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    In the Jurassic Park video game for the SEGA Genesis, you had to make bones fall on raptors to win the game, hinting at the original finale to the first film. (From: Donny)
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    Jurassic Park 4: Life
    By MrTangoFett

    FADE IN:



    A newscaster speaks as the helicopters continues to show footage of Nublar.

    NEWSCASTER (VO) You see here Isla Nublar, the focal point of many debates dealing with it's prehistoric residents. Isla Nublar is being sanitized today in the interest of public safety. This follows the events of 1997 and 2001 and comes after lengthy talks between the Costa Rican government and the remains of International Genetics. InGen leased Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna for their experiments. This venture to sanitize the islands was agreed on by a majority of involved parties, much to the dismay of various scientists.


    PULL BACK - to reveal JOHN HAMMOND who seems very old and frail. The combination of old age and the destruction of his life's work has made him weaker.


    A man, LIAM CROSBY, a slick executive type, walks into the lab. He walks over to a scientist, DAVID, who is staring intently at a computer screen, the data promptly, digitally blows up in his face.

    LIAM You're having good luck as always I see.

    DAVID Just once, I would like it to work. These new gene sequences don't work any better than the old ones, or the ones before that. We are just recycling old data, how am I supposed to keep working with this?

    LIAM I guarantee that soon it won't be a problem.

    DAVID What are you talking about?

    LIAM Suffice it to say that very soon you won't be working with recycled computerized guess work (Quietly) I'm getting some real samples.

    DAVID Where are you getting samples from?

    LIAM Now where do you think I'm getting them from, just be ready for them when I get back. You buy the champagne, not that cheap stuff this time.


    Liam stands in front of Lewis' desk.

    LEWIS Are you sure that the team does understands that they will only receive their payment once they complete their job and return?

    LIAM Yes, I made sure they understood that, and for the amount they're getting paid, they don't mind waiting.

    LEWIS The payment from those who do not survive will be distributed among the ones who return.

    LIAM But we do hope that everyone will survive.

    LEWIS Yes but I wouldn't count on it.


    ROLAND TEMBO sits in a high backed leather chair, staring around at all of his trophies. He sips scotch from a crystal glass.


    A limo pulls up and the driver gets out and knocks on the door. Roland answers the door.

    ROLAND Can I help you?

    DRIVER John Hammond requests your presence.

    ROLAND Why would he want to speak to me?

    DRIVER If it's not too much trouble, he asked that you come now.

    ROLAND All right.

    Roland closes his door and follows the driver. He opens the door by himself to the chauffeur's surprise.


    The limo pulls up, lets Roland out and drives around to the back. Roland goes up to the door.

    He raps on the door and the butler, Charles, opens it.

    CHARLES Come in Mr. Tembo, he's expecting you.

    Roland goes in and looks around at the large house.

    CHARLES Just up that staircase, third door on the left.

    Roland goes to the third door and knocks on the door frame.

    HAMMOND Come in.

    Roland enters and finds Hammond staring at the TV.

    HAMMOND I didn't expect you so soon.

    ROLAND What is it that I can do for you?

    HAMMOND I'm sure you've heard the news.

    ROLAND Everyone on the planet has heard the news.

    HAMMOND Destroying the islands is the final blow in a series of bad events.

    ROLAND I'm sorry they're doing this to you but does this have to do with me

    HAMMOND Technically speaking, they aren't doing it to me, they're doing it to whatever remains of InGen. It was a dangerous dream that appears wasn't meant to be.

    ROLAND What can I help you with Mr. Hammond?

    HAMMOND I want you to lead a team on Isla Sorna while they take samples.

    ROLAND Are you aware what happened the last time that happened? What happens every time someone goes to one of those islands?

    HAMMOND I remember them, I remember everyone of those. I'm not so old and senile that I've forgotten about the bad things that happened. But what they fail to remember is that they are only animals, they aren't monsters.

    ROLAND A lot of people wouldn't share that same sentiment after the accidents that happened.

    HAMMOND Those animals deserve someone to save them, but I can't do it alone.

    ROLAND What kind of samples, live animals?

    HAMMOND No, No live specimens this time just eggs, it's safer.

    ROLAND Safer?

    HAMMOND I've started organizing a team but I need someone with your expertise.

    ROLAND I went there once, I'd be crazy to go again.

    HAMMOND That was the reaction I got from everyone I have asked so far, I've run out of people to ask.

    ROLAND They're sanitizing Isla Nublar in two days.

    HAMMOND The expedition is going to Sorna.

    ROLAND All right I'll go, I never refuse to help when I can but I want to hunt a Rex. I don't want any grief when I come back with your star attraction as a trophy.

    HAMMOND All right, you have permission. The tyrannosaur, my star attraction of the park but never a good idea.

    ROLAND How many people are you planning on for this team, your team last time was quite small.

    HAMMOND A small group is all that is required for this rescue mission.

    ROLAND Rescue mission?

    HAMMOND That's what it is.

    ROLAND How many people have you organized so far?

    HAMMOND I have a photographer but so far, I don't have a paleontologist or geneticist that is willing to go.

    ROLAND I know one, it'll take your wallet but she's good.

    HAMMOND The team leaves in three days and will be gone for three days. Out of the area before the government starts sanitizing.


    Roland parks his jeep in the university's car park.


    Roland enters the hall where the lecturer; MARGARET WATSON thirties and intelligent, teaches a group of half interested students.

    One of the students spits a spitball at her, another student closer to Roland spits spitballs aimlessly. The first student continues to spit at Margaret.

    Roland taps the second student on the shoulder and borrows a few spitballs, he spits at the first student. The spitball hits him in the back of neck and he falls down into his book, satisfied, Roland smiles.

    The bell rings and the students leave. Margaret starts to pack her stuff up, Roland goes down to join her.

    MARGARET Roland, what are you doing here?

    ROLAND I came to enroll, why do you think I'm here?

    MARGARET I'm on a break now, you can tell me why you're really here.


    They sit on a bench.

    MARGARET It's lovely to see you but I'm sure you didn't drive all this way just to see me.

    ROLAND I have before but no, this is different.

    MARGARET What is it?

    ROLAND I'm going on an expedition that needs a paleontologist, I want you to come.

    MARGARET Where's the expedition going?

    ROLAND That's the unusual part.

    MARGARET Where are we going?

    ROLAND Isla Sorna, InGen site B.

    MARGARET Where? You have to be kidding. I hate the outdoors. I detest camping and you want me to go to an overgrown island overrun with dinosaurs. I'm a lecturer, I belong in lecture hall or in a lab.

    ROLAND Are you telling me that you honestly want to miss out on the last chance to see alive what you talk about everyday?

    MARGARET The bones I talk about and sometime to don't eat people, I remember the stories you told me.

