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By Michael Crichton
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    Cinda-Lin James will be Tea Lenoi's stunt double in JP3 -- James also stunt doubled Julianne Moore in TLW and Hannibal. (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    Jurassic Park: The Video Game
    By Mr. Chaos


    “The Genesis Incident”

    The 21-century has been witness to many things in its short time around. From rigged elections, terrorists, the death of Kenny from South Park and JP3, it has had its share of tragedies. But one that is rarely thought about is the Genesis incident.
    Early in the century, a video game was in the works. IT received much hype and was looked forward to by all. IT is larger than life, grander than life and in the end, impossible. The program scrapped, it became a Sim park game.
    But very few people ever stop and think about the data. The data that had been put into making the game. Does it just go away? Does it dissipate, to never return, or does it take on a life of it’s own?
    In the voids of the gaming world, a gathering of this data has all gotten together, and has created an alternate dimension. A land similar to ours, but with minor differences.

    No one thinks about the data.

    Prologue: The Bite of the Yoshi

    The rain was pouring down on the concrete castle, hammering down on the walls, making it very difficult to hear anything Toad was saying. Toadstool had been at the castle all her life. It was a wonderful place to life and work at.
    But the rain!
    Toad cocked his head to the side. “Listen.”
    “Believe me, I can hear it”
    “NO, Listen.”
    Then she heard it, the sound of a X-Wing humming over the castle. They couldn’t be flying in this weather, but they were! She just couldn’t figure out why they would be so desperate to try and fly in this weather.
    That’s when see heard them calling for a doctor.

    The 2 mushroom workmen hauled in a limp body as a third fox person barked orders. He had a gray vest on with black pants and a laser gun in his holster. “Is there a doctor here.”
    “I’m a princess.” The fox looked at her. She was wearing a frilly dress with stain and lace.
    “Fox McCloud, You’ll have to do, we have a very sick man here.”
    “Then you better take him to a doctor.”
    “Ya, well, when is the last time they made a doctor video game?”
    Toad looked over. “Well, there was Doctor Mario.”
    “He’s in this story later, so the princess will have to do!”
    “What happened to him?”
    “Construction accident. So guy in an Ice Cream truck hit him.”
    “Ice Cream truck?”
    “We get hunger on the job site, ok princess!”
    The large bandicoot was pale and shivering.
    Toad and Toadstool began to work on him. The bandicoot had a large slash from his shoulder to hip. He would probably die and there wasn’t a reset button in sight.
    “Tell me about the injury again.” The princess asked.
    “An ice Cream truck hit him”
    “IT looks like he was mauled.”
    “No No, he wasn’t mauled just hit.
    She looked at the injury. If a Ice Cream truck had hit him, he would have had a shattered testicle, but the was just a cut with white and green polka dotted egg shell fragments and a playstaion logo branded on him.
    Then the bandicoot spoke. “Yoshi.”
    “What did he say?” Toad asked.
    “Yoshi” The bandicoot was now screaming it. Finally, Fox shot him.
    “Much better.”
    “Toad, what is a Yoshi?”
    “It is a demon that eats people and turns them to eggs.”
    Fox grabbed the body and headed out.

    While in her room, toadstool was thinking about the word Yoshi. It made no sense. The bandicoot wasn’t a egg, he was still him.
    She heard a groan in the other room. Another polygon being born. Another mushroom person walked by.
    ‘Hey Betty, what’s a Yoshi?”
    “Look in the dictionary you stupid blond, I got a polygon to deliver.
    Sure enough, it was in there.

    Yoshi\ n [derv. Of L. yoshi eggular, fr. Yoshis] Mario’s dinosaur partner.

    7/9/2002 8:42:24 AM

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