Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Jeff Goldblum once directed a short film called "Little Surprises" which was nominated for an Academy Award. (From: 'Troodon')
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    Live sample
    By Mess

    “We need a live sample.” Jim kept repeating the words over and over in his head on the helicopter ride over. He was a thin man in his 20’s, with jet black hair. He had his equipment ready, the tranquilizer guns, the ones for small animals, big animals, and huge animals. He had a small hand tranquilizer gun on his side in its holster, he had the large one on a strap hanging off his back, and he had the huge one in a special case he carried onto the chopper. Secretly though, he had no huge tranquilizer gun, the case housed a shotgun, and dual desert eagles.
    “Drop zone in 15 minutes.” The pilot said.
    He tried to gather his thoughts, he took out the map. It was a novelty map from when the island was still a park, he knew it was useless for tracking, the animals were surely everywhere. But he could use it to get familiarized with the island. The man in charge of the job was sitting across from him, Frank Julius, the 40 year old president of the newly branched prehistoric wildlife fund. A few years back, Frank and a group of men went to the island to study the remains of the dinosaurs killed in the bombings, they found more than remains, and Frank was the only survivor. A large gash is visible on his tanned face, from the top left of his head, down to the middle of his jaw. He believed it was not the dinosaurs fault, it’s just what they do, he would tell you. And he wanted to study a live sample. Jim was not sure of his reasons, but Jim was not one to ask, his pay he was receiving was good a good enough reason for him.
    “Well,” Frank said smiling, “It’s about time you got ready.” Jim packed up his gear. “Good luck to you and your team.”
    Jim had almost forgotten about his team, he was so deep in thought. All code names, Jim’s code name was “Red”. Their was “Spike” (medium hight, husky man of around 32, balding) “Jet” (Tall, built, black man of 38, shaved head) “Vicious” (A gray long haired 23 year old.) and “Ein” (Short 27 year old, “pretty boy good looks”)
    Jim stood up to address the Crowd. “Ok boys, this is gonna be simple. We need to trank one animal and bring it back to “drop zone, is that clear?”
    “Yes sir!” They all barked.
    “I think we’re ready Frank. Are we over Drop Zone?”
    “Yes.” Frank replied. “Remember, I need it alive.”
    “We know, sir” Spike said.
    “Well then good luck to you gentlemen.” Frank handed them the rope and opened the door. One by one the men slid down the rope, slamming to the ground.

    The men unpacked their things as the chopper took off. They all tossed their trank guns into a waterfall that was near. All of the men had big cases like Jim’s and all the men pulled non tranquilizing guns out of them. Spike and two Uzis, Jet had an M16, Vicious carried an M4, and Ein had an AK47. All the men had shotguns thrown over their backs, and all the men had backpacks full of clips. Jim always sold him self to the highest bidder, and it was a shame Frank didn’t give him more, Ingen had he beat by far in the payment area. The now legit medical company feared they couldn’t take another shock wave of dinosaur rumors, and need Jim his crew to kill them all. Vicious pulled out a katana blade from an equipment bag he was carrying around.
    “What the hell’s that for?” Jet said.
    “It’s kind of a good luck charm,” He replied. “And if something gets too close for comfort….” Vicious’ blade was out of its hostlers and back in within 2 seconds. A small tree near by broke in half.
    “Looks like it is gonna be good luck.” Ein said.
    “Gentlemen, lets remember what we have to do here. The cars should be somewhere near. We’re gonna split up into teams of 2 and 3. The team of two will consist of me and Jet, ‘Team Alpha.’ The team of three will be led by you Vicious, and will consist of him, Spike, and Ein, ‘Team Beta.’ At sun fall we head back to the heliport, where the ingen chopper will be waiting. Poor old Frank, someone tipped off the Costa Rican government of his plans, as soon as he gets back, he will be arrested. No one gave him any back round info, right?” They all shook their heads. “Good. The cars should be over the hill to our immediate north, so let’s suit up, men, we’ve got some hunting to do.”

    After a quick stop at the jeeps, the men split up with team Alpha heading northeast and team Beta heading northwest. The jeeps were hoodless, perfect for chases. The two teams had set up a radio link between cars. Among other things, Jet had an image of the island with a tracking devise from ingen on a small portable device. The company had been monitoring the island ever since it was bombed, they had tracks on all the animals in the park. “Alpha come in, this is Beta, conforming position, 39, 84. Jet punched in the numbers, the screen made an approval noise and a circle went around one of the many dots on the LCD screen. A picture came up in the right hand of the screen, it was of a Dilophosaurus
    “It’s a go.” Jet said.
    Jim yelled into his walky-talky, “Position confirmed Beta, animal name(he was reading from the screen) Dilophosaurus, dinosaur code name, Spitter. Highly toxic venom, proceed with caution. Average size 10 feet. Sharp claws. Bring animal down, I repeat, Bring animal down.”
    “Sure thing Red. Although, I think that things wrong, it looks 13 feet to me.” Vicious said as he clicked off the walky-talky.

    Beta’s car was doing 40 trying to get away from the spitter. Spike was driving. Vicious was sittingin the passenger seat beside him, and Ein was in back.
    “This one’s yours, pretty boy” Vicious said to Ein. “It’s too easy.”
    “With pleasure.” Ein said. “It does look rather easy. Can I ask, what’s with the gray hair?” Ein kneeled down on the seat and laid his elbows down on the back of the jeep.
    “It’s dyed, I dye it because, it scares people. And in my line of work, that’s what my higher ups are looking for.” Vicious said.
    “Bounty hunters are a weird breed.” Spike said.
    “Look who’s talking.” Vicious said.
    “How did you know…” Spike said softly.
    “You got one of my kills once, Mr. Grable. Costed me some money, I was pissed at you.”
    “Grable, oh yeah, that jogger, that was you?”
    “The one that watched you shoot him, yes.”
    “Man, I was scared to hell that you were some civilian who was gonna take it to the police.”
    “Guys, it’s obvious we’re all bounty hunters, now if you’ll excuse me I’m trying to get some work done.” Ein said. He lifted his AK. Never had he seen such a huge animal. Suddenly, the black spit came shooting out of the animal’s mouth. It hit the spare tire on the back of the car. “Nice try” Ein said as he pulled the trigger. A barrage of bullets came shooting out of his AK, all of them hitting the spitter. A few hit the animals head, then he moved for the legs. With one shot to the foot the animal was down the animal was down.
    “Stop.” Vicious said. Spike slammed on the brakes sending Ein flying into the front of the car.
    “Sorry.” Spike said as he hit reverse. They drove back to the spitter lying on the ground. It’s body was covered in a sea of blood and the black liquid.
    “Looks like you hit one of its poison sacks.” Spike said. The animal was still squirming. Ein unloaded the another clip into it. Ein went to touch the spit. Spike grabbed his hand.
    “I wouldn’t do that I were you.” Spike said, pointing to the spare tire. The spit was eating away at it.
    “Thanks.” Ein said. He grabbed the radio and screamed into, “Alpha, Spitter is down, I repeat, Spitter is down.”

    To be continued……..

    6/13/2002 9:02:27 PM

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