    ROLAND This is a perfectly planned expedition. It's everyone's last chance to see these creatures alive. Take a chance for once in your life, be brave.

    MARGARET Somehow I know I'm going to regret this.

    ROLAND What can possibly go wrong, it's perfectly planned?


    Roland walks over to a plain wood panel. He pushes it open and withdraws a gun and loads it.


    Lewis Dodgson knocks on the door. Roland answers the door.

    ROLAND Can I help you?

    LEWIS I think I can help you Mr. Tembo.

    ROLAND Really? How's that?

    LEWIS I'm offering you the unique opportunity to bring down the greatest predator in history.

    ROLAND I've hunted everything that hunts. I have them all as trophies on my wall, you can't help me with anything.

    LEWIS Everything? What about that Rex? The tyrannosaur?

    ROLAND Come in.

    LEWIS For a service you will provide to us, we will allow you to hunt an if you wish, kill the Rex. We won't interfere or try to bring it back alive like InGen did.

    ROLAND Who do you work for?

    LEWIS BioSyn.

    ROLAND And what's this service I will provide in return?

    LEWIS It's quite a simple task. Lead a team on Isla Sorna while they take samples.

    ROLAND Take samples? That's a laugh. Take a clue from InGen, look what happened when they tried to take samples from the island.

    LEWIS Not live samples. That was a pointless venture by InGen. We are aiming for something far less grand, we want mere genetic samples. Well, what do you say?

    ROLAND I'm afraid I'll have to decline.

    LEWIS Well then goodnight.


    A single light on the second floor can be seen. Lewis parks his car then goes to the front door. Before he can knock, a wild man opens the door and points a gun at his throat.

    The wild man, WOLFGANG HUNT gives any crazy man a run for his money. He wears a tiger skin coat and has long uncontrolled dark hair.

    Lewis, afraid but still all business pushes the gun away.

    LEWIS Are you Wolfgang Hunt?

    WOLFGANG Depends on who's asking.

    LEWIS I'm Lewis Dodgson.

    WOLFGANG You're a lawyer.

    LEWIS No.

    WOLFGANG You smell like a lawyer.

    LEWIS I'm a business man.

    WOLFGANG What do you want here?

    LEWIS I have a job offer for you.

    Wolfgang puts the gun down and invites him in. They sit in a small, sparsely lit kitchen.


    WOLFGANG Really? What kind of a job?

    LEWIS I want you to lead a team, using your talents while they collect genetic samples.

    WOLFGANG What kind of genetic samples?

    LEWIS Dinosaurs.

    WOLFGANG I'm assuming you mean from Isla Sorna?

    LEWIS Exactly.

    WOLFGANG When does the team leave?

    LEWIS In two days.

    Lewis stands and heads back to his car.

    WOLFGANG One question Mr. business man, two actually.

    LEWIS I'm not surprised.

    WOLFGANG Whom do you work for?

    LEWIS A bio-engineering firm called BioSyn, you had another question?

    WOLFGANG Why me?

    LEWIS Our first choice declined.

    WOLFGANG Who was that?

    LEWIS Roland Tembo.

    WOLFGANG Tembo?

    Wolfgang smashes his fist against his house.

    LEWIS You know him?

    WOLFGANG Very well unfortunately, he's not going to there is he?

    LEWIS Not as far as we know, goodnight.


    Hammond stands looking at some old photos. He stares at one in particular, a him as a younger man with a young scientist.



    A younger and more energetic Hammond walks down a corridor and opens a door. The door opens with a loud, rusty squeaking and everyone in the lecture hall turns to look at him.

    HAMMOND So sorry about that.

    The lecturer, MATIAS TARKER, mid-thirties and uncontrolled brown hair, looks up at him from the front desk.

    MATIAS I'm sure you are, would you mind taking your seat so we can continue?

    Hammond excuses his way along to the end of the row. As he goes to sit, he finds the chair full of gum.

    HAMMOND I can't sit here.

    MATIAS Why not?

    HAMMOND This seat is full of gum.

    MATIAS Then choose another seat.

    Hammond excuses his way back along the row and looks for another empty seat. Unable to continue, Matias fumes.

    MATIAS There's a seat right over there you nonagenarian.

    Hammond looks up in shock at the rude younger man.

    MATIAS Sit, please.

    Matias conducts a lecture on DNA extraction from extinct animals and what will become possible in the future with the advent of new computer technologies. At one point, he mentions the mammoth which makes a few guests leaves, he shifts his notes around and talks about more recently extinct animals.

    Hammond, already well aware of everything Matias is talking about, looks around the room. He spies some colorful dinosaur sticker on a notebook and chuckles to himself. Matias looks at him but says nothing.

    After he concludes the lecture, he lets the students go and talks to the remaining guests.

    MATIAS As with all emerging fields, this type of research requires funding and the university was wondering if any of you would be interested in funding this research.

    When no one says anything, Matias sighs softly.

    MATIAS I thank you all for coming.

    The guests leave, Matias turns and begins to pick up his equipment and notes. He drops some papers on the ground, someone hands him one of them.

    Matias looks up to see Hammond.

    MATIAS What is it now?

    HAMMOND My name is John Hammond, I run International Genetics.

    Matias stands and continues packing up.

    MATIAS I know exactly who you are, you're the one who claimed to have engineered a tiny elephant.

    HAMMOND That's right.

    MATIAS It was a lie. It wasn't genetics, you had its growth artificially stimulated.

    HAMMOND How do you know that?

    MATIAS You don't need to worry, your secret's safe with me but it was still a lie. If you were really interested in science, you would realize that making a tiny elephant is only the mere beginning of what is and will be possible.

    HAMMOND I know that and I know you know that, that's why I want to fund you.

    MATIAS You want to.what?

    HAMMOND I want to fund you, you're on the frontier of this field and I want you to start working for me.

    MATIAS I'm a scientist, I have no interest in Pygmy pachyderms.

    HAMMOND Working in a place like this, you must have very little interest in your future.

    MATIAS What are you talking about?

    HAMMOND If you really are a scientist, why are you teaching, that's what you do at the end of your career, not the beginning, no great discoveries have come from universities in years.

    MATIAS That's not true.

    HAMMOND Maybe some of the larger institutions have made minor impacts in the world, but not ones of this size and relative obscurity.

    HAMMOND Matias, may I call you Matias? Do you like dinosaurs?

    MATIAS Sure, who doesn't? Why do you want to know?

    HAMMOND You spoke of recreating many different extinct creatures, so why not a dinosaur?

    MATIAS There's a simple answer to that, you can't get dinosaur DNA from anywhere, even paleontologists have only extracted partial fragments.

    HAMMOND That's because they've been looking in the wrong place.

    MATIAS To most people, it would seem like the only place, what exactly were you planning on? A time machine, or maybe a lost world?

