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    Dino-Life Chapter 7: Military Involvement
    By Mr.Camel

    The Adventures of Mr. Camel: Dino-Life
    Chapter 7: Military Involvement

    Rick Arnold continued to walk through the hallways. Rick now thought he was in an office area because there was now carpeting on the floors and there were offices everywhere. Office doors lined all the hallways.

    “Crap, where do I go?” Rick said to himself.

    “What? Is someone there?” a voice said from inside one of the offices.

    “Yes! It’s Rick Arnold, from the California facility! Where are you?”

    “In the office labeled ‘Frank Winchester’!”

    Rick excitedly looked at the names on the doors.

    Hiss! Rick stumbled back as a stinging green substance hit him. He looked down the hall and saw a two-legged green alien standing in the hall. It had short red tentacles around its mouth and black spots.

    Rick pulled the black 9MM Glock out of his pocket and fired at the bull squid. It took six shots to kill the alien.

    “Mr. Arnold! Are you OK?” the scientist, Frank Winchester, said worriedly.

    “Damn bull squid. Spit some green stuff on me. You have any medical supplies in there?”

    “Yes. You are OK, right?”

    “Yeah, just lost, confused, and this damn stinging shit.”

    Rick continued to look at the names on the windows. It took five minutes for him to find the office of ‘Frank Winchester’.

    Rick turned the doorknob. It was locked.

    “Why did you lock it?”

    “I did?” Winchester said. “Oh, I did. It’s unlocked now.”

    Rick pulled the door open.

    “Ah, hello Mr. Arnold! I’ll get that poison off of you right away!”

    “Thanks,” Rick said as Winchester pulled out a paper towel and began cleaning Rick.

    “So, what are you looking for?”

    “After I exited the testing lab a scientist told me to go to the Llama Dome,” Rick said.

    “Ah, yes, the Llama Dome! It would make sense to go there. The aliens should have trouble getting into there. But a long, hard journey it will be.”

    “Is there any news on the current situation?”

    “Well, first I’ll tell you about the power. A security guard made it down to the control room in the Dinosaur Island facility and fixed the power. It is on in most places, except in some it is still off. These will need to be manually turned back on. Some of the generators and stuff have jammed or aren’t powered.”

    “Will they slow me down?”

    “Some will, yes.”

    “Is that all the news?”

    “No. Some other things that are happening are things like the dinosaur fences shutting off. The dinosaurs are escaping and slowly moving into almost every region of the facility.”

    “Will I have problems with them?”

    “Not for a while. Some good news is that the military is coming to help us! A lot of the way to the Llama Dome is along the canyon. The military will be using some of the equipment we already have here and will bring some of its own.”

    “So most of the way there I will be safe?”

    “Yes, you should be.”

    “There’s another dude, dudes!” Totally Kyle said as he pointed to a man holding a knife in his hand.

    Kyle ran towards the man. “Hey dude! Who are you?”

    “Who are you?”

    “I asked you first!”


    “Good point. I’m Totally Kyle!”

    “I’m Dr. Junkee.”

    “Wow! You are so totally cool! I have a picture of you at my house!”

    “When you get back to your house I want you to burn the picture and flush the ashes down the toilet.”


    “I don’t want little hippies carrying pictures of me. Why do you have the picture?”

    “Dude, you are so hot!”

    Junkee began to walk away.

    “Dude, I was just joking! I want to be just like you when I grow up! You are so totally cool! I worship you!”

    “I still don’t like you, therefore I will pretend I never saw you and continue to walk away.”

    “Junkee!” Randle shouted.

    “No! Why did you do that? We almost escaped, too!” Yvonne whispered.

    “The more people we have, the better chance we have of surviving,” Randle answered.

    “How does that give us a better chance of surviving?”

    “We can throw those two at the dinosaurs if we get attacked. Then, while they are being eaten, we sneak away,” Randle explained.

    “Oh, I see. Good idea!”

    Junkee walked up to Randle and Yvonne.

    “We want you to come with us, Junkee,” Randle said.

    “Are you two with that Kyle kid?”

    “Yeah,” Yvonne answered.

    “Fine, I’ll come,” Junkee said.

    Mr. Camel and Guilty Spark walked stealthily down the halls of the building. Camel led them into a dark room.

    “Where are we now?” Guilty Spark asked.

    “I don’t know. Look for a light switch,” Camel whispered.

    Guilty Spark moved his hand up along the wall. It hit the light switch.

    Mr. Camel and Guilty Spark glanced around the room.

    “Supply room,” Camel said.

    Metal shelves were lined the room. On them were guns, ammunition, food and water. There was also a map.

    “Should we take all of it?” Guilty Spark asked.

    “We should take as much food and water as we can. We should take a few guns as defense,” Camel said.

    Guilty Spark chose to carry an H&K MP5 machine gun. Camel chose a Franchi-Spas 12 semi-automatic shotgun. They also brought an H&K G3 sniper rifle and H&K USP Match.

    Captain Darial Longsword looked up at the thousands of Apache helicopters flying towards the building.

    “Arr, me wonders what be happening in there,” Longsword said.

    “I don’t know,” AlanGrant5 said.

    “Captain, sir! We have a sand shark heading this way, sir!” Paleeoguy reported.

    “Aye! Man the cannons! We’ll have to battle the beast,” Longsword ordered.

    A tan shark fin cut through the desert sand. AlanGrant5 and Paleeoguy each stood by a cannon.

    “Aim! Fire!” Longsword commanded.

    Boom! Boom! The cannonballs launched toward the fin. A cloud of sand erupted as the cannonballs struck the sand. As the cloud dissipated the fin moved closer.

    “Arr! A tough one we got! Reload! Aim! Fire!”

    Boom! Boom! The cannonballs launched into the sand again. Another cloud of sand appeared. The fin continued to move closer to the Black Widow.

    “Arr! I reckon this ain’t working, mates! Plan B. Get the hell out of here!”

    Paleeoguy ran up to the helm and turned the Black Widow around, away from the sand shark.

    The general, Evilgrinch, paced back and forth on the lead helicopter.

    “When we get there you boys are kill everything you see, especially the aliens and dinosaurs.”

    “Sir, do we kill the people, too?” one soldier asked.

    “Yes, Corporal Aragorn, we’re to kill everyone, especially the man who caused this mess,” Evilgrinch said strictly.

    “Sir, who would that be?” Corporal Aragorn asked.

    “A scientist by the name of Rick. Rick Arnold.”

    “Why must we kill all the people?” asked the platoons scout, Raptor Dude.

    “You say sir when you ask me that, sergeant! Now let’s try that again!”

    “Sir, why must we kill the people?”

    “I was ordered to tell you that because there must not be any survivors! No witnesses!”

    “But we’ll be witnesses!” Dino-Snore, the Heavy-Weapons Guy said.

    “Shut up!”

    -----Chapter 7 has ended----
    Please comment! Chapter 8 is Coming Soon!

    9/4/2003 8:57:11 PM

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