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    The inGen building in TLW was built right next to the old Psycho house at Universal Studios -- little did Vince Vaughn and Julianne Moore know that they would soon star in a Psycho remake, directed by Jan de Bont. (From: Billys_Gal)
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    Dino-Life Chapter 9: Crap and Chaos Unite!
    By Mr.Camel

    The Adventures of Mr. Camel: Dino-Life
    Chapter 9: Crap and Chaos Unite!

    Rick Arnold walked through the old, musty halls that led to the tram. He should have been there. The man with the radio had said they were near the offices and the tram. There was only twenty minutes from the offices to Team 3. He had traveled for two hours since leaving the camp of Team 3.

    “Hello, you tricky bastard!” a voice said.

    Rick looked up to see a soldier with a 9MM Glock standing in front of Rick. The gun was aimed towards Rick’s head.

    “Uh… hi,” Rick answered. He had a plan.

    “Follow me or face the consequences!” the soldier ordered.

    “Just what might those consequences be?” Rick inquired.

    “Ah, a smart ass! I’ll make it simple: Follow me or die a slow painful death!”

    “Hmm… I guess I’ll follow you.”

    “Damn right you will!”

    The soldier around and began to walk forward. Rick grabbed the bloody crowbar that was in his utility belt and jabbed it into the spine of the soldier.

    “My God!” the soldier gasped as he fell to the ground and writhed in agony.

    Rick pulled the crowbar out of the soldier’s back and ran back the way he had come.

    Mr. Camel and Guilty Spark ran down the long corridor, away from the pack of zombies. Guilty Spark shot back and hit one. There were now five of them.

    They came to a dead end.

    “Shit,” Guilty Spark said, turning around.

    Camel looked up and saw a ventilation shaft above. He used the butt of the sniper rifle to break the bars. He climbed up.

    “Up here!” Camel said.

    Guilty Spark turned around and looked up.

    “Where would I be without you?” Guilty Spark said as he climbed up.

    “Probably dead,” Camel answered as he tossed a grenade down.

    Boom! The grenade exploded, killing the zombies.

    “Where to now?”

    “I guess we follow this and see where it leads us,” said Camel as he began to creep down the ventilation shaft, Guilty Spark following.

    “Two-hundred and forty-three…two-hundred and forty-four…two-hundred and forty-five…” TobyCompy continued to count.

    It had been half an hour since DarkDNA succeeded in delaying the escape. DarkDNA was getting bored. He was no longer afraid of a sand shark attacking them.

    “Two…” DarkDNA said.

    “Three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten!” TobyCompy and DarkDNA jumped off of the Black Widow, into the hot sand of the desert.

    The shit ball fight began.

    “To my totally favorite psychiatrist in the world,” Totally Kyle said as he scooped a ball of shit in his hand and threw it into Dr. Junkee’s chest.

    “Dick licker!” Junkee shouted as he threw a shit ball at Kyle.

    “That is totally mean to say to your number one fan!” Kyle tossed another shit ball at Junkee, hitting his stomach.

    Junkee looked up. Splash! A wet turd flew into his face. He looked around and saw that Yvonne had thrown it.

    “This is war!” Junkee yelled as he threw a shit ball at Yvonne. He missed.

    Another wet turd flew into Junkee’s face. Martin Randle had thrown that one.

    “Hey! Where did those two get the gloves?” Totally Kyle yelled as he saw Yvonne and Martin wearing gloves as they scooped up the shit balls and threw them at Kyle.

    “Kyle! Be on my team!” Junkee shouted.

    “But what about the gloves?” Kyle asked.

    “Gloves are for sissies!”

    The shit ball fight was now between Yvonne and Randle vs. Junkee and Totally Kyle.

    “Eat my shit!” Martin said as he threw a shit ball into Junkee’s mouth.

    Junkee spit it out. “Do smell what the Junkee’s shittin’?” He threw a shit ball at Randle and missed. “Damn.”

    “Ah, don’t worry, dude. It’s just a game!” Totally Kyle said.

    “A game that I plan to win!” Junkee said as he tossed another shit ball at Randle. It his ass. “Woo-hoo! Finally hit him! Took a shit with your pants on, Randle?”

    “Let’s see how your hair looks with poo hair gel!” Yvonne giggled as she threw the ball of shit into Junkee’s hair.

    “Ah! Damn you, Yvonne!” Junkee screamed as he tried to scrape the crap out of his hair.

    “Shit bombs away!” Randle yelled as he and Yvonne tossed a huge shit ball at Junkee.

    It seemed to travel through the air in slow motion. All four of them stared in awe as it began to drift downward, towards Junkee. Junkee began to scream.

    BOOM!!! The shit bomb exploded on Junkee.

    “Arr! Me wonders what be happening there,” Captain Darial Longword said as he looked at the huge brown mushroom cloud that rose out of the jungle.

    “It looks like chocolate to me, Captain,” Paleeoguy said.

    “Yeah, is that a guy flying out of it?” AlanGrant5 pointed to a man flying out of the cloud.

    “Arr, if me eyes are functioning right I’d say that man looks a bit like me good friend Dr. Junkee!”

    “Aw, it couldn’t be!” AlanGrant5 said.

    “Arr, yer right, lad. Anyway, check up on Junkee’s psychos, Paleeoguy!”

    “Aye aye, Captain!”

    The Host, Ben, NowAndAgain and Edgar looked up to see the brown mushroom cloud rise out of the jungle.

    “Oh my God,” Host said softly.

    “What the fuck?” NowAndAgain whispered.

    “Bloody hell…” Ben said.

    “Ah, you wonder what that may be, do you? Well I don’t know what it is, but I’d say it looks awfully brown, like chocolate. Yum…chocolate…” Edgar said.

    Rick Arnold arrived back in the room Team 3 had been in. He looked around and realized there was no other path she walked around to the back of the room, where a few crates were lying. Rick walked behind them.

    “A ladder!” Rick said in excitement. He had found a way out.

    Rick climbed the ladder and found himself on top of a building. The wind blew fiercely around him. The only noticeable thing was the giant brown mushroom cloud.

    The area around Junkee was dark. No one could see him because he was cloaked in a cloud of swirling poop flakes.

    “Junkee? Are you OK?” Yvonne asked.

    There was no answer.

    “What do we do now?” she asked.

    “I guess we should try to find a river or lake to clean up in,” Randle suggested.

    “Uh… does she come in with us?” Kyle asked.

    “Um… this does present a problem. Yvonne, what do you think?”

    “Well… you guys could go while I stay here to wait for this cloud to dissipate and when you’re done I could go while you wait,” Yvonne suggested.

    “Excellent! We’ll set off right away!”

    ---Chapter 9 is Completed---

    Will Junkee survive? Chapter 10 coming soon!

    Please comment!

    9/7/2003 2:09:52 PM

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