    HAMMOND Close.

    Hammond holds up his cane for Matias to see.


    MATIAS That's crazy, that's brilliant, you can fund me.

    HAMMOND Good, I'll be back in a few days. I'm afraid you'll have to quit your job here.

    MATIAS That's no problem.

    Hammond walks out of the room. Matias turns and finishes packing up his stuff. He looks around the room, making sure it's empty. He starts dancing to a non-existent tune.

    MATIAS (Chanting) I'm getting funding, I'm getting funding.

    While he continues to dance, a man in black, IAN MALCOLM, walks into the room. He comes to a stop when he sees Matias dancing. He taps him on the shoulder. Matias stops and turns.

    MATIAS Hi Ian.

    IAN Was that John Hammond I saw coming out of here?

    MATIAS Do you know who was just here?

    IAN John Hammond?

    MATIAS Who told you?

    IAN No one, I saw him.

    MATIAS He's going to fund me, I'm actually getting funding.

    IAN John Hammond is going to fund you? You have to be kidding.

    MATIAS I am far from kidding.

    IAN What's he funding you for?

    MATIAS He probably wouldn't want me to tell.

    IAN Is it military research?

    MATIAS I'll tell you later, don't you have a lecture?

    IAN Yeah.I was coming to invite you as long as you don't fall asleep this time.


    Roland organizes equipment and supplies that are being loaded into a jeep and its trailer. A man, late twenties, SAMUEL HENDERSON, walks in with a camera bag over his shoulder.

    He walks over to Roland, in awe of the amount of activity that's going on.

    SAMUEL Hi, I'm looking for Roland Tembo but I'm not sure I have the right place.

    ROLAND No, you've got the right place, I'm Roland Tembo, who are you?

    SAMUEL Samuel Henderson, I'm a photographer but what's all this for, I was told this was an expedition not a hunting party.

    Samuel points a man who is loading some large dart guns into the trailer.

    ROLAND A photo record is part of it, one of the smaller parts actually, but we need these for.precautions.

    SAMUEL Whoever contacted me wasn't very specific in details, where exactly is the expedition going?

    ROLAND Isla Sorna.

    Samuel sits down very quickly on a nearby crate.

    SAMUEL Isla Sorna, you mean the InGen island. How can we be going there, I thought it was off limits because of its impending destruction.

    Roland looks down at him silently, he stands up when he realizes that she's serious.

    ROLAND Yes, Isla Sorna is off limits but this trip is off record. John Hammond who is organizing this field trip requested that is had a photographer, but if you aren't prepared for what's entailed, I can easily find someone else. I don't care either way but make your mind up because I'm on a schedule.

    SAMUEL No, I'll come but I want one of those.

    Roland follows his gaze to the guns being loaded into the trailer.

    ROLAND They're very complex, can you handle one?

    SAMUEL I grew up on a farm, I know how to shoot a gun.


    HAMMOND sits watching a TV, he looks up when the phone rings. He reaches over and presses the speaker button.

    HAMMOND Hello?

    IAN Hello John, are you watching this?

    HAMMOND Yes, I'm watching it.

    He watches as Isla Nublar is set alight by planes flying over it.

    IAN I don't know if you can understand but it's for the best. I think it's a beautiful sight, no one will be in danger again.

    HAMMOND You can see it again, they do the same to Sorna next week.

    IAN Next week? Why next week, I thought they were.sanitizing both islands today.

    HAMMOND No, some legal thing that the Costa Rican government organized with whatever is left of InGen prevents them from doing both islands today.


    A single TV shows the broadcast but it goes unnoticed by all.


    Hammond watches it silently watches the island burn. On the edges, a heavy gas dissipates quickly.

    HAMMOND Every single living thing that was on the island, they're all gone now.


    Matias waits patiently, he and Ian are sitting on opposite sides of a table, intently looking at something out of frame.

    Hammond walks into the room and tentatively knocks on the door frame, not wanting to interrupt their research.

    HAMMOND Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting.

    MATIAS No, come in Mr. Hammond, we're just doing what all lecturers do when we get bored.

    HAMMOND What would that be?

    Ian holds up his cards.

    IAN Playing poker.

    HAMMOND I see, are you ready to leave?

    Matias points to an overnight bag and a old duffel bag.

    MATIAS That's my stuff right there, when I get back Ian, you owe me twenty.

    Ian throws his cards down on the table.

    IAN How about we call it even?

    Matias picks up his bag and follows Hammond out. He stays a little behind Hammond, still a little intimated by him.


    The limousine's chauffeur takes Matias' bags and puts them in the boot.


    Matias looks around at the plush interior as it drives out of the university grounds.

    MATIAS Where are we going?

    HAMMOND Didn't I tell you? What we are attempting won't come cheap so we're looking for investors.

    MATIAS You're looking for funding? I know what that's like.


    The limo pulls up and they both get out. Matias follows Hammond into the large building.


    Hammond opens the door to a conference room. Hammond walks to the head of the long table and points to a chair for Matias to sit in.

    HAMMOND Thank you all for coming. Now, what we are proposing.

    He stops and looks up as the door opens. All the chairs at the table are full so this person isn't expected.

    Lewis Dodgson enters the room and stares at Hammond.

    DODGSON Yes, what are you proposing Hammond? Another pointless scheme? Another idea destined to fail? More opportunities to fire people who are only doing their job?

    Dodgson continues to ramble as two security guards enter the room and take him out. Hammond walks to the side of the room and pours himself a cup of coffee.

    Matias gets up from his chair and goes over to Hammond. The investors stare at Hammond. Matias gives them a furious look and they busy themselves with information folders.

    MATIAS What was all that about?

    HAMMOND That was Lewis Dodgson, he used to work here before he started developing research. Unfortunately, it was research belonging to other people. We don't like criminals working for us, so we fired him.

    He takes a drink of the coffee and puts it down. He steps back to the heads of the table.

    HAMMOND Now that little interruption has been taken care of, we may continue. With the advent of all these new technologies, possibilities exist that haven't before. There are possibilities that until now have resided in science fiction and dreams. One of these possibilities is recreating animals that died out long ago, like the dinosaur.

    One of the investors laughs out loud then composes himself.

    INVESTOR Dinosaurs?

    HAMMOND That's what we're proposing.

    INVESTOR That's impossible.

    HAMMOND The possibility is much closer to reality than you would believe.

    PULL BACK as Hammond continues to talk.

    FADE TO the end of the conference, several investors shake hands with Hammond.

    Hammond walks over to Matias who is still sitting in his chair.

    HAMMOND Let's begin.

    INT. LAB

    HAMMOND You can start your research here while I'm in Costa Rica.

    MATIAS Why are you going to Costa Rica? Are you running away with the investor's money?

