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    JP star Jeff Goldblum starred as scientist Jim Watson in the 1987 TV movie about the race to define the structure of DNA before a rival group of scientists did so, "The Race for the Double Helix". (From: 'BJP3E')
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    DIno-Life Chapter 14 The Package
    By Mr.Camel

    The Adventures of Mr. Camel: Dino-Life
    Chapter 14: The Package

    Dark Hunter drove the green military cargo truck further into the garage. Inside the truck was one of the most dangerous weapons in the world.

    “Okay, stop!” RaptorVinny shouted over the diesel engine.

    Dark Hunter stopped the truck and jumped out.

    “Where are Carnotaur3 and Punk Nerd?” Dark Hunter asked.

    RaptorVinny pointed to the far side of the garage. Carnotaur3 was holding a bottle of spray paint. Dark Hunter heard them talking, but they weren’t loud enough to understand. Carnotaur3 shook the bottle and wrote on the wall. He stood back to admire his work.

    Now painted onto the wall was: Traders dye! It was supposed to say: Traitors die!

    “Oh God. Can’t he spell?” Dark Hunter asked.

    “Nope, I guess not,” laughed RaptorVinny.

    “Ah, okay,” said Dark Hunter. They were silent for a minute. “So, what will the ‘Package’ do?”

    “It’ll blow this place to hell!” RaptorVinny laughed.

    “How do we get out?” asked Dark Hunter.

    “We set it for five minutes, then we run to the chopper and get the hell out of here!”

    “Okay… when do we set it?”

    RaptorVinny looked at his watch. “Thirty minutes.”


    Mr. Camel and Guilty Spark peered out through the bars of the grate covering the ventilation shaft. They had heard the whole conversation between Dark Hunter and RaptorVinny.

    “Bloody hell, the government is trying to kill us all!” Mr. Camel whispered.

    “Jesus, we’ve got to find a way to stop them,” Guilty Spark said.

    “No, really?”


    Martin Randle rolled out of the tunnel and landed on his back, refreshed by the clean air. The pigeons hadn’t come past the jungle for some reason. Yvonne came up soon after.

    “Why aren’t the pigeons coming out of the jungle?” Yvonne asked.

    “I don’t know, but it’s a damn good thing for us,” Martin said. “We would be going a lot farther if they did come out.

    Dr. Junkee came next.

    “Thank God, fresh air at last!” Junkee gasped.

    Suddenly a large brown alien spider appeared about fifty feet away.

    “Oh shit. I bet that’s why the pigeons don’t come here,” Martin said.

    “What?” Yvonne hadn’t heard or seen the spider yet.

    “Shit!” Junkee jumped back down into the tunnel and Martin followed.

    “Where are you guys going?” Yvonne turned around to see the giant spider charging towards her. “Oh, fuck.”

    Yvonne turned back to the tunnel, but the sand had covered it. She used here hands to try and open it up again, but it was useless. It would take too long. With no other option, Yvonne stood up and began to run towards the nearest building. She was able to run slightly faster than the spider, which was pretty fast.

    “Oh joy! I’m going to make it there first!” Yvonne looked back at the spider and stuck her tongue out at it.

    She reached the building five minutes later, panting for breath. She locked the steel doors and walked deeper into the building. I seemed to be a large storage area.

    Crash! The spider had broken right through the wall.

    “Damn! I should have known that would happen,” Yvonne said as she began to run again.

    She ran alongside the wall, hoping to find some other way out.

    Whoosh! Crash! The ceiling caved in.

    “Oh my God…” Yvonne whispered.

    “One-hundred-ninety-two!” a distant voice shouted.

    Yvonne looked to her left to see that Martin, Junkee, and Totally Kyle were sitting in lawn chairs, eating popcorn and watching. Yvonne held up her middle finger to them.

    “That’s not nice!”

    Yvonne looked back over to what had broken the ceiling. It was a large green dragon. It had two puny wings and a large, muscular arm on its neck. The beast walked on two stick legs. It was… the legend… TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR!!!

    The Trogdor theme music played. Everyone sang along, except the spider, which was thinking about how crazy a planet earth was.


    Trogdor was a man…
    I mean, he was a dragon man
    Uh… I mean he was just a dragon
    Um… but he was still TROGDOR!!!


    Burninating the countryside,
    burninating all the peasants.
    Burninating all the people,
    And the thatch-roofed cottages!

    Thatch-roofed cottages!!!

    And the Trogdor comes in the night!” everyone sang.

    It ended. Trogdor burninated the spider and flew away just as suddenly as he had come.

