.

    MATIAS Where's the second one?

    PETER I can't see it.

    As the smaller raptor lies bleeding on the floor, the blood unlike the raptor doesn't mimic. Matias points as a bloody footprint appears.

    They both shoot again and they hear a second thud.

    The smaller raptor gives a cry as it stops moving, Peter smiles.

    PETER We got them, good shooting.

    MATIAS Abby.

    Matias runs past the raptor bodies and into the lab. He finds Abby lying still in the hatchery, she's still alive. He gently lifts her up and into the lab.


    Hammond, the captain and his men run down the hallway. One of the captain's men falls over one of the raptors.

    INT. LAB A

    Hammond goes into the lab and finds the guys standing over a metal bench. Matias sews up a large cut on Abby's body.

    HAMMOND I see you took care of those raptors. What is that?

    Matias ignores Hammond and continue to stitch up Abby, Peter turns and faces Hammond.

    PETER Do the words 'destroy it, it doesn't have a right to live' ring a bell?

    HAMMOND That's the aberration, the mutant.

    PETER Her name is Abby.

    MATIAS She saved my life Mr. Hammond.

    PETER Where's Pierce?

    HAMMOND He's locked up tight on the boat. What got into him?

    MATIAS Money, he locked me in here with those two raptors and he mentioned something about the size of his paycheck.

    HAMMOND BioSyn must have offered him money for samples of our work.

    MATIAS Dirty traitor.

    HAMMOND Don't worry, he's not getting away with anything.

    PETER Do I hear Mr. DNA?

    MATIAS I put the program on endless repeat to distract the raptors, I never realized anything could be this annoying. I think Abby's going to be OK.

    HAMMOND You kept it after all this time?

    MATIAS She's a living thing.

    Hammond bends over to look at it and Abby looks up and tries to bite him.

    MATIAS She's a living thing and deserves to live.

    Hammond bends over to inspect Abby. Abby looks up at him and tries to bite him.

    HAMMOND Viscous.

    MATIAS Half raptor.

    HAMMOND I see.


    The boat pulls into the dock, Hammond is the only one waiting for them.

    Roland, Samuel and Margaret walk down the gangplank and over to Hammond.

    ROLAND I'm sorry we didn't get the eggs.

    HAMMOND It doesn't matter. What happened to Liam?

    ROLAND Liam was working for BioSyn. We'll explain it all later.


    They eat hungrily as they tell their story.

    SAMUEL So that's our story.

    ROLAND Thanks for your hospitality Mr. Hammond but we'll take our leave now.

    As Roland and Margaret stand to leave, he hears a chirping sound and looks back around to them.

    ROLAND Do you hear that?

    They all look to the floor. Samuel hauls Roland's heavy pack onto the table. He pulls the phone and water bottles off the top and finds a small egg crate.

    Samuel pulls it out and opens it, inside are two eggs, one has hatched already, the other is moving. Roland lifts out the small dinosaur and takes it over to the light. Hammond helps him to peel the egg shell off.

    SAMUEL That's a dinosaur.

    ROLAND So I noticed. What species is it?

    Margaret looks closely at the infant and looks up to them.

    MARGARET It's a Hadrosaur.

    HAMMOND You did it, by god you really did it.

    Samuel laughs out loud and does a little dance then looks back down at the small egg crate.

    SAMUEL Where did it come from? I thought all the eggs were in the crate and were destroyed.

    ROLAND This wasn't my pack, it was Liam's. He must have put them in here for safekeeping.

    Samuel pats the small dinosaur gently. He upends the pack and the blood and flesh samples spill out. Roland picks them up and looks at the labels.

    ROLAND They're here, they're all here. We did it, we really did it.

    HAMMOND I knew you could, well done.

    SAMUEL What are you going to do with them?

    HAMMOND I'll keep the samples safe until we are responsible enough to care for them the way we should have done from the start.

    The other egg starts to hatch and they crows around to watch.


    Hammond's back yard has been transformed so that the baby Hadrosaurs can grow up in safety.

    ROLAND What happens when they grow up? People will notice that you have dinosaurs in your backyard.

    HAMMOND We'll work that out when it happens.

    ROLAND You won't have to do it alone.

    HAMMOND It's funny.

    MARGARET What's funny?

    HAMMOND This, simple life. That was my dream to begin with.

    Down on the ground, the two baby dinosaurs find their footing and run into the bushes.


    The End.

    3/10/2003 2:46:54 PM

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