    HAMMOND No, of course not. Dinosaurs need room to grow don't they, I'm organizing to lease two islands from the Costa Rican government. We're going to build the research facility on Isla Sorna and we're building the park on Isla Nublar where the public will view the finished product.

    MATIAS Finished product?

    HAMMOND I meant the dinosaurs, when you deal in consumer genetics, it begins natural to say 'product', you'll get to know what I mean, are here we are.

    Hammond opens the door to a lab, a scientist, PIERCE ANDERSON, late forties, walks up to Hammond, not very happy.

    ANDERSON I want to talk to you Mr. Hammond.

    HAMMOND Hello Pierce, what's wrong?

    ANDERSON You called me here because I'm a reptile expert, I can manipulate reptile DNA but this is nothing like reptilian cloning, this is much closer to avian cloning.

    HAMMOND Avian cloning?

    MATIAS You hired a reptilian expert? In a huge organization like InGen, no one could tell you that dinosaurs are closer to birds than they are reptiles.

    HAMMOND There is no proof of that.

    ANDERSON There have been several papers written over the last few years, there was one written six months ago by that Grant guy that gave all the established proof of it. It's being accepted by the large part of the scientific community.

    MATIAS I agree, I read that paper too (To Anderson) Matias Tarker, hi.

    HAMMOND I don't understand why this is just coming up now, you've been such a help.

    ANDERSON I haven't done anything that hasn't been done before.

    HAMMOND That's why Matias is here, together you can bring the best of both of your fields and create what we are trying to achieve.

    ANDERSON What's your field?

    MATIAS Genetics, I'm ready to start if you are.

    HAMMOND I'll be in Costa Rica.

    As Hammond leaves, Anderson turn to Matias.

    ANDERSON I only took this job for the money, what about you?

    MATIAS I don't know, it's a challenge.

    INT. LAB

    TITLE CARD - 3 months later

    ANDERSON Is that it?

    MATIAS I think so.

    ANDERSON For god's sake be careful with it.

    Matias carefully lifts up a needle full of a strange liquid.

    ANDERSON The first full DNA extraction from a dinosaur, I'd like to thank you for the Nobel prize.

    MATIAS Don't get ahead of yourself, it hasn't hatched yet.

    They take it over to an egg, Anderson lifts the top off, Matias injects the liquid and Matias quickly replaces the top.

    PETER SMYTHE the computer expert, looks at the computer that's monitoring the egg.

    PETER If you want the Nobel prize, you can't claim it on full DNA extraction, we did have to fill gaps with amphibian DNA.

    MATIAS At least two of us are aware of that fact, and that's not DNA I'm holding, this is an embryo, we are way past DNA here.

    PETER Can you explain to me why we are using a fake egg when we have hundreds of real eggs downstairs?

    MATIAS I swear if I have to explain this to you one more time that I'm going to kill you to save me from the pain. We are using this type of egg for the genetic prototypes because it's easier to detect the defaults if they occur. We've estimated, or rather your computer did that it takes about nine weeks for it mature within the egg.


    PETER Uh, guys I think there's a problem.

    MATIAS What kind of a problem?

    PETER It's not moving.

    PIERCE What are you talking about?

    Peter points to his computer.

    PETER You see all this computer equipment? This is here to monitor that little dinosaur, it's dead.

    MATIAS When did that happen?

    PETER I can't tell, but it wasn't anything we did wrong, we checked and rechecked every single thing we did.

    PIERCE So what went wrong?

    PETER All I can tell you is that it isn't alive anymore, it never has been but it's less alive now.

    PIERCE Get it out.

    Matias opens the small hatchery door and he pulls out the egg.

    He opens the small flap and uses a needle to withdraw a small sample.

    MATIAS He's right, there's the embryo, it's right like we left it.

    PIERCE Then what went wrong?

    MATIAS It must be something we're doing wrong.


    Matias checks and rechecks the available data while Peter slowly types in queries.

    PETER (To himself) My typing fingers are hurting, I thought we were allowed to stop before the sun came up again.

    MATIAS I'm still here, you can't complain alone.

    PETER Where the hell did Anderson go?

    MATIAS He said he had other sources to check - I'm guessing it's the back of his eyelids.

    PETER I got some new pictures off a friend, come have a look.

    Matias sighs and goes over to Peter, he drinks some coffee as Peter dumps a large folder onto the table.

    PETER You're going to love these.

    MATIAS Sure.

    He opens the folder that has 'top secret' scrawled onto the top and flips toward the back for new pictures. As the folder comes INTO FRAME we see that the pictures are dinosaur cartoons, cut from magazines and newspapers.

    MATIAS I like the ones you got last week better, hey look at that.

    PETER What?

    He pulls the folder over to him and points to four different pictures.

    MATIAS What do these four pictures have in common?

    PETER They're in color?

    MATIAS No, look at the pictures.

    PETER (Slowly) Various long-necked dinosaurs.all with their necks raised up (A beat) You can't be serious.

    MATIAS It simply can't be

    PETER They can't be warm blooded, but they're reptiles, big lizards, reptiles are cold-blooded.

    MATIAS But we don't know about dinosaurs, how could any of those creatures keep a neck that long up without something resembling a four-chambered heart pumping warm blood?

    PETER That's what we've been doing wrong.

    MATIAS We need some heat lamps for the hatchery, then it should work.

    PETER They've been wrong all those years.

    MATIAS We could tell them but how could we prove it?


    The hatchery is now brighter and warmer with the heat lamps, they take shifts watching the new egg. The egg squeaks every so often.

    Hammond walks into the hatchery.

    HAMMOND I haven't missed it have it?

    MATIAS Unless you like an interrupted symphony of squeaks

    HAMMOND Are you sure it's going to happen today?

    The egg starts to shake.

    PIERCE Now it wants to leave its egg, you have that kind of effect on people Mr. Hammond, you make them want to leave.

    HAMMOND Thank you.

    The egg starts to hatch, Peter turns on a camera and Pierce distributes rubber gloves.

    HAMMOND What species is this going to be?

    PIERCE Comparing to fragments that have been extracted from bones, we think Velociraptor.

    PETER I'm not a paleontologist, that's a carnivore right?

    MATIAS We'll tell you when it grows up.

    PIERCE Don't tease him, yes, it will rip your flesh off your bones.

    HAMMOND Not in front of the baby.

    Hammond points to the bone as it begins to hatch, Peter brings the camera in closer to capture its birth.

    EXTREME CLOSE UP as a small beak breaks part of the shell open

    Hammond starts to help it out by pulling the egg away.

    MATIAS Is that a good idea? It won't be able to care for itself if it can't even get out of its egg by itself.

    HAMMOND Nonsense, this isn't going to be a wild creature, it's going to well cared for.

    As he continues to pull the egg off, he takes a step back.

    HAMMOND What's wrong with it?

    MATIAS I don't know.