    “Woo-hoo! All hail Trogdor!” Yvonne yelled in happiness.

    They had survived the alien spider.


    “We must now instigate the pigeons; let them know that we are ready,” Kooloomoo said.

    “Yes, we must,” agreed Seth Rex.

    “Perform the Instigating, I will,” Kooloomoo stated.

    The Instigating:

    Yo, stupid poopy-heads! Come on over here and fight! What are you, chicken! BAWK! BAWK! Come on, losers! You know you want to fight! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!

    (Music starts)

    Come on!

    (The Sand Shark army began to chant, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”)

    Yeah, y’all come and fight now! You’ve been waiting for us! We know it! There is no other reason y’all would have come! Fight you stupid, girly pigeons!

    The Instigating has ended.

    The pigeons flew away from the jungle. They lined up in front of the Sand Sharks. Both armies were in formation, it was just like the old European wars. Each had an organized army; standing in lines and rows, ready to fight.

    Seth began to give out orders. “Ready…” The Sand Sharks readied their rifles. “Aim…” The Sharks aimed their rifles at the enemies. “FIRE!!!”

    Another war had just started between the Sand Sharks and the Pigeons. The pigeon soldiers took to the sky and bombarded the Sharks with their acid poop while the sharks shot with their rifles.


    Host opened his eyes. He stared around the room. Edgar and Ben sat in corners, motionless.

    “Oh my God!” Host lifted himself up and hopped over to the windows. “Holy shit!”

    “What? What happened?” Edgar said, standing up.

    “The pigeons… they’re gone!” Host said excitedly.

    Edgar listened for the sound of the pigeon feces splattering on the roof. The sound was gone. Edgar rushed to the window and pushed Host to the floor.

    “Ow… my leg… Help…” Host said.

    The pigeons were nowhere in sight! Edgar could actually see the sun!

    “Hell, he’s right!” Edgar ran out of the back door to get some fresh air.

    “Can you help me up?” Host looked over at Ben, who was also about to go outside.

    “Nope,” Ben said, walking outside.

    “Meanies!” Host shouted as he tried to pull himself up into a chair.


    The new General Aragorn led his troops through the desert. Among his small army were: Raptor Dude (the scout), Dino Dude (the heavy weapons guy), Dino-Snore (the engineer), Ambrose (the medic), Crow (the sniper), and Amber (the spy). Also with him was theriddler, a black ops spy.

    Aragorn was following in the direction the pigeons had gone. Up ahead was a garage. He decided that he would let his men rest there for about ten minutes before continuing.


    Mr. Camel and Guilty Spark continued to sit in the ventilation shaft, thinking of a plan.

    “Well, maybe we should just run out there and shoot them all,” Guilty Spark suggested. “There’s four of them and two of us… we at least have a chance.”

    “Oh, damn, I suppose we shall… we only have six minutes left,” Mr. Camel agreed.

    Camel kicked the grate out and loaded his Franchi-SPAS 12 shotgun. Guilty Spark stood beside him, carrying an MP5 submachine gun, also with the G3 sniper rifle slung over his shoulder.

    “This is it. Here we go,” Mr. Camel said.

    They ran around to where the spies were sitting. At the same moment, a group of soldiers walked in. They all stared at each other.

    “Uh… hi there! How are you guys doing today?” Dark Hunter asked.

    “Should I start the bomb now? Carnotaur3 asked.

    “Yeah!” Punk Nerd shouted.

    The soldiers loaded their guns and began to fire.

    “HOLD IT! Cease fire!” Aragorn yelled to his troops.

    Fortunately, they hadn’t hit anyone… or anything. Carnotaur3 set off the timer and stood.

    “Shoot it and we all die,” Carntaur3 warned.

    The black ops began to run away.

    “Shoot them! Be careful!” Aragorn yelled.

    The black ops fired back. Mr. Camel fired a shot at the spy who had first spoken.

    “Shit! Help!” Dark Hunter screamed as the shell hit his leg.

    Dark Hunter’s fellow agents stopped and began to fire at the soldiers. Crow was reloading his rifle.

    “I got the sniper!” RaptorVinny yelled as he fired a stream of bullets into Crow.

    “Ahhhhhhggggg!” Crow screamed as he fell to the ground.

    Mr. Camel crawled over to Dark Hunter and pulled him away.

    “Hey! Stop it! Help!” Dark Hunter screamed in resistance.

    Punk Nerd aimed his gun at Camel, but his head exploded into a bloody mess before he could get the shot off. Camel and Dark Hunter looked over to see Guilty Spark grinning as he slung the G3 back over his shoulder.

