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    Me ER Season 1 episode 1 The Fire
    By Mellopas

    Two doctors are walking toward a building. The building is a hospital the doctors are standing very still. “How are those people standing there?” says one doctor pointing to a group of people that look like young doctors.
    “Their med-students, fox you get John Carter and Mark you can get Yvonne.” Say’s another doctor.
    “Hi I’m you mentor Dr. fox Mulder. You must be John Carter”. Says Mulder.
    “Yes I am please to meet you fox.” says John.
    “MULDER!” shouts Mark. “Can you show John and Yvonne to the shopping mall?”
    “Sure” says Mulder. As the three of them walk down to the shopping mall they see 4 kids mucking around them they just ignore them.
    “Wait here ok I need to get something for the shop.” says Mulder. As Mulder walks in to the shop those four kids walk in behind him then 2 minutes later. John here’s a blast from the shop then they see smoke pluming out in front of them. “What do you think we should do?” Says Yvonne.
    “Lets run to the ER and tell them.” Says John. When they get in they have to catch their breath. ”Mulder…trapped…shopping…fire,” shouts Carter.
    “What.” Says Mark.
    “The shopping mall’s on fire and Mulder’s trapped.” Says Yvonne.
    “Lets go.” Mark said. He Talk’s to another doctor and says ”get ready shopping mall’s on fire and me, Carter and Yvonne are going ok, clear all trauma rooms. Call burns unit and get fire brigade and some rigs over their now.” As Mark and the med-students run over all they see for miles are smoke but every so often they see some flames peeping out.
    “Who are you?” says a fireman.
    “Were doctors” says Mark. Then Mark’s phone beeps then it rings. “Hello…Mulder where are you? Good. Are you ok? Stay there we’ll get you.” Says Mark talking to Mulder on his phone. Three people start running out of the building.
    “Can I get these? Mark or at least 1 and Yvonne could get the other 1.” Says John.
    “Yes of course” says Mark.
    John get’s out his phone and call’s the ER and says ” Randy its John Carter get me a doctor get him on phone NOW” John runs up and grabs the worst out of the bunch of survivor’s “hello… hey Dr. Trew…its John Carter med-student I need help can you tell me how to treat this patent… her name is sally cooper… she has a third-degree burn and a tib-fib fracture on her left leg, she has abduction of her right leg. BP 280/190…yeah from the fire … can you prep a trauma room now.” He hang’s the phone up. “I need an ambulance NOW!” Shouts John. An ambulance pulls up beside him. “I’m John Carter med-student. Get this patient to the hospital!” Say’s John. He then gets out his phone and calls the ER. “Randy is Carter my ETA is 5 minutes tell Dr Trew.” Says John. As the ambulance stops at the Hospital. He opens the doors and sees Dr. Trew and 4 Nurses. They wheel her to the trauma room.
    “Carter you intubate ok. I need AGB, An IV, blood culture, BP, CBC, Chem 7, chest film and an EEG”. Says Dr. Trew.
    As Carter Intubates, a nurse run’s into the trauma room saying” We’ve found him he’s in V-fib and his ETA is 10 minutes I’m Prepping the other Trauma room, Mark and Yvonne’s brining him in.”
    “I’m in.” say’s Carter.
    “Ok Carter phone surgeon and when he’s arrived you can deal with in.” say’s Dr. Trew.
    Carter reaches for the phone and say’s “hello this is John Carter I need a surgeon down here now…the BP is 120/80.”
    “Carter that’s him in now.” Says Dr. Trew.
    “I’ll call the Burns Unit.” Said Carter “Hi, I have a patient down here with 3rd degree burns all over his body”. He walks into the trauma room where Fox is lying down and they’re shocking his heart.
    “Ok I’ll intubate him, Carter can you phone his Family, Yvonne and you can tell his family what has happened”. Say’s Mark. As the both of them walk out a nurse say’s “we have rhythm back heart beat is 68 and BP is climbing.” As they walk out of the Trauma room.
    Yvonne say’s to Carter “I’ll phone ok, Carter he’ll make it.”
    “Ok.” Say’s Carter.
    “Hey Carter great save with your first patient, and if Fox Makes it then you deserve a doctor’s certificate.” Says Dr. Trew.
    “Thanks I’ll remember that.” Say’s Carter.
    “Go home ok ill sort everything else you’ve had a very hard first day.” says Dr. Trew.
    “Ok bye then see you tomorrow.” Say’s Carter

    9/24/2002 3:01:51 PM

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