    The baby dinosaur is a misshapen mix between Raptor and Hadrosaur.

    HAMMOND It's a mutant, a genetic aberration.

    PIERCE To say the very least, it's disgusting.

    PETER Would any of you mind if I turn this camera off before that freak breaks the lens.

    HAMMOND Yes, please.

    PIERCE And burn the tape.

    MATIAS What the hell's wrong with you, this is a living creature.

    HAMMOND Only because you created it, destroy it.

    MATIAS What?

    PETER I'm going to burn the tape but it's not that bad.

    HAMMOND You don't have to do it yourself, I'll get someone to do it for you.

    MATIAS No, it's ok, I can take care of the deed.

    Matias picks up the egg with the mutant in it. He takes it into an unused and closes the door. A moment later, they hear a loud and pitiful squeak. Pierce doesn't move and busies himself at his computer.

    Hammond walks out of the lab.

    HAMMOND Be ready to move to Costa Rica next week.


    Matias goes into the lab, no one but Peter is there and he has fallen asleep in front of his computer. Matias quietly opens the door to the unused lab.

    He walks over to a corner, he kneels on the floor and finds the mutant which has freed itself from its egg.

    MATIAS How you going?

    He lifts it up and looks at it. He pulls a small bottle from his lab coat pocket and lets it suckle from it. As it drinks, little droplets of milk runs down his hand.

    MATIAS What the hell am I going to do with you, I'm not going to let Hammond kill you because you're a little less than standard. A genetic aberration, could make a scientist loose hope. Aberration, I'm calling you Abby.


    Lewis sits on a park bench, drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag. It slips from his hand and smashes on the ground.

    LEWIS (Slurred) This is all your fault Hammond, first you fire then you kick me out of the conference without letting me speak.

    A man in an expensive business suit, HAROLD MARSHALL, walks over to Lewis.

    LEWIS I'd offer you a drink but I don't even have one.

    HAROLD That's all right. Mr. Dodgson, I have a job offer for you, when you're sober of course.

    LEWIS That means I'll have to stop being drunk. What kind of a job are you talking about?

    HAROLD I'm from BioSyn, as you know a competitor of InGen. We would like you to develop research for us, like you were doing before John Hammond fired you.

    INT. Hammond's room

    ROLAND We have everything organized, you know the schedule.

    HAMMOND There is one small change I would like to make.

    ROLAND Why am I not surprised?

    HAMMOND I have another member for the team.

    ROLAND Another team member, why?

    HAMMOND I thought it would be pertinent to have a geneticist on the expedition.

    ROLAND I thought none of the ones you called wanted to come.

    HAMMOND One of them changed their minds, I guarantee you'll have no problem with him, he came highly recommended, he used to work for InGen.

    ROLAND Unless you have any other surprises for me I think I'll leave.

    HAMMOND Speaking of your fee.

    ROLAND Yes.

    HAMMOND You are the only one to go near the Rex, the other members of the team wouldn't prepared for it.

    ROLAND I won't put them in danger but I can't guarantee where the Rex will be. You should know that these animals can't be controlled.

    EXT. Boat Dock

    Hammond's team walk up to the dock carrying their gear.

    Roland, Margaret and Samuel meet up with Hammond's geneticist, Liam Crosby.

    The captain helps them with some of the heavier luggage.

    CAPTAIN If this is all you're brining, we'll make excellent time.

    ROLAND We don't need much, we'll only be gone three days, you do have the schedule don't you?

    LIAM Might I assume that you're Roland Tembo, I'm Liam Crosby.

    ROLAND That's right.

    MARGARET Margaret Watson.

    SAMUEL Samuel Henderson.

    LIAM The other gear and the jeep is already on if you're ready to leave.

    The ship makes good progress and by one o'clock Isla Sorna comes into view, like Isla Nublar, Sorna is covered in clouds.

    EXT. Boat deck CAPTAIN We're going to anchor here, we'll let the launch down and then wait for you.

    ROLAND What if there's a problem?

    CAPTAIN We have a satellite phone and a radio if we need to contact anyone.



    Michael flies the plane toward the island whilst Hunt stares out the window.

    MICHAEL What's it like there?

    HUNT On the island? The animals you will see are unlike anything you could image, it's also unlikely that you'll be able to say any of their names.

    MICHAEL I know, why do they give them such stupid names?

    HUNT They're not stupid, they're just scientific.

    The plane lands on a small landing strip. The rest of the team that arrived from Costa Rica joins them.

    Hunt steps from the plane and looks at the motley crew.

    HUNT I only count eleven men, I thought there was to be a dozen.

    JOHN SIMPSON, the temporary team leader steps forward.

    JOHN We had an unfortunate encounter with a pack of Velociraptors, we lost one of our men.

    HUNT He must have been weak.

    MICHAEL Seen any dinosaurs yet?

    JOHN We haven't been in the area for that long but we have sighted around ten different species.

    HUNT Have you found an area for base camp?

    JOHN Yes, it's over this way.

    They move off into the jungle.


    The other three team members stand at the very front of the boat and look at the island, Samuel takes photo after photo. Roland joins them.

    ROLAND Save your film, there's lots more to see.

    MARGARET Did you get everything organized with the captain?

    ROLAND He knows exactly what to do.

    MARGARET I think this the most beautiful sight I've ever seen, it's not hard to imagine the dinosaurs living in an environment like this.

    SAMUEL Speaking of which, how close are we going to get to the Rex, I've love to get some photos of him.

    ROLAND Everyone except for me is to stay as far away from the Rex as possible, orders from Hammond, he's worried that you will get hurt.

    LIAM There is no need to worry about anything, we have more than sufficient weapons to take care of anything and everything that gets in our way.

    SAMUEL I thought the idea was to preserve them, not to blow them away, the Costa Ricans are taking care of that in a few days anyway.

    LIAM It's called protection.

    Margaret points toward the island.

    MARGARET We're here.

    They turn and look at Sorna which is now much closer. The captain releases the anchor and they release the launch.

    The launch was small vehicle carrying vessel, long enough to carry the jeep and the trailer while steady enough to hold its own without capsizing.


    They secure the launch and release the jeep from it's clamps, Samuel drives it off the launch and the others get in. Liam takes over the driving.

    Still visible in the background is the boat.


    Matias sits in the hatchery, looking at a new batch of eggs, illuminated by the heat lamps. He looks up when the phone answers, he drowsily answers it

    IAN Matias? It's me, how are you?

    MATIAS Ian? What are you doing calling so late?

    IAN It's not late, it's early where I am. If you told me where you are, I could call when it's earlier there.

    MATIAS How considerate, if you must know, I'm in Costa Rica.

    IAN Perfect research atmosphere, nice weather, parties, drinks.