    “Nice shot mate!” Mr. Camel cheered. He looked back over at Dark Hunter. “How do we turn that damned thing off?”

    “I’m not telling!” Dark Hunter said stubbornly.

    “Oh, you better,” said Mr. Camel.


    A pineapple magically appeared in his hands.

    “Do you want this up your ass?”

    “Drag me over to the bomb,” Dark Hunter sighed.

    Mr. Camel began to drag Dark Hunter over to the bomb so he could disarm it.

    Theriddler suddenly began firing at the soldiers. Dino-Snore, who was setting up a cannon, fell over, dead.

    “Ha, damn traitor! Die!” theriddler yelled.

    Dino Dude aimed his auto-cannon, a huge machine gun, at theriddler. About fifty rounds flew into theriddler.

    “Damn the traitors! AHHH!!!” theriddler screamed.

    He now looked like a sponge; he was filled with holes. The dead body collapsed. Amber jumped over the body and ran towards the spies. Carnotaur3 shot Amber’s knees, sending him to the ground. RaptorVinny approached Amber and removed a large knife from his pocket. He jabbed it into Amber’s chest.

    “NOOOOO!!!!!!” Amber screamed.

    Ambrose, not realizing that Amber had died, rushed up to the body.

    “Are you okay?” Ambrose screamed over the gunfire.


    “ARE YOU OKAY?” Ambrose screamed into Amber’s ear.

    RaptorVinny shot Amber in the stomach.

    “MOMMY!!!” Ambrose screamed before dieing.

    Carnotaur3 ran up next to RaptorVinny.

    “Good work, man!” Carnotaur3 put out his hand for a high five.

    Dino Dude squeezed the trigger of his heavy gun. Bullets began flying out of the machine gun. The gun clicked. Out of ammunition. The smoke cleared from the scene. Carnotaur3 lay dead on the floor, but RaptorVinny was out of sight. The three remaining soldiers began running, hoping to be able to hunt down RaptorVinny.


    “Ah ha!” Dark Hunter said in triumph.

    “You disarmed it?” Guilty Spark asked.

    “Yeah, we’ll live,” said Dark Hunter, happily.

    “Jolly good show there, um… what’s your name?” Camel asked.

    “I am Dark Hunter,” Dark Hunter said.

    “Ah yes, Dark Hunter. I have read about you before,” Camel said.

    “Really?” Dark Hunter asked excitedly.

    “No. But you still did a good job disarming the bomb!”

    “Yeah… I did,” Dark Hunter was disappointed. He thought he was famous for a second there… “Who are you guys?”

    “I am Mr. Camel of the ITIA…”

    “And I am Guilty Spark, Mr. Camel’s sidekick. If we complete this mission, I get promoted to being a full agent!” Guilty Spark said happily.

    “Congratulations!” Dark Hunter said.


    “Well, what do we do now?” Dark Hunter asked.

    “Try to find the Black Widow,” Camel said.

    “The what?”

    “The Black Widow! It’s a pirate ship that goes in sand! It should be patrolling around the perimeter of the walls,” Mr. Camel explained.

    “Oh… cool!”

    Guilty Spark applied a bandage to Dark Hunter’s leg and they were off to find the Black Widow.

    “We’re off to find the Widow, the Blackest Widow of all!”


    “Almost done!” the scientist yelled.

    Rick Arnold sighed. The teleporting machine would soon be done.

    “Ah ha!” the scientist yelled. “Give me five minutes!”

    The room flashed purple, then green.

    “Damn, guard me until I finish it!” the scientist screamed.

    Rick looked up to see some aliens floating at the top of the domed roof. Rick loaded the plasma beamer and fired up at the aliens.

    “WEEEEEE!” the aliens screamed.

    One flew down and landed in front of Rick.

    “WEE HEE KEE HEE!!!” the alien screamed.

    “Fuck you too,” Rick shot the aliens head off.

    An orange ball of fire flew down. Rick jumped out of the way before he was burned. He fired another shot into the crowd of aliens on the ceiling.


    An alien fell down and landed next to Rick. He fired another shot up.

    “RICK!!! IT’S DONE!!! QUICKLY!!! GO!!!” the scientist screamed as one alien jumped down from the ceiling and devoured his face.

    Rick ran into the floating, green ball that hung suspended in the air.

    Rick Arnold was transported to the alien world. There was no turning back now.

    Thanks for reading chapter 14! I hope you enjoyed it!

    10/29/2003 5:50:42 PM

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