    MATIAS Wish it were so, believe me, I'm on one of the islands, cloudy, dismal, hurricanes.

    IAN Sorry, how's your research going?

    MATIAS You know I can't give you the specifics of what I'm doing, Hammond made me sign an ND.

    Matias walks into the lunch room, he picks up a coffee pot, looks in it, it's empty.

    MATIAS Why the hell doesn't anyone else fill this damn thing? Ian, what does Chaos theory say about recalling life?

    IAN So, the funding did have to do with your lecture. What are you recalling?

    MATIAS Not that you heard it from me but, let's just say prehistoric.

    IAN Why do you want to know what Chaos theory says? Are you telling me on an entire island there are no sleeping pills?

    MATIAS This has nothing to do with my insomnia, Chaos theory deals with complex systems, this is about as complex as you can get.

    IAN Since you're actually awake, I'll explain it in English. Chaos basically states that it's bad, it's wrong, there are numerous consequences that won't be anticipated or worse yet, able to be controlled.

    Ian continues to talk but Matias stops listening and puts the phone down. He walks out into the lab and listens, he goes into the hatchery and looks at one of the eggs as it squeaks and moves.

    He looks at the egg as a head breaks out and cries pitifully at the world and promptly stops moving.

    He picks up the egg and looks down at the dead baby dinosaur. He walks back into the lab and picks up an internal phone, calls the team down.

    He carefully places the egg onto an examination table and goes back into the lunch room.

    He picks up the phone and sits on the sit.

    IAN You're back, what happened?

    MATIAS Just another unforeseen consequence, I'll talk to you later, thanks for the lecture.

    He places the phone and walks back into the lab.

    INT. LAB A

    Matias looks up from the examination table as Pierce walks in.

    MATIAS Took you long enough.

    PIERCE Well I don't see Pete, where's he?

    MATIAS Computer room.

    PIERCE What happened?

    MATIAS The egg started to squeak, the baby hatched and then it died, that's all I know.

    PIERCE Which batch was that?

    MATIAS 23a, it was a Hadrosaur, Peter's checking the gene sequences now.

    PIERCE What was he doing down here anyway?

    MATIAS Don't you know? He sleeps down here every night, falls asleep right in front of his computer. Waking him up is fun (Demonstrating, he cups his hand over his mouth) Peter, the computer's malfunctioning.

    PETER Hey, don't joke about that, I have nightmares about stuff like that. None of you guys have any idea of what could happen if these suckers decide to stop working, here or on the other island when it gets up and running.

    MATIAS What did you find?

    PETER Same problem as always, we used the wrong combination of gene sequences, in this case, it wasn't able to breathe air so it suffocated.

    PIERCE How many is that going to happen to?

    MATIAS Only the other 23a's there's only five more

    PETER Only six at a time with the same gene sequences until we get the bugs worked out.

    PIERCE I'll draw some blood then we can scan it

    Hammond walks into the room, he walks over to the team. Sees the dead dinosaur and takes a step away from it

    HAMMOND What happened?

    PIERCE Isn't it obvious Mr. Hammond? It's dead.

    HAMMOND Then fix it.

    PIERCE It's dead Hammond.

    HAMMOND I can see that Mr. Anderson, I mean the future batches so no more die needlessly.

    PIERCE We're working on it.

    Pierce goes over to Peter and they look at some data.

    HAMMOND Sometimes I regret hiring him.

    MATIAS At least you don't have to work with him.


    Matias opens the door and then quietly closes it. He checks that Peter is really asleep then he unlocks the unused lab.

    INT. LAB B

    Matias walks over to the corner and kneels down near a small box with a warm cloth in it; it's empty.

    MATIAS (Whispering) Abby? Abby where are you?

    He spins when he hears a squeaking behind him. He sees Abby standing there.

    MATIAS You learned to walk. You're really walking, I feel like a proud parent.

    Abby bends down and tugs on a discarded piece of paper.

    MATIAS I know you're hungry but I don't think I can give you milk anymore, it's starting to make you sick. You've been on it for a long time, even for a mutant. Hold on a little while longer while I check on something.

    INT. LAB A

    Matias unlocks the 'J' drawer in a tall stack of filing cabinets. He finds a folder called 'Juvenile Hyperspace'. He places it on a table and turns on a small lamp, he scans through the papers.

    The overhead light is turned on, Peter doesn't stir as Hammond walks into the room. Matias shuts the folder and stands up, he places it back into the drawer.

    MATIAS Evening John.

    Hammond looks over to Matias, just noticing him.

    HAMMOND Matias, I didn't know anyone else would be in here (RE Peter) Awake I mean, what are you doing up at this late hour.

    MATIAS Just finishing up some research I didn't get to while the sun was still up.

    HAMMOND A few more hours and it'll be back, what were you researching?

    MATIAS Feeding habits of infants so when these guys, sorry, these girls hatch, we'll know how to feed them.

    HAMMOND The babies, that's why I'm here.

    MATIAS It is?

    Hammond crosses the floor towards Lab B but instead of entering, he goes into the hatchery.

    HAMMOND I come down here sometimes late at night to check on them, just making sure that they're all right.

    MATIAS I do the same thing.

    Matias goes over to the wall and flips the pages on a calendar, he points to a date circled in red.

    HAMMOND Yes, it's not long now. I hope more of this batch survives.

    MATIAS I wish they could all make it.

    HAMMOND It is unfortunate that they don't all make it but we are doing things that no one has ever come close to. We are beyond the frontier of science.


    The team tours the island. Liam stops the jeep so they can watch several herds go by. Samuel pulls a digital camera out and starts snapping pictures. Margaret records it with a camcorder.

    MARGARET I'm a long way from my lab.

    ROLAND I told you that you'd love it.


    Samuel covers the jeep with a camouflage net while the other three set up an electric net, a makeshift electric fence. They pull supplies from the trailer and start eating. Overhead, something screeches.

    MARGARET What was that?

    ROLAND Just a Pteradon. Hammond said the few that were on Site A might have migrated to here.

    MARGARET Are there any snakes on this island?

    Samuel rolls back laughing and Liam looks at her incredulously.

    LIAM Do you realize that we are on an island infested with dinosaurs, several species of which are quite deadly and you are worried about snakes of all things?

    MARGARET Dinosaurs I can live with, I hate snakes.

    ROLAND Leave her alone, you'd be the same way after you were bitten seven times by a poisonous snake.

    A large tropical spider descends from the tree behind them and lands on Liam's arm. He screams like a girl and throws it off into the darkness.

    SAMUEL (Mockingly) We're on a dinosaur infested island and you're worried about spiders?

    LIAM (Deadly) Not one more word.

    ROLAND I think it's time to go up.

    MARGARET Into the trees?

    ROLAND Up is the safest place.

    They all find places up in the tree for their sleeping bags. Margaret stops when she hears something.

    MARGARET What was that?

    LIAM I didn't hear anything.

    ROLAND Shut up all of you.

    Roland quietly takes out a pair of night-vision goggles and stares out beyond the tree line. He takes the goggles off and points to the rest of the team. They watch as a family of Hadrosaurs walk past.

    LIAM This is amazing.

    SAMUEL Amazing? It's incredible.

    SAMUEL Why would anyone want to destroy these creatures?

    ROLAND Because they aren't all this incredible.

    LIAM They are from a genetic standpoint.

    ROLAND I didn't mean to insult your field of expertise, I was talking about their personalities.


    The team laughs and jokes, several guards patrol the perimeter in military fashion.

    Hunt, Michael and John sit away from the rest of the team.

    MICHAEL Liam's team landed a little after us and they should be at their base camp by now.

    HUNT Who's Liam, what are you talking about?

    MICHAEL Didn't this get explained to you?

    HUNT No, it seems that I've been given a distinct lack of information.

    MICHAEL Liam is in command of this mission from the business point of view. He's with the InGen.he's with John Hammond's team.

    HUNT John Hammond? Why would Hammond put a team onto the island, InGen collapsed, he has no reason.

    JOHN We're not exactly sure why, we have reason to believe that it has something to do with (laughs) saving his dream.

    HUNT Is his team also collecting genetic samples?

    MICHAEL As far as Liam told me, they're taking eggs.

    HUNT Why is a BioSyn man on a team organized by John Hammond?

    JOHN Isn't it obvious? We're going to steal the eggs and whatever else they've collected. Flesh and blood samples are good for the long term but eggs and newly hatched specimens are better in the short term.

    HUNT Why wasn't I told about this?

    MICHAEL I thought you were.

    JOHN It's quite simple. Michael goes and joins up with Hammond's team tomorrow and the day after we join them at the compound.

    HUNT What happens to Hammond's team?

    MICHAEL We drop them in Costa Rica. Wave a little of the green stuff under their noses and they get locked in jail long enough for us to get away.

    HUNT Just inform me of anything else I should be aware of.

    MICHAEL I think you know the rest of the plan, we'll collect the samples tomorrow. Oh and Hunt, most of these guys want to bag a dinosaur so don't do all of the shooting.

    HUNT I wouldn't worry about that, on this island, there is plenty of shooting to go around.


    Roland quietly climbs down from the tree and pulls a satellite phone from her bag in the trailer.


    Hammond watches the TV without much interest. He looks up at the clock and picks up to the phone when it rings.

    HAMMOND Have you had any problems?

    ROLAND None.

    Something hits the electric netting. Roland jumps back and drops the phone. He gets a torch from the jeep and shines it down onto the ground, a single Compy lies dead.


    Hammond taps the phone.

    HAMMOND Roland, Roland are you there?


    Roland shakes her head and picks up the phone.

    ROLAND I'm here, something hit the electric netting, I just wanted to see what it was. By the way, the netting works great.

    HAMMOND What hit it?

    ROLAND A Compy Mr. Hammond, we'll get the eggs tomorrow and then head back.

    HAMMOND Call me if you have any problems.

    ROLAND There won't be any problems.


    As Roland finishes his climb up, he accidentally hits Margaret's foot, Margaret yawns and then starts talking in her sleep. Margaret launches into a lecture on evolution.

    Roland eventually falls asleep but Samuel is woken by Margaret's continuous talk. He sits up and looks around in the dark.

    He looks over to the other side of the tree, Liam sits, turned away, talking softly on a satellite phone and smoking a cigarette. Samuel sneezes because of the smoke, Liam stops talking and looks around. By the time he turns, Samuel is lying down, he mumbles something in his 'sleep'. Liam nonetheless ends the call and stubs out his cigarette.


    Marshall enters and walks over to Lewis.

    MARSHALL Have you found out what Hammond is working on yet? You said that he was doing something with cloning but he's been in Costa Rica for over a year now.

    LEWIS You don't know John Hammond very well do you? Take the word of someone who does, when John Hammond gets a new pet project, he will give it his personal attention for however long it takes to succeed, he can be very fanatical.

    MARSHALL John Hammond is the only competition we have that can threaten us. We need to know what he's working on and we need to know now, I don't care what you're working on at the moment, finish it quickly or give it to someone else to finish but get to work on Hammond.


    The team packs up, half are carriers, carrying the equipment, the other are shooters.

    John helps Michael with applying his fake wounds.

    HUNT What's that for?

    MICHAEL It's all part of the act.

    Michael leaves, carrying a gun he will get rid of before he meets up with Hammond's team.

    The team walks through the jungle, a carrier, LACES, stops to tie up his shoes. A Compy jumps out of the bush, he kicks at it and jumps back into the bush.

    LACES I think I saw a dinosaur.

    JOHN Then where is it?

    LACES In that bush.

    Laces points at the bush, the Compy reemerges and bites his finger.

    LACES Son of a bitch.

    He grabs it with his other hand and snaps its neck. He throws it a at a carrier, ETHAN who takes care of the samples. Ethan puts the Compy into a zip-lock bag.

    Another carrier goes over to Laces and looks into the bush.

    CARRIER 1 It was a mummy.

    The team gathers around to see several small off-white Compy eggs.

    HUNT Leave them, the don't matter

    LACES That's cold, a predator will have a good meal.

    HUNT Yes and in a week that predator along with every other living thing on this island will be dead.

    The team continues to walk, John catches up to Hunt.

    JOHN You're a hunter, I thought you would appreciate that all these creatures are being destroyed.

    HUNT This isn't hunting, this is extermination. Hunting for sport or food is one thing, this is a mass killing, it's completely different, it's a waste.

    One of the shooters ahead of them shouts and the team runs toward him. A stegosaurus runs for them, roaring at the intruders.

    LACES Now that's a dinosaur.

    The shooters shoot at the stegosaurus. None of the bullets even slow it down, the shooters turn and run, Hunt stands his ground and loads a dart into his gun. He takes aim and fires. The stegosaurus drops dead in front of him.

    When the stegosaurus falls, the team stops running and come back to inspect the dead beast. Ethan moves forward and takes scales, a flesh sample and a tube of blood.

    Some of the shooters and carriers move forward and see if it's dead, a few kick at it.

    Ethan finishes, labels the bag and puts it into his pack.

    ETHAN That's three species done, how many left?

    HUNT Three?

    JOHN We also got a sample from the raptor that killed our missing team member.


    Liam parks the jeep and they split up into two teams, Roland and Liam head in one direction while Margaret and Samuel head in the other.

    Roland and Liam go to a Hadrosaur nest, they wait until the parents turn away to feed before they steal several eggs.


    Roland and Liam carefully pack the eggs into specially padded crates.

    LIAM What's going to happen to the eggs once they get back?

    ROLAND I'm not sure, why do you want to know?

    LIAM You're the one leading this mission.

    ROLAND Why does it concern you?

    LIAM I only asked because I want these little guys and girls to be all right.

    ROLAND Right, that's the important thing. All I know is that we only have to get the eggs off the island, then they'll get taken care of by someone. Hammond just wants to give them a chance to live.

    INT. LAB A - DAY

    Hammond and the team crowd around a table in the hatchery as an egg shakes. Peter sets up his camera and catches the birth of a perfect dinosaur, free of faults as far as the tests show.

    HAMMOND Now we can really begin.

    PIERCE Begin?

    MATIAS If we haven't begun yet, what is it that we've been doing all this time?

    HAMMOND This was just the preparation, follow me all of you.

    Matias, Pierce and Peter follow Hammond out of Lab A.


    The four of them enter a room set up with Isla Nublar models and sketches of what Jurassic Park will look like.

    MATIAS What is all of this?

    PETER I don't care, whatever this is, it's cool.

    PIERCE This is Isla Nublar.

    HAMMOND Quite right Mr. Anderson, this is a model of Isla Nublar, the other island we leased from the Costa Rican government. This is where the public will view your collective work, this is Jurassic Park.

    PIERCE Why Jurassic? Why not cretaceous, Triassic or Prehistory?

    HAMMOND The board of directors think that Jurassic has a nice ring to it.

    PIERCE The ring of money pouring in no doubt.

    HAMMOND We've already begun construction on the visitor center and the fences.

    PETER Fences? For what - crowd control?

    HAMMOND On the dinosaur's habitats, to keep both them and the public safe.


    Roland and Liam relax while they wait for Margaret and Samuel to return, Liam sits beside the jeep while Roland sits on the hood. Roland stands when they hear screaming coming from the jungle.

    LIAM What the hell was that?

    ROLAND It wasn't Margaret or Samuel, it's coming from the other direction.

    They follow the sound of the scream into the jungle.


    They find Michael in a shallow creek covered in blood. Liam helps him up and back to the jeep.

    LIAM I just did a first aid course, you go get the others.

    Roland runs off into the jungle to find Margaret and Samuel.


    The man from the creek, Michael, sits up and wipes the 'blood' off his face.

    MICHAEL Good to see you.

    LIAM Let's get to work.


    Roland runs up to Margaret and Samuel who are in the middle of a debate.

    ROLAND Stop arguing, you've got to come back, we found a man.

    MARGARET What do you mean you found a man?

    ROLAND He was in a creek near the jeep, he was bleeding, Liam's giving him first aid.

    They start off back toward the jeep. Samuel carries the eggs in a portable crate. Roland holds up a hand when she hears something.

    SAMUEL What was that?

    ROLAND I don't know so stay absolutely still.

    A bird flies out of tree and scares Margaret, she screams and falls over. She looks through the long grass and sees a black, soulless eye staring at her.

    MARGARET There's something in there.

    Samuel helps her up, they stare over the long grass. Roland pushes it aside and they find a wounded baby Triceratops.

    MARGARET I told you there was a missing baby from that family we stole the eggs from.

    Samuel puts the crate down and goes over to the Triceratops he looks at a wound in its side.

    Roland and Margaret follow him, Margaret pats it on the head.

    ROLAND It's been shot.

    MARGARET Shot?

    ROLAND Did either of you.?


    SAMUEL What the hell is going on?

    ROLAND We're not going to find out standing around here.

    MARGARET Let's get back to the jeep.

    SAMUEL I agree.

    Margaret picks up the crate and starts off but Samuel holds Roland back for a minute.

    ROLAND What is it?

    SAMUEL Be careful around Liam.

    ROLAND Why? What are you talking about?

    SAMUEL Last night, when Margaret's evolution lecture woke me up, I saw him on his satellite phone talking to someone while everyone else was still asleep, don't you think that's strange?

    Roland understands and nods, they run to catch up with Margaret and they make their way back to the jeep.


    Liam has finished dressing Michael's 'wounds'.

    ROLAND Has he said anything yet?

    LIAM Just moans of pain.

    ROLAND They found an injured baby triceratops, it had been shot. We need answers and we need them now.

    Roland looks at Michael.

    ROLAND Who are you? How did you get onto this island?

    MICHAEL My name is Michael, I rented a plane in Costa Rica, I thought it would be fun to see the dinosaurs but my plane crashed due to an electrical fault, it crashed over that way about a day's walk and I didn't shoot anything.

    SAMUEL This is a no fly zone, weren't you worried about getting caught?

    MICHAEL I take risks.

    LIAM Let's just get out of the area, if he didn't do it, it means someone else did.

    MARGARET That's probably a good idea.


    They eat dinner, Michael fakes some head pain to keep up the act. Roland stands.

    ROLAND Excuse me.

    He goes behind the tree.


    As Liam tells a couple of jokes, Samuel looks around. He quietly picks up his rifle. And motions for the other to look, through the darkness of the trees, they can see the faint, ghostly shape of a raptor.


    Roland stands and stares into the darkness, he can hear something.

    A raptor screams and lunges forward, it hits the fence, Roland yells and stumbles back. He gets up and runs back around to the others.


    Other raptors jump at the fence, the fence continues to fry the raptors but it doesn't do any damage.

    ROLAND Get up into the tree, now.

    They all climb up into the tree, Roland hesitates, runs over to the trailer and turns up the amps on the netting.

    A raptor charges the fence, it hits and falls over, it doesn't get up again. A couple of other raptors sniff at their dead companion then they leave.

    LIAM They're gone.

    MARGARET They'll come back, I know they will.

    ROLAND It's OK.

    SAMUEL We keep a continuos watch all night, it's the only way to be safe.


    Ethan puts all the samples into his bag, there's a dozen bags. Laces walks up to Hunt and John.

    LACES I wonder what they taste like?

    JOHN Go cut a chunk off one of the dead ones and throw it onto the fire.

    HUNT I wouldn't recommend that.

    LACES Yeah? And why is that?

    HUNT Although dinosaur jerky may seem appealing, there would still be enough neuro-poison left in it to kill you slowly.

    LACES How slow?

    HUNT Few hours, maybe less.

    JOHN I dare you.

    Laces goes off into the bushes. Hunt and John laugh.

    Laces starts screaming and he runs back into camp, a raptor chases him.

    The shooters stand and shoot at it, they miss in the dark and it jumps onto Laces, pushing its claw into his back.

    One of the shooters gets a good shot and kills the raptor.

    The team goes silent as they hear noises in the jungle all around them.

    HUNT (Yelling) Move out, leave the equipment.

    The team moves out into the dark jungle.


    3/10/2003 2:43:13 PM
    (Updated: 3/10/2003 2:47:34 PM)

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